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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. She's a cold, selfish, shrewd little !@#$% who only followed me because she wanted to get into my pants. And she puts my character in a horribly painful and heart-wrenching position by either sacraficing themself or Alistair/Loghain, or sticking their tool into her swamp-disease filled gully hole and letting her run off with their demon child to do Maker-knows-what with the poor, hapless kid.


    If her mother sent her off with detailed instructions solely to get into my Warden's pants, why did she act so surprised and reluctant when her mother told her to go with me??


    This is why I usually kick her out of the party ASAP. I never have any use for her anyways, Wynne is a helluva lot better character, and gives my team all the magic it needs. :yes:

  2. I tried my hand at it, but it just wasn't working and everything I made came out looking like umm... well, crap. I just don't possess the skill at image editing to create anything half decent looking.


    What I want is to have the "light" (leather) armors look like they'd plausibly protect somebody. That is, I really want them to have sleeves and pants (going commando in a skirt = BAD!), and for females I really want to have that whole chest area above the breasts covered up (what good is armor if it leaves your heart and many of your major blood vessels and arteries exposed??)


    So... could maybe someone who is better with image editing programs than me try this for me? I'd so happy if someone else could give it a shot.

  3. Okay so I'm trying to make some really tough, badass lookin casteless dwarf presets with tons of tattoos. The tattoos look the way they should in the toolset, but for some reason in the ingame CC... they look wrong, all wrong, and I don't know what to do to fix it! Please help?? Why are the tattoos not showing up properly? :sad:


    Attached pictures so you can see the problem. First picture is what it looks like ingame, which is wrong, and second pic shows how it looks in toolset, how it's supposed to look.


    By the way, I made several of these heads with the special tattoos for both sexes, and this is how every single one of them looks ingame. :down:

  4. I have the screenshot button set to F8, but I keep mashing that button into oblivion but my Screenshots/User folder remains empty. Why are none of my screenshots taking? What's going on and how do I fix it? I just want to take some photos in the character creator, I don't know why I can't take any screens :sad:
  5. OMG are you serious?? There's actually a scene in the Orzammar prison? Wow I thought all I was getting was a kiss or soemthing from Gorim because he would just lean in and the screen would go black for half a second and I wouldn't really see anything. Where in the toolset is it located? If you released it as a functioning cutscene in the game I'd love you forever. Despite the fact that it doesn't work out in the end, I'm a huge fan of the Gorim/Lady Aeducan ship. :woot:
  6. He's not the only one who does that. I've noticed other NPCs randomly doing that aswell sometimes, since I downloaded the mod. They just randomly collapse onto the ground for no reason :wacko: An ambient NPC in Orzammar did that in one of my games last night, it was really weird, I could still talk to him and his mouth would still move, but he'd just lie there indefinitely...
  7. I noticed that too! It looks like he's constantly falling over drunk or something. If I talk to him he'll stand up, but then as soon as the dialogue is over, he falls right back down again. Maybe a glitch or something? I dunno, but it's pretty funny. :teehee:
  8. 'Cause Loghain is just messed up in the head and I don't like him. Mind you, I'm pretty messed up in the head myself, but nowhere near to that extreme.


    I find it real weird how after he spent the entire game hating my guts (and all the other Warden's guts) and trying to kill me or have me killed, I kick his butt in a duel and he surrenders and suddenly acts like he actually respects me and the Wardens? That don't make too much sense. :wacko:


    But then again, I do like letting him live on the occasional play-through. He can be a pretty good companion. :yes:

  9. One thing I'm really baffled about though, is this.


    I can't kill Wade because Herren randomly transforms into a Desire Demon and teleports him away before I can slaughter him. First time this happened I thought it was just a fluke, but then when it kept happening I was like, "WTF? This is extremely weird, why does this keep happening??"


    But... so... Herren's a... a... Desire Demon? THE HELL? Where is the POINT in that revealation? And why the heck would a Desire Demon be working as the grumpy helper/boss/whatever of a master blacksmith?!

  10. I agree, the warrior specializations are overall pretty crappy and not very useful at all. Honestly the only specialization I can find any use for is the Berserker specialty, but only because I really like that nice little attack/foe damage boost that Berserk gives you.


    Mages don't fare too badly; frankly I think the Shapeshifter spec is the only one that isn't very useful. Just too much of a hassle to use the abilites and it doesn't help me slaughter enemies any more efficiently.


