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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. Okay I've never tried modding before...


    I want to do something fairly simple. I want to create a weapon I will call "Garahel's Sword", for elf PC's to find in a chest during the origin story. I've been doing some fiddling around with the toolset but I don't really know how to use it, or how to incorporate the sword into the game, or how to place it inside a chest, or how to place the chest where I want it, or how to make sure it will work properly and won't break anything!


    Are there any good tutorials you can refer me to?? I really want to do this! Thank you in advance xx

  2. Uhh okay I have no idea what happened to my other thread, can't reply to it or even edit it anymore and the one person who responded didn't even answer my question? It was a fairly simple question... what did I say wrong? All I said was please no anti-gay comments like what the heck is that too much to ask for? Jeez mackerel, don't be so sensitive... good God...


    Anyways I'll give this question a whirl again. I know in the human noble origin I can get Iona to sleep with me as a female character, but can I get Dairren to do the same with me as a male? I tried picking what seemed like the right dialogue, but the option to invite him to bed doesn't appear. Am I doing something wrong? Or is he just straight?

  3. A small question about the Human Noble origin story. Has to do with homosexuality, so religious nutters kindly back off cause I don't want to hear any of your anti-gay bullsh!t.


    I know I can get Iona to sleep with me as a female character, but can I get Dairren to do the same with me as a male? I tried picking what seemed like the right dialogue, but the option to invite him to bed doesn't appear. Am I doing something wrong? Or is he just straight? :'(

  4. What race do you like playing as the most? For some reason I really, really like playing as a dwarf. Lol. Both of the origin stories are a lot of fun to play with for both male and female chars, I really like how they're immune to annoying magic, and I like the comments they get throughout the game about the fact that they are a dwarf. :)


    Although I have yet to complete the game as anything besides a female dwarven noble... <3


    Currently I am trying very hard to finish one play through as a male character but I keep stalling after I finish the origin story because I can't make up my mind as to what race I want to be.

  5. Uhm the Ser Gilmore mod is absolutely amazing, but it really, REALLY sucks that he's completely silent.


    I remember seeing a post somewhere on the BioWare forums last month about someone who was planning to do a voice mod for him or something... did that person ever get around to it, or is it still a stalemate?


    Has a voice mod been made yet for him? If not, could someone PLEASE make one?? If someone did I'd love them forever.


    I really my lovable redhead to have a voice. :(

  6. Currently I'm playing as a male human noble. I just got to the Tower of Ishal, in the prologue, but I can't continue because for some reason my companions will not follow me anymore. Like, they'll just stand there at the door and not do anything... I can talk to them, but they just stand there like cowards.


    Like it's so strange, I have no idea why this has suddenly started happening! I loaded up some of my other characters just to check it out, and everything is still working as it should with all of them... but just not my human noble!


    I've tried everything to get it them to start following me and attacking enemies again but they won't! Please help I'd really, REALLY rather not have to restart the whole game. :(

  7. Does anyone else notice that there seems to be something intimate going on between Gorim and the dwarf noble lady? In the very first cutscene you can proposition him for sex, then when he says he hopes you'll be swept off your feet by a fighter at the Provings, and say "I could use a little sweeping" and he says "I got a magical broom just for you" or something like that... and then later on, nearing the very end of the origin story in your prison cell he calls you "my heart" if you choose the correct dialog.


    I think it's too bad you never get to have sex with him or anything, because I really like Gorim a lot. Hands down one of my favourite characters, I'd really love to watch him and my lovely little dwarf girl getting it on.


    It's also too bad that every single one of the origin story romances are star-crossed.


    In the Human Noble, your lover always gets killed on the eve of the raid.


    in City Elf your fiancee is murdered if you're a girl or rejects you if you're a guy.


    In Dwarf Noble, if you're a guy you get to have sex with two girls, but they're only doing it for their own personal gain, and the one girl reappears in the Diamond Quarter when you return to Orzammar later in the game, and all she does is just b*tch at you because you knocked her up, and she bitches at you for being a lousy father because you got exiled, leaving her "to look after a casteless brat" because she's "used up her fertility" and "no other noble will screw her". And you never even get to see them get it on!


    And in Dwarf Noble... if you're a female, as soon as you go to Denerim a little later in the game, you find that Gorim has already married another woman and has a child on the way and he officially dumps you. Ugh. That jerkass sure didn't wait very long for me!


    Damn... I wish they could at least have sex or something lol. That would be cool.


    But that brings up another question. Exactly how much time passes over the course of the whole story? You can go to Denerim immediately after the Battle of Ostagar, as soon as you leave Lothering, and initiate the heartbreaking conversation, even though progression of the story appears to have only been a couple of days. WTF? Either he got married and knocked her up the same day he left Orzammar, and dwarves have VERY fast pregnancies, or he's lying to me because he's a traitorous ass.



