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Everything posted by Kraeten

  1. That's the thing though, is there in fact preparation for a war effort? It isn't difficult to notice that none of the Imperial characters including the Emperor don't express a desire to initiate war with the Dominion. From what we can see the Empire is more concerned with maintaining the status quo than anything else, which is why despite focusing their military efforts along the southern perimeter they nevertheless walk on eggshells when dealing with the Thalmor.
  2. It's not so much an issue of trust (and for the record, I do think Ulfric is sincere that he at least PLANS to fight the Thalmor) it's about the weight of evidence. Multiple sources indicate the Empire is preparing for war. Where as there is only a single source which states that Ulfric WILL prepare for war. Because of this, people who claim that the Empire won't fight, but Ulfric Will, are outright denying the evidence in-game. Multiple sources indicate the Empire is preparing to repel the Dominion, there are none to my knowledge that demonstrate it is willing to mount any kind of invasion/offensive like Ulfric clearly desires to.
  3. Building a player home is pretty easy. There are a couple different video tutorials on youtube to help out a newcomer too. Here's one for example. Exterior wise, there are a couple player homes available already which use that same model. All of these however tend to have huge interiors, so yours would stand apart if you go for small and cozy instead. If you'd rather not make the abode yourself, Barad Mithost is fairly close to what you have in mind.
  4. I'd imagine it's very similar to the way a person would do it using 3DS Max. You'd download and install the plug-in, and make sure the export settings look like this. http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/5622-1-1325991396.png Export your model. Now you'll have a .nif, but it will require some further editing to work in Skyrim. You need to copy a vanilla BSLightingShader property onto your new .nif using NifSkope. Set the BSNumUVSets to 4097 so normal maps work, then run the .nif through NIFCONVERT which is included in NifUtilsSuite. You'll then have to apply collision onto your mesh. Typically this would be made from a low poly version of your model, but otherwise you would simply copy your .nif and select it as the Collison File in ChunkMerge. ChunkMerge is also included in NifUtilsSuite. If your modeler wants someone to chat with, he's welcome to PM me with questions. If it's only a few simple statics I could also convert them for you if you'd like.
  5. Looks great! Only suggestion I would offer is to setup the emmitance data on the buildings. That way the windows change color over the course of the day. Thanks for keeping us posted.
  6. Every time you export you need to copy a new BSLightingShaderProperty. To save time, keep a version of your armor with the correct BSLightingShaderProperty and use it as a template for every time you export a new version of that particular mesh. So all you should have to do in the end is open up your new exported armor in NifSkope, click Remove Branch over the messed up shader property then Paste the correct BSLightingShaderProperty onto the mesh.
  7. Rather surprised you didn't find the answer already through Google. It's fairly common knowledge that you always need to copy the BSLightingShaderProperty from a vanilla mesh onto your new one using NifSkope. 3DS Max pretty much always messes up that data on export.
  8. It takes a few days, mainly because it requires the artist to use so many different talents. First there's sculpting, then there's painting, and then you have to weight paint the outfit onto a skeleton. And this is ignoring other tidbits like creating meshes to represent your outfit in the player's inventory menu.
  9. A vast improvement. Your Winterhold provides a glimpse at the splendor the city might have possessed before the Great Collapse. :thumbsup:
  10. It only succeeded because the Emperor played right into their hands when he signed the Concordant. The only province it failed to antagonize was High Rock. The matter is still fairly straight forward if we look at it that way. Elves arrive at the Empire's door, they make unreasonable demands, then dump the heads of the Imperial's elite defenders at the Empire's feet. War is naturally declared. War is waged. The casualties on both sides are horrendous. Elves explain that if there's to be peace, they want those old demands of theirs to be met. Now lets weigh the pros and cons of the offer. Accept the offer and the war ends, but at the cost of apparently giving up one of your THREE remaining provinces in addition to antagonizing the third. Deny the offer, and continue fighting....because what did the eighth legion and the rest of those killed in the struggle die for otherwise?
