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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. So, in all the days and days and days on end I've spent doing nothing but playing this game, I always wonder about one thing. Just how intelligent ARE darkspawn, anyway? How do they plan out attacks and battles and such? Who commands them and rallies them when there isn't currently any archdemon around to do so? And even better yet, where the heck do they get their armor and weapons from? I seriously doubt that even darkspawn come out of their mothers' wombs already fully armed and armored, so... where do they get it all from? Lol.


    Also, although this hasn't anything to do with darkspawn, I wonder about this to. All of the other origins don't get Dog until after Ostagar, but the Human Noble receives the dog right at the very beginning of the game. So when the Human Noble walks out of Flemeth's hut after the great massacre, Alistair and the dog are waiting for them. But, it is never explained how the heck this happened. Morrigan only tells how the player and Alistair are rescued. But how did the dog survive? And how did he manage to get around all those darkspawn and make it back to the Wilds alive and unharmed? Any theories or explanations about this?

  2. Oh I just thought of another thing... it's not specific to the story, but I always find it highly amusing when I come upon a band of darkspawn, only to find that they're currently too busy trying to kill a bunch of wolves or spiders or some other non-darkspawn enemies to even notice me!
  3. IMO the Mabari hounds in the game are butt ugly. They're obviously a mish-mash of a boxer dog and a pitbull, both of which are extremely fugly in my opinion I don't like either of those breeds one bit.


    And the brown colour of the Warden's dog only makes it worse. I think the colour brown is very pretty colour on many things and on many animals, but on that dog it only amplifies its immense ugliness.


    Can someone please make a mod to make the dog look better? Maybe something to make it look like a wolf, or some other kind of dog? Or at least something to make it a different colour? :sad:

  4. So... apparently this is a pretty hot and sensitive subject. This caused a huge flame war over on TVtropes, as well as several other gaming forums.


    So I'm interested to know what YOU guys think about this. What is your opinion about Duncan's killing of Jory?


    Personally I think it was wrong. I feel that it was completely unnecessary to kill Jory, and honestly my heart bleeds for him, his wife, and his poor child every time I watch the cutscene. He would have been a great Warden, I'm sure. :sad:

  5. Oh darn I totally forgot about this one in my original post!..


    During the Nature of the Beast quest, do you side with the Mad Hermit or the Grand Oak? Personally I always side with the Grand Oak and kill that annoying babbling hermit. Just cause I like the Oak a lot better, he's nicer and a heck of a lot more charming and intelligent. That hermit is just ugh impossible to talk to and a jerk. Lol :teehee:

  6. I downloaded a mod to make Morrigan look like less of a ho (mainly, no makeup and different hair) so I don't hate having to do her "ritual" so much... or having to make Alistair do it, if I've been romancing him.


    But I like making the ultimate sacrifice, so... :smile:

  7. I downloaded the Stone Prisoner DLC, and every time I try going to Sulcher's Pass and talking to the guy and getting the rod thingy... no matter what I do, Honnleath never appears on the map. Never.


    I've tried google, I've scoured the whole damn internet, but I cannot find a solution that will work. Absolutely nothing, nothing I have read and tried will fix it, no matter what I do Honnleath simply will not appear on the map.


    I'm really frustrated because my friend has the XBOX version of this game and they haven't had this problem at all, it's working perfectly for them and I'm kind of ticked off about it. This sucks! :sad:


    There must be a solution or something out there that will work. Is there nothing, nothing that will fix this borked quest? Nothing at all??

  8. So, you're forced to choose sides with various peoples during the story... what sides do you prefer to choose?


    I'm pretty much a large ham here and I pick all the sides that result in the most positive ending.


    In the quest to get the mages to help you, I always side with the mages, because, well.. Cullen is a d*ckhead (as are most of the templars) and I don't want to do what he wants, and besides I like the mages a lot so I do not want to kill them (and I also like Wynne a lot, and siding with the templars will force me to kill her and I do not want to do that!)


