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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. How do you edit your created characters in the toolset? I can't figure out how to do it... where would the files be located?


    All I want to do is change one of my character's voicesets because I accidentally picked one I don't want :yucky:


    I tried to change my chars voiceset but for some reason now he's completely silent :sad:

  2. Hmm... not sure what to say bout that one. I totally don't trust her with something as delicate as a baby, though. But, I suppose it's not like I have any real choice. Only way I can become a proper hero, and not be rewarded with an extremely lame a$$ funeral scene in the middle of some barren field out in the boonies. :pinch:


    I'm wondering though, even though she's a mage, is there any chance the baby will have any magical abilities if the father is a dwarf? Are magic-genes dominant, or will Papa Dwarf's magic-resistant DNA automatically cancel it out?

  3. IMO, the fact that she approves of the killing of children makes it extremely ironic and rather hypocritical that she actually wants to be a mommy, and it also raises some serious concerns...
  4. I've accidentally triggered the fight with the Guardian several times because I forgot to check the altar thingy and strip naked before walking through the magical flames. Oops. :wacko:


    I feel that fighting the Guardian is really pointless because it gains you less experience then just getting naked and walking through the flames as you're supposed to (haha), and because you cannot loot his body for any goodies. Which is kind of a shame, I was really hoping to get my dirty mitts on that nice weapon he's got on his back!


    But it kind of makes the Guardian seem like a big jerk... he acts so calm and benevolent at the front door of the gauntlet, and then he suddenly turns hostile on The Warden for a simple mistake? Good grief!

  5. Please tell me... I know there's a way to do it, but I can't find the strategy for how to do it anywhere. HOW do you save both Amaranthine AND Vigil's Keep?! Please help! :sad:


    When I couldn't figure out how to do it, I totally lost my will to keep playing and put it to rest feeling like I'd just wasted the last 10 hours of my life on a game with a bad ending... :down:


    please tell me how its done :sad:

  6. I just got Awakening, and for some reason I cannot get the debug/cheat/developer console to work. I try pressing the button the brings up the console in Origins, but in Awakening it simply does nothing. What am I doing wrong here? Did I miss something I was supposed to do? :sad:
  7. So at the gates of Denerim, coming up to the final battle, I decided to talk to Morrigan about the night she and my dwarf prince did the nasty (in this case, the context of the "ritual" makes it especially nasty... disturbing, disgusting, and downright creepy.)


    Something she said, made me feel really concerned. She says something about how "your life only exist so long as the child in me does"... or something like that, I can't remember the exact words.


    But, what is that supposed to mean? Does that mean that, even after the archdemon is destroyed and the devil bast*rd is officially created, the poor Warden would still perish if the demon baby were to die at any given point thereafter? Meaning that the Warden can only continue to live so long as the bast*rd does?


    Or does it only apply to the time between when the kid is conceived with the ritual to the time the archdemon is killed, if the baby were to die during that time frame?


    Dear, dear, dear, I hope the former isn't true. I hope my Warden will find the demon bast*rd at some point and will be able to slaughter it... and still live. My poor young dwarf is surely tortured every day by the knowledge of what he did just so he could live, and the demon child's existence... :sad:



  8. Why does no one in your party have a problem with the taint? Darkspawn blood is supposed to be extremely poisonous, and any contact with it or the darkspawn's taint sickens and kills virtually all living things very quickly. You and Alistair are Grey Wardens, and Dog can't be re-poisoned because of that special medicine from the Wilds (that is assuming you aren't a human noble and thus didn't already have him), but that still leaves everyone else. Wth? How the heck are all of your party members still alive and perfectly healthy by the end of story, with all the gallons of darkspawn blood they've had splashed on them?
  9. Honestly why does the "Of Noble Birth" have to be so messed up? The game keeps registering it as failed once completed, but I most certainly did not fail! I'm a proper dwarf nobleman and I worked hard to get my little one what he deserves!