  11. Unless you're misunderstanding the context. Hammerfell's neighbors are under Dominion influence, which is in stark contrast to Hammerfell's defiance. More importantly, the fact that Sadia had to flee Hammerfell altogether goes a long way towards supporting the argument that the Dominion has no influence there. Or at least so little influence that they cannot protect their own agents...which is a far cry from the Empire's conduct. For the third time now, I'm not saying the Empire was so well off after the Great War that they could have taken the fight to the Summerset Isles. The Empire was however on enough solid ground that they could have refused to submit to the Dominion's demands. If Hammerfell can defy the Dominion for five years, the combined might of High Rock, Skyrim and Cyrodiil could have held on for long enough to get a better deal out of the Dominion.
  12. Would the Dominion have agreed to the treaty without being bitterly resisted for five years? To completely ignore their military success in favor in favor of focusing on the treaty is pretty disingenuous. As for Kematu's statements, you're clearly misunderstanding the context. During the war with the Dominion, Taneth fell, after it was apparently betrayed from within. That was Sadia's work. Here's the dialogue in case you need a reminder. "She sold the city out to the Aldmeri Dominion. Were it not for her betrayal, Taneth could have held its ground in the war. The other noble houses discovered her betrayal and she fled. They want her brought back alive. The resistance against the Dominion is alive and well in Hammerfell, and they want justice." And again, I'm not arguing complete victory over the Dominion was possible. It's the Empire's submission to the Dominion's demands that I'm arguing was completely unnecessary. Given that the Summerset Isles hadn't been ravaged by war, an invasion so soon after the Great War would have failed. A bitter stand off reminiscent of our Cold War was probably inevitable.
  13. And after that treaty was signed, the Dominion withdrew from Hammerfell's shores. Quibble over verbiage if you like, the end result is the same. I never said that. I would instead argue that with the main invasion force annihilated, the Dominion's military reach and strength had been weakened sufficiently that the Empire needn't submit to any demands. Invasion of the Summerset Isles would still be a venture that would require years of preparation.
  14. If it appears like lunacy, then you obviously haven't given the assertion enough thought. The Empire defeated the main invasion force in Cyrodiil, but instead of holding that victory high to rally what was left of the Empire the Emperor chose to capitulate to the Dominion's demands, essentially making everything they'd lost in defense of the Empire a pointless exercise. The Dominion's demands which sparked the war in the first place were met. Or perhaps I should say they would have been completely met, had Hammerfell not proven itself stronger than Mede's weak Empire. Hammerfell successfully repelled the Dominion on its own. To borrow a quote from a movie I'm fond of, "Will is everything! The will to act." Hammerfell had the willpower, Mede and the rest of his Empire did not. Had Mede and his Empire demonstrated the same willpower the Empire would have been capable of holding onto all of its remaining provinces.
  15. Bethesda forbade their use in Skyrim, that's all you needed to say. It's wholly unnecessary to slander Bethesda's work, not to mention foolish since Beyond Skyrim is obviously trying to imitate Oblivion's "horrible" models.
  16. Prometheus has earned over 250 Kudos from the Nexus community for his many contributions. His work has always been legitimate. The only thing "pointless" about this thread is your BASELESS post.
  17. Civil War Overhaul restores that content. It even includes the original dialogue recorded for that scene.
  18. One thing I do like about debating with you Lachdonin is you do encourage me to revisit the source material, as I did seem to remember Igmund blatantly explaining why Ulfric was arrested. And after checking, he does. So without further ado, I will completely refute your argument that Ulfric was arrested for the crimes the Bear of Markarth accuses him of. Take note, this dialogue is taken word for word. ***** Player: Has the war been hard on Markarth? Jarl Igmund: It all started here. This rebellion. When the Empire lost the Reach during the Great War, we became desperate. We promised a group of Nord militia free worship in exchange for their help to retake the Hold. Then the Elves found out about it. We were forced to arrest all of them. Ulfric Stormcloak, their leader, used the whole thing as proof that the Empire had abandoned Skyrim. The Rebels called it the Markarth Incident. It was the founding day for the Stormcloaks, and where this war really started. Player: Why did you arrest the Nord militia? Jarl Igmund: The White Gold Concordant. Our treaty with the elves after the Great War forbids the worship of Talos. But that's what we promised Ulfric and his men. It seemed foolish looking back but at the time we were hoping the elves wouldn't find out. So when they did find out, it was either arrest Ulfric and the militia or enter into yet another war with the Aldmeri Dominion. The choice was clear, and now Ulfric threatens the thinly veiled peace we sacrificed so much for.