    In the quest to get Orzammar's help, I always side with Bhelen and destroy the Anvil of the Void. It kind of hurts me to do it, I really like Harrowmont a lot and he's genuinely a very sensitive and kind man, but he's a weakling and pretty much all of the possible endings from making him king are very bad for poor Orzammar. I don't like Bhelen at all, he's a lying, cheating, two faced little a**wipe, and I hate how making him king immediately results in a lot of very unhappy dwarves, but he is the stronger ruler and making him king does deliver far better ending than any of the Harrowmont ones. And I really care about Orzammar a lot (largely because I love to play as a dwarf myself), and want the best possible future for it, so I go with him. And of course, keeping the Anvil will result in a very, very bad ending regardless of who you make king, so I destroy it. I hate having to kill Branka, but my pity for poor Caridin compels me (watching his suicide always tugs at my heartstrings).


    In the quest to get the elves' help, of course I always side with the elves because I like the elves a lot better than those ugly, crazy fleabag werewolves. Plus, of course, siding with the elves gives me a more positive ending than siding with those disgusting monsters. I heard there was an ending where you can save the elves and lift the curse off the werewolves so they can return to human society, but honestly I don't know how to do that.


    As for the Landsmeet, I prefer to make Anora queen, simply because I like her, and she's far more monarch-material than Alistair (IMO, he's a bit of an immature loser and I just don't think he makes a very good king at all).


    The quest to save Eamon is pretty much ditto. I put in all the work to save both Connor and Isolde, and kill the desire demon. Urn of Sacred Ashes quest, on all of my playthroughs so far I've killed Kolgrim and killed the High Dragon (because I want that grandmaster flame rune), I haven't tried siding with Kolgrim and defiling the Urn yet, but I definitely must do so on one of my playthroughs.


    In fact one of these playthroughs I have to try making all the worst possible choices, just to explore the different endings. Lol...

  9. Armour was never meant to be fashionable or to give men hard-ons. It is and always has been meant for one thing: to protect your vital organs from injury during battle.


    I never expected the armor to arouse me nor have I ever expected it to do anything less than be able to protect me from death. But is it too much for it to be a little stylish? Every hero likes to have their own fashion that separates them from the rest of the pack. Rogues, bards, mages these are all people whom wear attire of a different sort. In the sense of the game everything is armor, so I call it all armor. Even a dress is armor. With my rogue in mind, it depends on the goal in mind as to what they would wear. With that in mind, I've always hated most of the mage armors. Too revealing, not very stylish at all.


    I take offense that you misunderstand my seeking of style for something that I expect to be pleasuring myself to. That's just a side bonus! :whistling:


    I did not mean it that way, I'm sorry my apologies :sad:

  10. So... all of the darkspawn in the game, vaguely resemble what their broodmothers looked like before they became broodmothers. Except for ogres... I think... I hope?


    Genlocks are exactly as small and stocky as a dwarf, because their broodmothers were once dwarves. Hurlocks are tall like humans, with very human-like frames, because their broodmothers were once human. Shrieks have thin, lanky figures like elves, because their broodmothers used to be elven women.


    But... ogres are different. Since ogres are born of broodmothers that were once qunari women, does that mean qunari women are 15 feet tall with extremely "thick" bodies and massive horns? What the heck? Lol.


    Also, while I'm on the subject I'll bring up another thing I have been wondering about. Why are there Genlock emissaries (the darkspawn equivalent of a mage), when dwarves are completely incapable of magic?

  11. Definitely the massive plate armours, only mostly because they look the most realistic on the ladies. All of the other armours in the game have breast bulges when equipped to females, which are obviously only there for "sex appeal" (which I say is entirely unnecessary and silly). If you do some reading about it, you'll find out why having breast-bulges in armour would actually be very bad in real life.


    But, I also quite like how the scale and dwarf armours look on everyone. :happy:

  12. Actually, a certain conversation reveals the fact that Alistair is indeed a virgin at the beginning of the story.


    Wynne on the other hand is not, one of the conversations you can have with her, she straight up tells you that she sought "companionship" with the other mages when she was younger, and even had a child with one of them.

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