    Haven't explored any of the Rogue specializations yet, since I haven't really played with a rogue yet but I definitely must do that with my next character! From what I've read though, they actually sound pretty good... :happy:

  11. I've been sitting at rock bottom for so long. I now have to move into a goddamn group home for God knows how long, so thats how I know I couldn't possibly get any lower. I have to live with an alcoholic, my father's married to another woman now so he has no time for me, I have no friends, everyone treats me like crap, I'm not allowed to go to school, I'm barred from getting a job because I can't get a lousy social insurance number, and my life just sucks and no one will do **** all to help me and there is nothing I can do to change my situation. I just sit here every day rotting as my life is just slipping away.


    I'm so miserable it's unreal, something that even this bottle of pills can't fix. I almost always feel so lost and alone and unhappy and hopeless, I have no desire whatsoever to continue living, I have nothing and no one to live for or look forward to in life, everyone is turned against me and determined to increase my misery as much as possible, I just want it all to be over. I just want to kill myself.


    "Think she'll kill herself now?" the motherf*cker said... well, motherf*cker, I haven't yet, but I'm still seriously considering it. That must make you happy.


    I want to be dead so no one can hurt me anymore. I want to be free of this misery. I have no will to live and I just want to die.

  12. I know how to extract textures with toolset and all that but, is there a guide anywhere as to how to edit the texture files in a graphics program? I want to edit all the leather armors and add sleeves and pants, but I open up the texture files and it's just a big mess of... bits and pieces. How do I know what is what so I don't screw it up? :sad:
  13. What is your favourite (and least favourite) origin to play through the game with?


    Deff. my favourite... well I can't really pick just one. I like them all, but I think it's a tie between the Dwarf Noble and Dwarf Commoner origins. Playing through the game as a dwarf is just so cool and interesting, and it makes your character special since there are not many dwarves on the surface, and people respect you. And it doesn't matter which of the two you pick, because either way, you get a very very cold and unwelcoming reception upon returning to Orzammar later on, because pretty much everyone there hates your guts for one reason or another... though the Dwarf Noble does get what is by far the longest, and in my opinion the most interesting origin story out of them all.


    My least favourite is definitely the Dalish Elf origin. Mind you, it's not because I don't like the origin story, not at all. It's because all of the individual origin stories, and the choices you made during, will have some unique impact and significance in the story later on - except the Dalish Elf. Mainly because the Dalish tribe that you encounter later on isn't even yours, and so none of the characters from your origin ever make a reappearance. Oh, and even though the fact that you're a Dalish does get acknowledged by other characters a couple of times, you pretty much get treated the same as a City Elf. :pinch:

  14. Has anyone else played through Darkspawn Chronicles yet? What do you think of it?


    I think it's absolutely awesome! I love it! Kind of wish they had made it a little longer, but hey. :biggrin:


    I especially love how at one point you can loot a bottle of wine off a certain NPC's corpse, and give it to one of your darkspawn buddies a gift. But I wonder, what would a darkspawn do with a bottle of wine? Get drunk? Ooooh, drunken darkspawn... LOL!!! :teehee:


    Though, that brings up my point about, what exactly is the point of having approval with your darkspawn pals? Doesn't seem like anything you can do can cause them to lose approval, and getting them up to maximum approval doesn't really seem to have any effect, besides giving small attribute bonuses. Hmmmm...


    But I think it's really fascinating to know what it's like for the darkspawn, to hear the Archdemon speaking to them and being able to understand it, and being under its influence. But can this mean that the darkspawn, or at least higher-ranking darkspawn, are really more intelligent than we think, but they just automatically do what the Archdemon tells them to do because they see no other point to their existence then obeying it? Or because the Archdemon controls them through some mind-controlling power? Or because they are afraid the Archdemon will kill them if they disobey? Or because the Archdemon is actually kind to them and they respect it? I wonder.


    I think the only thing that wasn't very good about Darkspawn Chronicles is that all we got for an ending was a split-second cutscene of Urthemiel taking off from the top of Fort Drakon and just flying away. But that doesn't make any sense, the reason it was stuck on top of the tower was because it's wing got ripped open by Riordan, and that wing hasn't had enough time to heal so why is it suddenly able to just take off and start flying again? I'm confused about that one.


    But overall, I think it was teh awesome. <3

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