  19. Because that was the best way to put a positive spin on the Empire's shortcomings. Many of the Imperial written books likewise attempt such positive spins. Like when Quintius tried to put a positive spin on the Emperor's surrender, or when Venatus attempted to encourage acceptance of the ban on Talos worship. Spin, spin, and more spin. Wise individuals would do well to read these books with a heaping amount of suspicion.
  20. They did , actually. Look at your precious Bear of Markarth again. "We allowed them to worship Talos, in full violation of the White-Gold Concordant With the Aldmeri Dominion."
  21. By forcing the Empire to renege on the ban of Talos worship, Ulfric put the Empire in a position where it was challenging the Dominion's authority. This led to pressure from the Dominion where upon the Empire went back on their agreement with Ulfric...which is when he's imprisoned. The connection is obvious. Putting Ulfric in prison was meant to smooth over relations between the Empire and their Aldmeri masters.
  22. And the Thalmor wouldn't be capable of getting anywhere near Skyrim if Mede hadn't surrendered to the Dominion in the first place. The Empire crushed the main invasion force in Cyrodiil, a hard won victory that Titus Mede effectively threw away with the Concordant where he gave in to practically the same demands the Elves had originally made before the Great War had even begun. But that's beside the point. The Thalmor are in Skyrim, and the only one who is interested in driving them out again isn't wearing an Imperial uniform. That's completely speculative. In all likelihood the Empire arrested Ulfric in an effort to appease the Thalmor.
  23. If Ulfric ever wanted to hold the heartland of Skyrim during an attack, his soldiers would be camping in the hills along with his enemies unless he took the city. If that wasn't enough, Whiterun is one of the most important cities agriculturally. There's a reason why everyone is fighting over Whiterun. Assuming it wasn't the Jarl's housecarls who were the ones doing the revenge killings, then I agree Ulfric's men would likely have been used. At the end of the day the Empire didn't hold anyone accountable for the atrocities so it's all a moot point really. I won't deny Ulfric also wanted to be High King. Torygg wasn't merely a teenager either, you can meet him in Sovngarde for yourself. As for the Empire, the blather that they're keeping out the dominion rings hollow when the Thalmor can go around abducting people with utter impunity. Fact of the matter is the Empire as we see it in Skyrim is only concerned with protecting Cyrodiil. They abandoned Hammerfell to the Dominion after the Great War in case you forgot. As for why the other Jarls don't trust him, that shouldn't come as a surprise. He was only a Jarl like them once before he clawed his way to power. His ambition is dangerous. You're also forgetting the part where Dengeir distrusts everyone, and the empire most of all. It's hit and miss, but that can be said of Elder Scrolls VO over all. I will say Ulfric's voice acting never gets as bad as Tullius's when he's rallying his men outside Windhelm..he strikes some odd notes. No one is as bad as Farengar though, he takes the cake by a mile.
  24. The Empire did however send a spy to steal the deed to the Markarth treasury. As for Euoland, you're forgetting about that part where the Empire handed his son Thorald over the Thalmor. I might also mention Angi's parents were killed by drunken Imperial soldiers. But by all means do go on about the Imperial's supposedly virtuous behavior in Skyrim. Nothing contradicts the Markarth book because there's hardly any witnesses in-game who could tell of the events transcribed in it, beyond the prisoners who make NO mention of Ulfric's involvement whatsoever despite the IMPERIAL scholar's CLAIMS that he was the mastermind behind it all. The only information in the book that can be supported in-game is the fact that Ulfric was indeed the one who led the attack that liberated Markarth from the Breton reachmen.
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