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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. Is there a mod that lets you remove corpses like you could in Morrowind? I'm can't think of any reason as to why they left this feature out of Oblivion... I'm quite bothered that there's puddles of ghost goop all over the floor of my house that I can't get rid of :wacko:
  2. Oh my goodness, it WAS OBSE 19 that was causing it! I downgraded to 18 and now everything works perfectly again, I have a non-bugged, properly stacking inventory now! ;D


    Thank you so much. I LOVE you. I'm so happy it's unreal... I never would have guessed in a million years that OBSE would be causing that... of all the mods out there, I actually trusted OBSE.


    That's extremely bad, and not to mention really upsetting. I wish the creators had tested version 19 more thoroughly before releasing it and calling it "stable", because a bug like that is really hard to miss. That's officially the last time I download a "stable" release of such a mod with full confidence... :dry:

  3. I'm not sure how it can be a memory problem, I've had Oblivion on this comp for some time now, but the problem just started very suddenly about a week ago.


    But it's only stolen items that are not stacking like they should be, well occasionally they WILL stack in twos or threes, but no more. It's turning my inventory into a jumbled mess and must be what's causing some items to not show up... :sad:


    Do you have any idea how to fix this?

  4. Thank you so much for explaining that to me, I'd never heard of this bug before and a google search turned up nothing.


    I actually have a really high end computer though, 2 gigs of ram and plenty of hard drive space, is there any way the memory issue can be remedied?

  5. The "Stolen" flag seems to be borked very badly in my game. It started very suddenly and I can't figure out what is causing it...


    See for some reason items that are flagged "stolen", are causing other items to not show up while they're in my inventory. For example, if I have two stolen repair hammers, all of my non-stolen ones will not show up in my inventory until I sell the two stolen ones.


    Also, for some reason all of my duplicate stolen items are not stacking, so I have to go through and sell them all one by one... very irritating...


    I already tried re-installing and it did not fix the problem... I tried deactivating all of my mods, but to no avail...


    (btw no bumping this time... sorry about that i just i guess nobody knows? no one ever replies to my topics...)

  6. I don't understand though, it doesn't say anything about Morrigan or Alistair cheating on the Warden...


    But I don't care if Alistair would have done her anyway, the fact that he did it willingly behind my Warden's back, is still extremely hurtful and unforgivable. :(

  7. What?? She... what?? Slept with Alistair?? As in, before the ritual?? And he did it... willingly?? Where did you hear about this deleted scene??? :blink:


    Is this just if a male warden is romancing her? Or does it also happen if you've got a female warden with Alistair?? Or does it always happen regardless of who you're with??


    By the way, that sound you heard, was the sound of my warden's heart shattering into a million, zillion little pieces. :(

  8. The "Stolen" flag seems to be borked very badly in my game. It started very suddenly and I can't figure out what is causing it...


    See for some reason items that are flagged "stolen", are causing other items to not show up while they're in my inventory. For example, if I have two stolen repair hammers, all of my non-stolen ones will not show up in my inventory until I sell the two stolen ones.


    Also, for some reason all of my duplicate stolen items are not stacking, so I have to go through and sell them all one by one... very irritating...


    I already tried re-installing and it did not fix the problem... I tried deactivating all of my mods, but to no avail.


    Please can someone help? Are there any mods that are known to cause issues with stolen items?

  9. Well I think dwarves are awesome.


    DA elves are wimps and weaklings. The complete opposite of elves in the Elder Scrolls games... they suck. Very badly. Elves are not supposed to submit or be defeated by humans.Elves are supposed to be superior.

  10. Well the biggest thing that makes the whole Morrigan romance very not "sexy" or "romanctic" is the pregnancy thing, at least for me. Honestly I'm not sure how guys can find that attractive in any way shape or form. That's about the biggest turn off I could ever think of, and trust me it's near impossible to turn this love machine off. And to add insult to injury she scrams with the kid to throw him through a magical elf mirror and leaves you in the dust like you're a worthless piece of garbage ugh.


    As for the other romances though, well you make a good point I feel Leliana and Zevran's romances were still left hanging too, since they're not around either during Awakening, or any of the other DLC's, because Leliana ran off to Orlais see the Grand Cleric even though she said she isn't interested in the church anymore, and Zevran went back to Antiva for whatever reason, even though he says he's not interested in the Crows anymore and has no further business with them.


    And Alistair, assuming he didn't become king and didn't die... well, his absence from his Warden duties kind of wasn't explained in Awakening or any of the other DLCs. That bothered me a lot.

  11. ME2 lets you have sex with aliens. 'Nuff said. :whistling:


    Also I'm not exactly sure why we wardens are suddenly forced to strap down and do all that back breaking stuff to stop a horde demons, what if we really don't care about the blight and just want to go find some happiness elsewhere? Why does it suddenly become the center of our life for no apparent reason? After all, the warden thing is something the player was kind of forced into against their will on a total whim, unlike ME where Shepard willingly joined the military and has been such for most of his/her life, and thus has an actual reason for being dedicated to it and wanting to save the galaxy. Gah, doing the exact same main quest over and over again with nothing else to divert away from it gets really dull, and the story wears out quickly. Even though DA depends heavily on your moral choices, you're still set on a pretty linear train track. I never bothered with any of the optional quests because they were really boring, ME's were a lot better.

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