    Why has nobody fixed this bug yet? Has anyone ever been able to get this quest to complete successfully? Is there any way to get it to do so? This sucks! :sad:

  10. The Old Gods are dragons. And the Codex explicitly refers to the Old Gods, AKA the Archdemons, with male pronouns. But, I thought it was only female dragons that get huge and grow wings? What? Is someone having pronoun trouble here?
  11. I'm very interested in something like this too.


    I have no idea why I can't do anything after the "post campaign save", for some reason every single area on the map is greyed out and un-visitable except for the party camp. What is the meaning of this?! I hate this! What were those dopers at BioWare thinking!

  12. Ooops, I'm stupid. I guess I should really start doing more reading and sidequest and stuff.. either that or somehow I missed something. I've completed the game several times now but I don't remember seeing that explained anywhere... darn :sad:


    thank you for explaining that to me! So they ARE kind of like queen ants then... well that seemed most likely explaination to me.


    So the darkspawn... rape, have sex with them, while they're still "normal"?? Oh God. Didn't know the darkspawn even possessed sexual organs! That's scary!

  13. I know darkspawn are all gestated by Broodmothers, but err, how does happen? Like... how does Momma Broodmother conceive her darkspawn children? I don't believe the writers explained this one.


    Does she just naturally spawn children by herself somehow, meaning that darkspawn reproduce asexually? Or is she something like a queen bee or a queen ant, where many of her "drones" mate with her and help her produce her vast numbers of offspring? I hope that makes sense, lol.


    Does anyone have any theories?

  14. nevermind, I think I found what I wanted. But if anyone who knows how to do this kind of modification is interested in making a more attractive head morphs for the noble hunters in the DN origin, i'd be so happy! that would be so awesome if they could give it a shot! :smile:
  15. In the Dwarf Noble origin. Does anybody know what effect challenging Lord Dace and killing his son in an honor proving will have on the story? Has anyone tried doing it? Didn't do it on this particular playthrough because I didn't want to do anything that would come back to bite me in the butt later on. I'm guessing that if I did it on another play through the other members of the Dace family will probably have some choice words for me when I meet them later on, but does anyone know? Has anyone tried this?


    Also, does anyone have any advice for getting the "Of Noble Birth" quest to complete properly? And besides that, who is the best king to side with if you decide to try to help your son get the life he deserves? :pinch:


    Heh. Dwarf Noble is by FAR my most favourite origin. <<33

  16. Well no, it wouldn't be another NPC, as far as I can tell Taurox's cut-scenes react to the NPC you are dialogging when the scene triggers, I think it's made that way cause it's used for the pearl pros, there are 4 different female human pros and otherwise there would have to have been made a total of 4 cut-scenes chains, 1 for each hf pros, also I use different .mor files for the pros then I do for Bella so that is not the case :smile:

    Also when I replace Bella's kiss with one of the "Peal Redone" ef scenes, the cut-scene will still feature Bella :tongue:


    Hrm, I didn't think about it but using the MASTER tag on a dummy would probably work. It'd use the conversation master in the cutscene if I recall correctly. So you're right. Although, the scene setting wouldn't be perfect. I've always imagined through optional dialogue, she'd visibly take the Grey Warden into the back room and properly thank him for saving the town.


    There's a long list of scenes of the more intimate nature that needs to be added for Dragon Age: Origins. Lucjan and Myaja, the Noble Hunters, the duster beggar that offers to tumble with you and your party members for some coin, a better kiss with Kaitlyn, an option of a little something extra with Bella, oh oh oh and we cannot forget the time we spend on Isabella's ship either!


    But I digress, I think I've started to off-topic the thread a bit.


    What is this "intimacy" thing with Lucjan and Myaja you keep mentioning? I'm confused...


    Also I know about that prostitute in Dustown, but the option to actually do it with her doesn't come up? Am I missing something?


    But I agree... the three/four-way with Isabella and the Prince of Orzammar's night of passion with those noble hunters should have got scenes. So should have the sexual encounters with Cammen and Gheyna, and Dairren and Iona. And Gorim too. Darn those stupid developers. :mad:\


    More love scenes dangit :sad:

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