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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. What are things you hope will happen, changes, things that will be added to the story of Dragon Age in future expansions? Thoughts, ideas?


    I really hope the next expansion takes place somewhere other than Ferelden. Really, in comparison to the rest of Thedas, Ferelden is a really small and insignificant and not very powerful nation, and honestly I'm bored of it and want another land to explore. I'm thinking Orlais, or probably the Anderfels. Or maybe even the Tevinter Imperium. But I think the Anderfels hold the best prospects for a new story... maybe open the story with The Warden getting called away to Weisshaupt to face some new threat? Or something like that?


    I'm also kind of wishing/hoping something more will be done with the dwarven race. I feel so bad for all the dwarves, how they suffered the brunt of the First Blight and their empire was toppled, how their race was brought to the edge of extinction and continues to decline, and how much crap they still have suffer every day because of those damned monsters. I'm kind of hoping they'll do something like, reveal that one of the other dwarf cities besides Kal-Sharok also miraculously survived, either Gundaar or Hormak. And that even though the dwarves there are still pissed about their brethren in Orzammar forsaking them, giving them up for dead and sealing off the connecting tunnels, they managed to keep a stronghold and successfully fend off the darkspawn for over 1000 years, and they thrived on their own, and their culture and society evolved and became very different from that of Orzammar.


    I also really, really, REALLY hope we'll be seeing Morrigan and that demon baby again. (she did say she was planning on raising it the wilderness hermit style, like her mom raised her.)


    Lol... that's just my idea. More brainstorming later.

  2. What weapon style do you like to use with warrior/rogue characters?


    With every character I've played with so far, I've always used the classical sword and shield weapon style, because I really like shields and a lot of the shield moves. I used the dual-weapon style with one of my rogue characters, but I find I didn't like it very much because most of the dual-weapon moves aren't that useful or powerful.


    I tried out the two-handed weapon style a tiny bit, but I find it just wasn't working for me. The character seems to swing the weapon too slowly, my opponent in the Provings had me nearly killed before I even got half of her health down.


    I haven't tried using archery at all yet. Have any of you tried it? How useful is it? Are archers any good for the slaughtering of mooks and monsters?

  3. So, this a game with several possible endings. What is your personal favourite?


    IMO the best is of course, doing Morrigan's ritual and becoming the big hero at the end. With Anora as the sole queen and Loghain dead. Pretty much all of the other endings aren't very good, especially the one where your character makes the Ultimate Sacrifice. The funeral scene you get really sucks, and obviously very little effort was put into it and they just quickly slapped it together. Both Alistair and Anora's speeches at your funeral are extremely cheesey and lacking any emotion whatsoever. And although I haven't finished the game with all of the origins yet, of the ones I have, not a single one of the people from your Origin who comes expresses any sadness or grief or emotion whatsoever. Even for the City Elf, where that person is your own father.


    Also, why does the funeral seen take place in the middle of an abandoned, barren field somewhere out in the sticks? Were they were too cheap to rent a proper venue in which to hold a service for the person who died to save all of their necks? And why is there such a small crowd in attendance? Gee, I'd expect to see a massive crowd of thousands at the funeral of such a big hero. Everyone was "too busy" to come, I take it?


    Bleh... sorry for ranting.

  4. ^Actually, Dog is male, as he is referred to as a "he" and "boy" in dialogue. Took me a while to realize that myself, and I was quite upset when I did because I'd already given "him" a feminine name... I simply assumed that Dog was just gender-neutral, like many video game animal companions. Wish they'd made his gender clearer earlier. :wacko:


    For the sake of simplicity I always just call him Khan (the name of the titular character's horse in the Disney movie "Mulan". lol). :smile:

  5. I just want to make a small suggestion regarding the time restriction on endorsing files.


    I was really upset the other day because I tried to endorse a file, but I didn't realize that not quite enough time had passed since I downloaded it. I had a really long comment full of praise written out, then up comes the stupid "Sorry, you cannot endorse this file because not enough time has passed since you downloaded it!" message and I lost everything I'd just spend 10 minutes typing out.


    So... my suggestion is, if someone tries to endorse a file with a comment, but not enough time has passed yet, why can't it just still post the comment anyway, without registering the attempted thumbs up or adding the "I have given this file my endorsement" at the beginning?

  6. I know how you feel, I really hate having to do it too.


    But when I play as a female warden, I use the Genderring from the MetaGame items mod to temporarily change my gender to male, and thus fool the gender check so I can do it myself instead of making Alistair do it (and since it makes you look like a skeleton monster, it adds an element of extreme hilarity to the ritual scene.) It's not much better, but it certainly makes me feel a lot better about doing it.


    In fact, I find knocking Morrigan up as a female Warden in the form of an animate corpse even a lot less psychologically traumatic than doing it as a proper male Warden. :wacko:

  7. Just one thing I want to make you aware of... be careful about using enamelled metals if you have Awakening. This mod has not been updated to work with AWK, so if you import a Warden from Origins into the expansion, any equipment in your inventory that was made from an enamelled metal will show up as being made of a blank (nameless) material and will have the stats of tier 1 iron, thus rendering the item into a worthless and useless piece of junk.


