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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. How come near the end of the Dwarf Noble origin story, after I'm thrown in prison all of my gear and money vanishes? I have patch 1.03 but that didn't fix it, I am still having this problem. Is there any way around it? Did anyone ever make a fix for this or what? :sad:
  2. So, what was that bloodied table in the village house supposed to mean? Were the people of Haven cannibals? Or were they sacrificing people to their Andraste? Or did they do some weird magic ritual with their blood or organs or something? It was never made very clear...


    Also, is their any mod available that allows you to keep Wynne if you defile the ashes of Andraste BEFORE you complete the Broken Circle quest? It successfully bamboozles her on the XBOX version, but sadly not the PC. That really sucks that somehow she still knows about it even if you hadn't even met her yet when you did the sacrilegious deed.

  3. So many things about the PC are never discussed so it leaves me to wonder. Firstly, how old is my character supposed to be? In fact, how old are any of the characters supposed to be? I find it strange how nobody's age is ever even mentioned at all, they're never even hinted at or implied in any way. I'm just taking a wild guess by saying most of the characters look to be in their early-mid twenties, which seems pretty accurate to me, but what do you think?


    Also, what about the PC's virginity? Nothing is ever mentioned at all about the PC's own virginity status, nor is anything made very clear about what their status was at the beginning of the game's story, so... does that mean if my character doesn't have a single sexual encounter during the game, they stay a virgin? Or did they probably lose it before the beginning of the story? Lol.

  4. How do you create custom items and make them so they simply appear in every character's inventory? Is there tutorial somewhere?


    Also, is it possible to edit items that are already in the game? I've wanted to make some serious changes to the Cousland family sword & shield because, well, both of them suck.

  5. A glitch caused by a mod that I downloaded caused King Cailan to say some interesting things upon my arrival at Ostagar - he said things that I have never heard before, specifically "Your accent hails from Redcliffe, no?", to which I could respond, "Yes, I was a farmhand there"... or something like that.


    Now, I KNOW it was only a glitch caused by a misbehaving hack, but it caught my interest because that dialogue does not match up with any of the origins that are available in the game (trust me, because I have played through with ALL of the origins).


    So, I did some more poking through the gamefiles, and I found several other unused pieces of dialogue that are consistent with what could only be a "Human Commoner" origin. But, there IS no human commoner origin in the game...


    So, what does this mean? What the heck happened here? I think this is pretty damning evidence that they fully intended to do a Human Commoner origin, but then those flipwits at BioWare scrapped it quite late in development for some odd reason. In my opinion, that was a serious dumb@$$ move, because I think with some effort on their part a Human Commoner origin could have been integrated into the game perfectly, been very interesting and been a lot of fun to play with. I'm very disappointed, I would have really liked to have seen this in the game.


    Thoughts, opinions on this?


    And while were on the subject, what origins besides the six that are there would you have liked to have seen? In addition to a Human Commoner, I think I also would have quite liked another magic origin, like an apostate or something. Both would have been so drop dead awesome.

  6. For some reason I am suddenly having problems with my dog not attacking properly. Like it's so weird, while the rest of us are off killing stuff, he'll just stand a distance from the enemies and bark at them a bit but won't actually attack them unless I actually take control of him and tell him to attack manually.


    I only have two dog mods, one aesthetic one to make him look more wolf like (because I fuggin HATE mastiff/boxer dogs, so God damn ugly, why the hell did they pick that breed of all breeds in the whole world to model him after?), and the extra dog slot mod. Which is now useless since my dog wont attack enemies!


    What the is going on here? Could there be a conflicting mod or something? I'm stumped. :sad:

  7. State what you feel was an incredibly funny moment in the DA:O story, and also state what you feel was an incredible tear-jerker.


    Personally, I couldn't stop laughing my butt off watching Morrigan seduce Loghain. It was hysterical :biggrin:


    On the other hand, I literally bawled and cried like crazy at the Temple of Andraste. During one of the Gauntlet challenges, one of them was to talk to the spirit of someone from your origin story, and since my char was a dwarf noble I got to talk to my dead brother Trian... and... he was so kind to me, and actually expressed sympathy for me, and best of all, he... actually forgave me for killing him. It was so touching, it literally brought me to tears. :sad:

  8. So, is it possible for a human and a dwarf to get together and make a half-dwarf? Are there any half-dwarves in Ferelden or other areas of Thedas?


    At the conclusion of the game my male dwarf PC was able to impregnate Morrigan, no problems and no questions asked about the differences in their race. So, does this mean that the humans and dwarves CAN make babies together, and consequently the God of Beauty is going to be reborn as a half-dwarf half-human?? Lol. :teehee:

  9. Gee, the fact that she isn't human nobility really shouldn't be a "strike against her". And I really don't see how that makes it any less of an issue... :mellow:


    But then again I think he's better just staying a Grey Warden at my side anyway with Anora bein the sole queen... because shes a good lady :yes:

  10. Okay I'm having a bit of a problem with the Pinappletree mod, that gives a bunch of new skintones, hair colours, and eye colours.


    Not a major one, most of the colours work properly but some of them seem to be blanked out textures. For hair there are several weird looking, identical textures that are pure white, for eyes several identical ones that are pure black, for skin several identical ones that are pure white, and for some reason I also have a bunch of semi transparent bluish weird looking skin textures... what could be causing this?


    I'm 100% I dont have any conflicting mods, i have no other mods like this so i'm not sure what the problem could be?

  11. If crowned, Alistair coldly breaks it off with the female PC if she isn't a Human Noble. But, being king, he's perfectly capable of handing out titles himself and can make the PC his chancellor and the Arlessa of Denerim or something, isn't he? If the nobility doesn't object to that, why couldn't he just give the PC a title and then think about whether it's impossible for them to be together?


    In Alistair's break-up speech to the elven/dwarven/mage female PC, he says the reason is because two Grey Wardens can't have a child together - but somehow this isn't a problem for him if you just so happen to be a human noble? What the hell? That makes no sense whatsoever. Now you're just making excuses, Alistair. You haven't had your sulky little ass on the throne for 10 minutes and it's already turned you into a flaming %&$!. I hate you.


    But then again, I prefer making Anora queen anyway. I actually really like her character, I think she's a great woman and much more capable of leading a country than that dimwitted jerk...

  12. Argh I'm SO fed up with the extremely crappy lighting in the character designing thing. All those unnatural shadows and the dark lighting is making it impossible for me to make pretty PCs. I'm so annoyed of trying to make slightly tanned characters, only to discover that in normal game lighting they're pale as ghosts... among other things.


    Is there any way to have normal lighting in the character designer so you can design your PC properly? Did anyone make a mod or anything yet?


    (Of course I am talking about the ingame creator that you use to design your own character before starting a new quest, NOT the seperate program that was released [which I wasn't aware even existed until I did a search])

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