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Everything posted by Kraeten

  1. That definitely makes the toggle between the two options work, but for some reason the third disabling command isn't working. The script compiled perfectly though with no errors. Might just have to mess with it a little bit more. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise!
  2. Hello everyone. I have a small question regarding menu scripts. I'm utilizing a menu to enable and disable various things in ones and twos, but it would be quicker if I could consolidate some things. Is there a way to activate an ai button three times to essentially do the following listed below? Basically I'd like a menu button to alternate between enabling and disabling two different items, with the third button press disabling everything at once to essentially reset the button to its initial state. Thank you in advance for reading and any guidance you might have. ElseIf aiButton == 2 If (Marker02.IsDisabled()) Marker02.enable() Marker03.disable() Else Marker02.disable() Marker02.enable() Else Marker02.disable() Marker03.disable() EndIf
  3. Hello everyone! I've been dormant for some time but I'm finishing up a Modder's Resource that will offer a suite of new finely crafted meshes. I'm trying to release this resource alongside a new player home that will serve as a proof of concept of what can be made from these new models. I'm running into an issue however. Anytime I edit the terrain I observe the exterior cell's quads being corrupted in some way, where the terrain appears dark as if the surface has been vertex shaded. Please see attachments for clarification. Is this a glitch with Skyrim Special Edition? Any advice or remedies would be greatly appreciated. To be clear, I have not exceeded the terrain textures limit and have tried even removing some to test whether the problem has gone away. Thank you very much for your time. https://imgur.com/w2O1Lhy https://imgur.com/IqziO2b
  4. Darkfox127 has quite a few excellent video tutorials on the Creation Kit. There's enough there to get you started certainly. https://www.youtube.com/user/DARKF0X127
  5. The end product I was hoping to achieve would have had the player lean over the table, same as when he/she might use an enchanting furniture marker but instead of the enchanting display the player gets to choose any crafting they desire. It would all be menu driven, with the player remaining in the leaning over the table position as he/she goes from smithing to alchemy or whatever they desire. Basically an all-in-one crafting furniture marker. The script you generously fixed does have all the menu functionality I desire, only the furniture marker breaks it since any time a option is chosen it snaps the player out of the leantable furniture marker & menu. Ultimately the animation I hoped to pair the script with is more of a luxury/presentation thing than anything that really matters. The script paired with an activator marker works flawlessly, so I'll just make a new activator using a custom table model I'm working on. You helped me get the most important part right, so again thank you so much for your help! You're amazing! :dance:
  6. I do have it in a separate cell. Maybe it's the animation itself that's scrambling the script process. I was hoping to use a leantable furniture marker in conjunction with the script, but it's a small disappointment considering it works perfectly with an an activator instead. Thank you so much for your help!
  7. It compiled! Thank you so much! Now I just have to puzzle over why the Smelting menu isn't automatically opening as it should. Gonna have to do some tinkering. Edit: Works perfectly with an activator, but not with furniture. I guess that makes sense but I wonder how I can tweak that to work. :huh:
  8. :facepalm: DUUUUMB mistake on the first part. Tried moving some stuff around, and renamed my menu message. Still failing to compile. Here's how things look. Every time I put EndEvent it complains so I switched that only to get a new error. But here are the new errors. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I'm a complete stranger to Papyrus. ScriptName AAAAConsolidatedCraftingTestScript Activator extends ObjectReference {This is a test script.} Message Property AAConsolidatedStationWMenuMessage Auto ObjectReference Property Smelter Auto Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef) Menu() EndEvent Function Menu(int aiButton = 0) aiButton = AAConsolidatedStationWMenuMessage.show() If aiButton== 0 ElseIf aiButton == 1 Smelter.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) EndIf Error Message Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "AAAAConsolidatedCraftingStationWMenu"... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\AAAAConsolidatedCraftingStationWMenu.psc(1,56): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'extends' C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\AAAAConsolidatedCraftingStationWMenu.psc(1,0): Unknown user flag Activator C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\AAAAConsolidatedCraftingStationWMenu.psc(0,-1): mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting ENDFUNCTION C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\AAAAConsolidatedCraftingStationWMenu.psc(0,0): filename does not match script name: aaaaconsolidatedcraftingtestscript No output generated for AAAAConsolidatedCraftingStationWMenu, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on AAAAConsolidatedCraftingStationWMenu
  9. Starting to get back into modding for the first time in a few years, and I'm trying to get this damn script to work. Well. The first part of it anyway. I'm trying to create an activator that opens a menu which allows the player to execute the crafting event of his/her choosing (Smithing, Enchanting, Tempering etc). Essentially, a consolidated crafting table. I was hoping someone could help me understand where I'm failing to make this script compile. Thank you very much for your time and consideration for any who try to help. Script Example 1 (DarkFox127's work) https://ibb.co/b7pK8Ny Script Example 2 (What I'm trying to insert into his) https://ibb.co/ZG8zDqT My broken attempt at merging the two ScriptName AAAConsolidatedCraftingTestScript Activator extends ObjectReference {This is a test script.} Message Property AAAConsolidatedCraftingMenu Auto Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef) Menu() EndEvent Function Menu(int aiButton = 0) aiButton = AAAConsolidatedCraftingMenu.show() If aiButton== 0 ElseIf aiButton == 1 ObjectReference Property Smelter Auto Smelter.Activate(Gane.GetPlayer()) EndEvent
  10. I'm so sorry your life and the life of your partner must be subject to this frightening uncertainty thanks to a mob of ignorant bigots. If you have your youth, strongly consider Canada. Any country really that has a sense of common human decency. I'm sorry, but we're all of out of that stuff apparently. Most of these countries have a NHS or equivalent, America being a notable exception.
  11. I'm an American, and I completely agree with you. I wish I could explain why my countrymen are so god damn backwards, but I honestly don't understand them. Hopefully in a few years I won't have to count myself among them. They're ignorant and proud, to put it simply. Greatest country in the world supposedly but very much interested in not learning from other countries. I always liked to think the USA would eventually be the sum of all human progress, but with a Trump presidency I don't have any optimism left anymore. The Great American Experiment has failed, we are far less than the countries of our origin are today.
  12. My favorite comedian, and who I consider an occasional philosopher had this to say which I think is apt on the day of Trump's presidential win. "When you're born you're given a ticket to the freak show, and when you're born in America you're given a front row seat." - George Carlin
  13. Please consult this thread if you'd like to modify my mods. Thank you! http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2913744-goodbye-for-now/
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