  8. Oh, a lot of people don't like the dwarves eh? I freakin' love em. Wee packages of dynamite. :)


    Hard to say,,, I don't like the Dalish Elf origin story very much, nor either of the Mage ones... mainly because I'm clueless as to how mages work and I have no idea how to effectively kill enemies as a mage, because I just can't figure out how to cast a damn spell without getting swarmed by monsters and killed!


    All of the other ones are quite fun and exciting to play. But I think my favourites would be both of the Dwarf origins... especially the Noble Dwarf one, because that was the very first I ever played. <3


    Dwarves 4 eva. Pinnacle of awesome.

  9. Ugh. It kills me inside. I love Alistair and I wish to heck I could find a guy like him the real world!


    Well, if there's no way around it I guess then I'm just gonna play as a boy from now on. The potential love matches [besides that awful witch obv] for guys aren't as satisfying (I don't think Leliana is that great, and Zevran is just ugh), but hey at least it's a little less painful doing the hideous myself than forcing my beloved to do it....


    Arrrrggghh makes me not want to play the game at all. Makes me too sad.


    I so badly want a way around it.... either that or I'll just choose to die. grr

  10. Noo...! Alistair is MINE! We lost our virginity together and I want me to be his only! :(


    Besides, Morrigan spends the whole game constantly mocking him and belittling and insulting him. They're oil and water for god's sake! Them suddenly screwing each other is so mind bogglingly ironic it's too strange and too whack for me to handle. I can't stand it. The two just don't go to together I tell you! It's wrong! It's the unholiest union ever! It's wrong in so many ways! Its just ugh unthinkable! THEY JUST DON'T MIX!!! THEY CANT MAKE A BABY TOGETHER!!!!!!! IT'S UNTHINKABLE!!!!!! RAAAAAAH!!!!!!! :'(

  11. I seem to be experiencing a rather aggravating glitch. Even though Anora was voted Queen at the Landsmeet, and Alistair clearly said he was happily giving up all right to the throne... I'm at Redcliffe Castle right before the final battle, and Alistair is talking like Mister "I'm the King!" even though he's umm, NOT. And yes I am 100% sure he was not made king, I checked to make sure he was absolutely not voted monarch, yet he is still acting like he is. Grr, that pompous airhead.


    Also, that broken kiss... when Alistair's approval is high enough and he asks you to sleep with him for the first time, and you accept, and you share a "kiss" with the animation all bungled up. Surely someone must have noticed this by now? Ehh, kinda bugs me because there's absolutely nothing romantic about making out with thin air while your partner is standing 2 feet away from you facing in the opposite direction (awkward prelude to losing your virginity much? lol).


    Does anyone know of any fixes for these bugs? I have the latest patch, and though they did fix the biggest problem of all, that obnoxious memory leak, there are still a helluva lot of things they have somehow failed to repair...

  12. Don't ask me to explain why, but I do not like Morrigan at all. I absolutely hate this character with a burning passion, mkay?


    That's why it really grinds my gears that the only way to get a "good" ending is to screw her and get her knocked up. Which sucks because if I refuse, either my poor man/woman or Alistair inevitably dies, treating me with an extremely lame and depressing ending. :(


    If I'm a woman, I must convince my uber cute boytoy Alistair to have sex with and knock up some super evil, creepy witch girl in some freaky "magic ritual", because otherwise he will kill himself at the end? And I even get treated to a cutscene of this slimy wench seducing my character's loverman?! WHAT?! This totally sucks! I absolutely despise that. The idea of my beloved Alistair putting the digs on that evil skank is just mortifying to me. And the thought of another woman having my man's baby is both horrible, heartbreaking, and also enraging, and just feels horribly wrong in so many ways.


    Same with when I'm a man. Just to stay alive, I have to screw some freaky, evil little wench so she can run off with my" divine" illegitimate brat, and maybe grind it's bones into bread flour for all anyone knows?? Big NOOOOOOOOO. :(


    Yeah, I know it's only a video game, you don't need to tell me that. But I actually find this personally very upsetting, because if I were in either of those situations in real life, I would find it extremely distressing. I would never accept that. I would never be able to live with such knowledge. It would drive me into madness.


    It just really, REALLY bothers me. A lot. Extremely.


    ...Okay. Getting to the point. Please tell me there is a mod out there somewhere that either gets rid of the requirement for the "Morrigan's 'Ritual' " quest entirely, or makes it completely passive optional to knock her up... as in one that allows me to still get my fairy tale ending without the spawning of any demonic bastards or having to force my lover to cheat on me?


    If not is there at least some other mod out there that will alter this particular part of the story or the quest in a way that will make me feel a little better? :(

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