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Everything posted by thompsonar

  1. Well that is certainly an interesting opinion of the game. I'll admit I skimmed the end. Just want to say that the entire world was not in Oblivion. I don't understand why you posted another person's response and did not include what this was a response to (or why you even posted it in the first place) There's just too much wrong with this to even go through it all. edit: Oh I forgot to mention the spoilers, this is a no spoilers forum.
  2. It's hard to figure out what you're talking about exactly but I believe you want to change how often you have to eat using a hunger mod? Most of the good hunger/thirst mods have settings where you can change the amount of food/water you need over a given time. I'd go back and read the mod description (or readme) and see if/how you can change these settings. If the mod you're using doesn't have this option I'd look into a different mod that is able to be customized. If you're asking if there's a mod that lets Skyrim time equal real time then I don't think this is possible without causing issues with NPCs. You can change the timescale using the console (or ini file, or configuration program) to something closer to real time but setting it too close will break the game. I don't think changing the timescale is going to affect the mod though, pretty sure you'll have to change it's individual settings as I mentioned above. If this is not what you were talking about I apologize.
  3. I've started I don't know how many different characters. The highest level I ever got to was 40 something (don't remember exactly). Now my mage is level 37 and I'm trying to finish the MQ for the first time along with a couple other quest lines. But usually I start over when I get to the upper 20's or mid 30's. I've had quite a few characters I've abandoned before level 10 as well. Have no idea how much time for the individual characters but I've got about 150-180 hours total into the game.
  4. I run into download issues occasionally with the nexus. I usually wait a bit and it's fine. I usually use NMM to do all my downloading but if it keeps failing with that I just use the direct download link and load it in to NMM myself. There's a lot of traffic here and I'm sure the servers have a hard time keeping up when demand is high.
  5. Not really sure if these are really "bugs" the one in the tent could be as you would think they would have noticed that in testing. But with all the mountains and rocks and crap there are probably hundreds of places you can trap yourself while exploring. I don't think there's really any way the devs could find and fix all of the locations. Just have to be careful if you're off the beaten path. The console command TCL is your best friend in these circumstances. Or as was just pointed out to me in another thread (which I can't believe I never thought of) if you're outside just fast travel somewhere.
  6. Well do you have the spell added for Dynavision? Did you make sure the entry for DOF is correct in your ini file? Did you read the instructions on how to install the mod and get it to work properly? Also if you list the names of the mods it's more helpful, not just sword mods and house mods.
  7. The more info you can give with bugs the better. What are your systems specs, what mods are you running, have you done edits to your ini file, has it always done this, when did it start, did you change anything etc. etc. Could be any number of things, but more details are needed I would think unless someone has had the exact same thing happen to them and knows what it is.
  8. You could always download a few different setups and test them for yourself. I can't use any so I can't recommend any.
  9. Download a program called BOSS (you can get it here on the nexus) and run it. Then your mods will be in the right order. Read the instructions and it's super easy.
  10. Npc's don't get pregnant. Haven't you realized all the children are clones?
  11. Yeah you're going to have to try out some mods or just start over and play a full game as a Mage. You could find weak enemies and use training to increase your skill level. The game isn't really set up for you to just be able to switch to magic after being a warrior all game. It doesn't mean the game is broken either. I mean your skill level is very low and you're facing difficult enemies at this point... it sort of makes sense.
  12. Make sure you followed the instructions on the mods description page and that you're looking in the right place for them. More info would also help. Saying you downloaded a mod and it doesn't work isn't really going to cut it if you want help.
  13. If you've done everything BrettM suggested (which is all spot on) and have the best spells and relevant perks and still feel underpowered you may want to check out the magic overhaul mods. Magic can seem underpowered when you get to a high level sometimes. I use the mod Balanced Magic that makes spell damage (among other things) scale with your skill level. I recommend using one of the harder difficulties (mod difficulty) because it is easy to overpower yourself with this mod if you use the easiest setting. Not something that is an absolute must, but I think it makes more sense for your spells to scale. It makes it so adept level spells are not useless when you start facing harder enemies. As always just make sure you read up completely on any mod before you install it or you could screw yourself. Make sure you know what it does (and doesn't do) and if it's compatible with other mods.
  14. @Relativelybest I never even thought about using fast travel when you get stuck outside. Good point.
  15. I had the same problem with discerning the transmundane in my current playthrough. I just consoled past that part player.setstage DA04 50 then it will tell you to return to the crazy guy and you can finish the quest. The other one I dunno but I'm sure you can find the console command for that too. I'll have to go and try that quest and see if it's broken for me too. I don't think I should have anything that would affect these quests either but you never know. If you want to put up your mod list I'll put up mine and perhaps we can find the culprit. I don't have very many... maybe 40 at the most.
  16. Are you using mods? That seems odd. I thought he was labeled essential initially anyway. It would certainly affect the thieves guild quest-line as he plays a very important part in it. This is not supposed to happen, and I'm not sure it did (unless it's a mod). sketchy...
  17. I've had plenty of stuff worth 0 gold but never negative. You running any merchant/mercantile system mods? Are the items that are worth negative vanilla items or added by a mod? Don't know what else would cause that.
  18. I pretty much just use the console for "TCL" as I'm always jumping up/down mountains which gets me stuck quite often. I can't imagine the frustration of getting stuck in between a couple rocks on the console and not being able to do anything about it. I will also pop on God Mode if I want to test out some spells or just run around on a killing spree. I don't use any cheats during regular gameplay though.
