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Everything posted by BlackRampage

  1. Could just use this mod: Create a New Settlement Anywhere
  2. Ugh, I haven't even looked at, let alone touched that mod in what seems like an eternity. Not worth the time and trouble updating anymore anyway. But anyway, you are correct about the ITM's. They belong to the "Master Menu Module" part of MMM, which was included in Blackened. Wasn't any other way to keep the menu module without just including it into the patches in it's entirety.
  3. Just... No! Do not ever download .DLL files from some random website! That's like downloading some random .exe file, running it, then being surprised it contains a virus. A .dll file is similar, except you cannot "run" it like you can .exe file. Other programs can though. In fact multiple programs can run a .dll file. And yes, .dll files can and do contain viruses or other malicious junk. Got a missing .dll error? Fix it by installing / reinstalling the program that the .dll comes with.
  4. Lol, that makes 2 of us. I remember downloading some (rather nice) armor mod and getting an entire folder added to my data directory filled with all the pictures the author had uploaded to the image tab. I mean, they really showed the quality of armor I just downloaded, but that's just it. I just downloaded the darn thing based on those very same images on the image tab. There is still something else that sometimes bother me about installing mods, though the average user won't ever be troubled by it or even notice it. Still having to check mods in xEdit for dirty edits after installing them. And still finding them. Yeah, I know, ITM's and UDR's can be easily removed by means of xEdit's automated "cleaning" features, but I still often find other "wild edits" xEdit cannot remove, but are still there and do not serve any purpose whatsoever aside for becoming a conflicting record. I mean come on, at least load your mod in xEdit once before uploading and have a quick look at it.
  5. That's because he isn't. But anyway, I'd choose Podrick Payne (a.k.a. Pod) due to his unflinching loyalty to whomever he served. And I also rather liked his happy go lucky attitude. Not sure if it's even possible to get him angry. At all.
  6. Seeing as I often use mage-like followers, this problem is not unknown to me. I just remove the fireball spell (and other area-effect spells) from their actor effects list with Tes5Edit. (and optionally replace it with incinerate)
  7. The whole wedding scene is a scripted event. Just wait until she's back at the bard's college.
  8. It's been like ages since I last troubled myself with Fallout 3 err troubles, but here goes... The "Merged" version doesn't contain anything but all the plugins from Mart's Mutant Mod merged into a single plugin though. And since your uninstalled the original version, you missed all of the required assets. Meaning the meshes and textures. Hence why you "saw" an invisible supermutant. Step 1: Remove all MMM plugins from your Fallout / Data directory. Step 2: Copy/Paste the MMM .esm from Paradox Ignition into your Data directory and activate it in FoMM / NMM / Whatever. Step 3: Profit.
  9. Not really. The names of "Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp" and "Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp" just don't fit on a single "line". Also note the extension is .esp instead of .esm. All DLC's are .esm's, not .esp's.
  10. Indeed? A simple texture replacer doesn't require a .esp to work. Are the textures packed in a .bsa archive or are they loose files? Regardless, probably best to check whether the folder structure and file and folderames are exactly the same as vanilla. How many plugins do you have in total btw? The game engine won't load any .esp driven textures if you're over the 255 (hexadecimal: FF) limit.
  11. No updates does not equal something is not being worked on or even abandoned. That goes for any kind of mod by the way, not just F4SE. And that's not even mentioning the fact that it might just be considered "done". In other words: no bugs left to squash and/or no more functionalities to be added that warrant an update.
  12. Here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3515-fallout-4-mod-requests/
  13. Damn, this thread still alive? Oh, why am I even surprised. Anyway, I decided to take a peek, but I refuse to post. Oh wait....
  14. I think the OP's confusion (about sticky posts) stems from using the forum side to read mod comment topics instead of using the comments thread tab on the mod page itself.
  15. Well, as it happens: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/17937/?
  16. Still kinda think it would have been best to just ignore the scum in the first place. Does the giant pay attention to the ants he steps on? Reinstate obligatory military service just for those kinds of keyboard warriors, trolls and other unwanted types on the interwebs. 1 nasty comment equals 1 year of obligatory military service. Their parents (and society as whole) will be grateful for it. That said, I do sometimes wonder about the kinds of "people" hiding behind those kinds of comments. Are they truly as pathetic in real life as the stereotype about keyboard warriors goes? Makes me remember a case when some waste of oxygen told me that he'd kick my ass in real life (I was totally owning the n00b in UT3). Almost made me wish I could somehow instantly teleport to his location and see if he could live up to his pathetic little threat or just s*** his pants instead.
  17. http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn149/crazyplaya_2008/RebelForever.jpg
  18. :sad: :smile: :sad: :smile: :sad: :smile: :sad: :smile: :sad: :smile: :sad: :smile: :sad: :smile: :sad: :smile: :sad: :smile: :sad: :smile:
  19. Try disabling the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch. And it's quite unavoidable you get all kinds of mesh & texture-related problems when you have half a dozen different overlapping weapon-related mods. You'll never get them all to work seamlessly together.
  20. The bear is white. What did I win? A free holiday to the north pole. :P
  21. There's only 1 place on the planet where it's possible to have a house where all walls face south.... So, what color is the bear?
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