    I have this mod too and found out about this issue the hard way, had to trash a lot of good stuff.

  8. Thumbs down to movies being based off video games. Most movies that get based off video games absolutely suck, mainly because they change so many things about the story and skimp on so many things, because some smartass thinks he or she has better ideas. And the movie ends up being a horribly pathetic mockery of a fabulous game, that rather diminishes my love for the game itself. IMO, video games should just stay video games. The two just don't mix well.
  9. I read somewhere that in order to get the Awakening resources into my toolset I need to copy the files from core_ep1 into the override folder of a fresh module.


    Problem is I tried to create a new module, and for some reason I cannot find the folder for it anywhere? The only one I can find is the "single player" one. Help please:sad:


    Has anyone else had success in getting the Awakening stuff into theyre toolset?

  10. Aye. Also it says the Orlesian occupation of Ferelden ended approximately 30 years prior to the beginning of the story... Bryce Cousland and Rendon Howe went off to war and fought Orlesians when both of them weren't even 10 years old? Umm yeah, I don't think so. Lol.
  11. Well I certainly don't think it's better that way. If it was very obvious that a creation was ripped off of someone else, then it could simply be reported and dealt with appropriately. Easy.


    That really sucks because there was a certain NPC replacement that someone made that I really like that I wanted to convert to a preset... for my own personal use, of course - I wouldn't go distributing something like that.

  12. Okay, has anyone else noticed how implausible and seemingly wrong the given ages for many of the characters are?


    I'd like to point out a number of things.


    Toolset says Fergus Cousland is 30 years old, and Eleanor is 40. So... what the heck? That can only be right if she got married and gave birth to him when she was 10 years old. I'm reluctant to believe that is accurate. Even in a world that parallels the middle ages, I highly doubt 10 years olds having babies is very likely to happen. I know it can happen, but I'm still extremely doubtful this is accurate.


    Also, there's no sodding way that Gorim is only 18. That's impossible.


    I'm also reluctant to believe that Trian is only 25 (that's terribly young to have white hair. I would have placed his age at at least 36 or so.)

    Or that Leske is only 19 (I would have placed his age at around 21-23).

    Or that Eamon is only 45 (50-55 would seem more accurate to me).

    Or that Shianni is only 18 (all of the other young characters in the City Elf origin are 20).

    Or that Olinda is really 45 (she looks a lot younger than that. And why the heck would Leske be dallying with a 45 year old woman if he's only 19?!).

    Or that Valendrian is really 70 (that seems like a big stretch to me. I would have guessed his age to be around 50 or 60.)

    Or that Morrigan is 30 (she seems at least a couple of years younger than that to me.)


    And why does it say Caridin is only 600, when it's explicitly stated in the game that he's been trapped in his golem body for over 1000 years?


    And isn't Goldana supposed to be older than Alistair? Why does it say Alistair is 32, while she is only 30? And how can Cailan only be 25??


    And if Prince Bhelen is 21, then that must mean the Dwarf Noble player character is at least 22-25 years old... hmm.

  13. Can special eye textures (those of demons and monsters) be converted somehow, and made to be used in the ingame character creator? Like is there anyway to do this?


    Also, is there any way to convert a headmorph file from a .mor back to a .mrh so it can be edited in toolset again? I find it mind bogglingly irritating that .mor files cannot be edited in toolset. :sad:


    ARE there any programs that can actually edit .mor files??

  14. The dwarf presets are fine for both genders, I can work with those just great. But imo the human and elf presets are absolutely horrific ugly, and a real pain to make a decently attractive character with, most especially the male ones. One thing I really dislike is that male humans are frowning so much, and always look so downtrodden and depressed. And those sunken cheeks on the elves...! :ermm:


    Does anyone know of any good human and/or elven male presets?

  15. Who was the first romanceable character you had your Warden woo and sleep with? :teehee:


    For me it was Alistair... on my very first game, as a female dwarf noble, too. Then I did it with Zevran, followed by Leliana, on subsequent playthroughs. :smile:


    Morrigan is actually the only one I have yet to do it with, with any of my characters (the thing at the end doesn't count, at least not for the achievement). IMO, and apparently contrary to what most people think, I don't find her the least bit attractive, either personality or appearance wise... :down:

  16. Ah I got the hang of it now. Turns out it was just a small typo on one line, fixed it and now my char has the voiceset I want :sweat: Thank you so much!


    Out of curiosity, is it at all possible to use NPC voicesets for your character? Would they work at all?

  17. How do you know it'll only be a plain old human? I know human DNA is dominant over elf DNA, meaning that any elf-human hybrid will just be a normal human, but it never says anything about how it works with dwarf DNA.
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