  19. I still use it too. I think Warzones is too much for my PC (or have they come out with the slimmed down version yet?). I want to check out monster mod sometime but I'm waiting until I start a new character. Someone is continuing WIS though right? I thought I read that somewhere here, that eventually a new version would come out.
  20. Have you tried just restarting the game? That's worked for me when I got that issue with the enchanting table. Could also be a mod. Most likely an animation mod, crafting mod, or something of the sort.
  21. Just to throw out a few more for ya for once you get some play time in. Deadly Dragons - This becomes a necessity when you get to some higher levels and realize that dragon fights are terribly easy. It also has a configuration tool (in dragonsreach) where you can really customize your experience with it. You can not only adjust dragon health and armor etc.... but also the stats of npcs and animals. It really helps when the game starts feeling too easy. Live another life - Alternate start mod that you will grow to love after watching the opening movie a few times. Lots of options and is set up to let you avoid the main quest completely if that's your thing, or start it whenever you want. Still has the option to play the vanilla start as well. Immediate Dragons - This one goes well with Live Another Life if you want to still have dragons while avoiding the MQ. Just don't try to take on a dragon at level 1. Stones of Barenziah (spelling?) Quest Markers - Handy as hell if you want to have any hope of completing this quest. It did glitch out on me once but I just disabled then re-enabled it and it was fine. Midas Magic - Great spells (if you're a mage) and makes you work to get them. Some are overpowered but most really aren't. Read up on it though because it really is a chore to get all the ingredients and "make" the spells. I've been using it a while and probably only have gotten 10 of the spells total. I think there's a mod that makes enemies use these spells as well but I can't remember the name. Apocalypse Spell pack is supposed to be good too but I haven't used it. It looks a lot different and seems like it really changes the way magic works, with trigger spells and combinations and such. All these are pretty really mods and easy to find/use. I'll throw up some more obscure ones if I think of any, I can't remember my mod list right now and I'm not at home.
  22. Why would he know? He doesn't work for Bethesda and I know for a fact he uses the same method I use for the conversion from 3ds max/blender to skyrim. The long and incredibly annoying process of running it through nifskope making the same damn changes every time is driving me nuts and it is pretty much the single reason I have not been able to complete 2 of my mods yet, both of which rely heavily on the custom models. Way to be rude to someone who was trying to help.
  23. downloads through steam automatically unless you have an..... illegitimate copy?
  24. TES games have always needed mods to take them to the next level. Skyrim is certainly more in need of them than past titles that is true, but for me it's something I expected (and was even excited about) prior to picking up the game. I'll throw out a few mods I use for some of the stuff you mentioned I highly recommend the unofficial skyrim patch as it fixes a lot of stuff Bethesda hasn't gotten around to. Interface - SKYUI - should be obvious since it's the highest rated mod for the game, it does require the script extender (SKSE) but if you read all the instructions it's super easy to install and use and they update very quickly upon the release of new patches. Graphics - Look in to some of the highly rated ENB configs. I don't have a computer that can handle them so I don't know much about it. Also the 2k texture mods seem good (again I can't use them). I use realistic lighting with customization and it made the game look a lot better for me and it doesn't have a performance hit, but you can probably find a better one. I use UNP and Better Males for character enhancements both have non-nude versions and make the people look a lot better also ApachiiSky hair and More Hairstyles work well with these if that's your thing. Combat - There's a mod called Duel Parrying something (I'm not really sure of the title but if you search for those two words you should find it) it's supposed to add some depth to combat. Otherwise browse the mods by category and look at combat mods and sort by most endorsed. Balanced magic is good if you want to be a mage, I've been using this one but be careful as you can overpower yourself if you're not careful. If you're looking for more life in the world check out Populus, Populated Cities, and Monster Mod I know you said you don't want realism mods but I just have to throw Frostfall in there. It's a weather/hypothermia/camping mod. I don't really like the hunger/thirst mods either but Frostfall added another dimension to the game that at least makes you think about where you're going and what the weather is like. Might not be for you though. Likewise you said you don't need lots of gear but if you do get tired of the same old armor and weapons here's a few good additions, Lore friendly armor, weapons of the 3rd era, moar kontent, weapon variants expansion (or something like that) Those are some quick suggestions. But I really encourage you to take some time and just browse the mods by category (sorting by endorsements helps a lot). I do this probably a few times a week just to see what is out there and what's new. I've had the game since December and have gotten up to about 35-40 mods now. Again just take your time with it.
  25. Perhaps it's not worth it for you. You can't really just jump in and install a bunch of mods and expect it to work. You really need to take your time read up on the mods and their glitches and conflicts and install and test them one by one. It takes time, but it keeps you from getting into the situation you find yourself in now. You kinda have to want to work with the game, and if you don't enjoy it and don't have the patience to take it slow and do a bit of troubleshooting then it just might not be for you. I love the game, sure I have a few gripes but overall it's great. Why you think others should convince you to play the game is beyond me, it's obviously not your cup of tea. Listing mods for someone else is a crap shoot, I have no idea what you like and/or want in your game. Look at the top 100 mods, most of those have been thoroughly tested and will at least document any conflicts in their description (if you take the time to read it, and the comments section).
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