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Everything posted by BlackRampage

  1. If memory serves, I believe this rifle can be modified for .50 cal rounds: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27739?
  2. It's not a possibility to email them. Or perhaps they have a "chat" function on their website? Regardless, the cable company I'm with has a nice feature with which you can let them call you back. Saves being put on hold (for the most part) + potentially saves you from a million dollar telephone bill.
  3. Lolwhut? Yeah, that's a great way to win an argument when you've run out of arguments. Just accuse the other person of trolling. I thought you said you had no quarrel with me? How very "open-minded" of you. I thought we could have mature debate. Pulling the troll card on me like that doesn't seem very mature to me, so this exchange is over.
  4. Could have sworn this thread was centered about what happened to some shark... Ugh, here we go again. Wait. You just said science is based on theories. Then you said you have another vision of things. What's your vision based on? Theories. Actually, it's even worse: Wishful thinking. "I cannot explain it, therefore I hope it's some kind of Lovecraftian entity." You're not even right about science based on theories though. By its very definition science cannot be "based on theories" because then it would not be science. Science is based on observation and experiments. The "theories" part is mostly rationalizing based on the aforementioned observations and experiments. Pot>kettle. Actually, no. I don't "believe" in works of fiction. Exactly why I'm coming up with rational explanations. I thought you said you had "another vision of things"? So, as I understand it, you don't really agree with science (because it's, according to you, based on theories) but you don't reject everything about modern science either. So you're basically just cherry-picking modern science and applying wishful thinking to whatever parts you don't agree with.
  5. Sounds more like over-exaggeration on the part of whatever journalist wrote that (anything for the views). As an aside, I'm not sure whether it's even physically possible for something as big a great white + whatever creature attacked it to move "hundreds of meters in only a few seconds" in water at all. Edit: It's also likely that the shark was not at all attacked but just came into contact with a ship's propellor. Certainly would account for the shark being in pieces.
  6. If it's true, it kinda sounds like it could be a giant squid or a so-called colossal squid. Don't know of any other animal that would be capable of taking out a great white and dragging it into the deep.
  7. Interesting little contest. Yeah, I'm one of those that must have missed the initial announcement. Entered for the heck of it.
  8. Well, that's not really a Dutch style oven though. The "Dutch oven", as it is called, is basically just a big cooking pot with a close-fitting lid.
  9. A T-Bone for breakfast? Ouch.. That seems a little... heavy on an empty stomach. But back on topic. I'll have 1 pepperoni pizza, please.
  10. Coincidentally, I've gotten my posting knack back. http://www.craveonline.com/images/stories/upl_images/WinningSheen.jpg
  11. Probably here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/10228
  12. I doubt you'll need to do any of that though. Could try loading FWE, EVE and the patch in Fo3Edit, find the metal blaster entry and see which mod overrides which. If you know what you're looking at and know what you're doing, you can override alter it on the spot. If not, make a screenshot and post it here. Edit: grammar.
  13. Can't find people who agree with you? Pull out the troll card. Guaranteed win.
  14. Indeed. Did a little googling and found this pic: in it, one can clearly see some weird arm-like appliance above a bowl. Looks amazingly similar to that "Moley" (I'd have come up with a better name) thingy.
  15. Good afternoon. Seems interesting, but I wouldn't want a bunch of mechanical hands preparing my meals or whatever for me. I want to be able to do and see it for myself. I'd be much more inclined to reprogram those things to clean the kitchen counter or clean out some really dirty pans or something. Edit: but yes, it does kinda reminds me of Fallout.
  16. You don't really need to go to the old layout to give anyone kudos. I don't think one can even go to the old layout anymore, hence the confusion. Just go to a member's profile page by clicking on their username. On the left hand side, you'll find a button that says "Nexus Profile" in blue. That will lead you to their "Nexus sites" profile page. On that page you get a bunch of buttons on the right, including one that says "Give Kudos". As an aside; one used to be able to give someone a kudos in the forums too, but that option has, sadly, disappeared. The above way is... the only way.
  17. Honestly, the holidays are kind of the reason I'm hanging around here at all. Don't really have time for it anymore under normal circumstances. But anyway, Happy Holidays to you too :thumbsup:
  18. Unsure. They appear to be modifiers for all kinds of things. Including damage calculations. I'd suggest trying out different values and see what and how much they change in-game.
  19. Are you referring to the PM (private message) system? If so, that still works and is still used for the ways of communication you described.
  20. You don't need to. Disable the live iguanas in the MMM config menu in your pipboy. They've been known to cause problems.
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