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Everything posted by AndalayBay

  1. A bit of bad news: I won't be able to release the alpha this weekend. I have made good progress, but I've had a lot of fixes to do. I'll post another update once I have a better feel for how much longer I think it's going to be. I'd like to say a week at most, but it's already taken a little longer than I expected. I'm terrible at giving estimates! Here is the scope of the alpha: Six quests. First two quests in main quest line, first quest in Hist Tribes quest line, first quest in Shadowscales quest line, first quest in Trillium Magnata quest line, first miscellaneous quest.Entire province to explore. There are nasty creatures to be found throughout entire province.Western cities fully populated. Lilmoth exists but doesn't have any interiors and the only NPC's will be a couple of guards. Soulrest needs a few interiors as well. Those will come in the beta.Travel network to take you to the major cities for a fee.Free mounts for you to ride.Inn rooms for rent if I have time to code up the quest. If not, I'll make one or two inn rooms available for free.In addition to that, David Brasher has already coded up five more quests, but I haven't had a chance to check them and merge them into the master. That will probably have to wait for the beta. So the alpha is more about missing content than game breaking bugs. :) In fact there shouldn't be any game breaking bugs at all. I have been running with Black Marsh in my load order for quite a while. Most of the bugs are cosmetic. There are a lot of NPC's that need to have their AI packages fixed, so they aren't going about their daily routines. We're still fiddling with the monsters too and not all of our nasties have been added to the game world yet. I'll post the details on how you can participate in the alpha once I've released it.
  2. Another update: If you missed the announcement earlier, we're working towards releasing an alpha by the end of the month. I'm still working towards that goal and hope to meet the deadline. I've just finished getting our ridable mounts working. There are no horses in Black Marsh, but that doesn't mean you'll be walking or running everywhere. The mounts will be free for the taking in the alpha, but they'll be for sale in the beta. In addition to critters for you to ride, we have a travel network (courtesy of Arthmoor) that will take you to the major cities for a fee. We'll post details about the alpha and how to sign up to participate once it's released.
  3. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
  4. Another update. With shadeMe's assistance, I was able to create a Coda script to fix the floating trees in the eastern regions, which is an artefact of the region generation process. When I asked Ibsen if he would like me to proceed with running this script, he replied: That has to be the best response ever! :laugh: What does that mean? Now all of Black Marsh will be playable, instead of just the western portion of the province. We won't have much content in the east, but there will be a few things and there are wilderness critters who will be awaiting your arrival. :wink:
  5. Project is on hold for the time being. It hasn't been cancelled - I am still hoping to revive it, but the development team has left the modding community. I'm the only developer left. When the project is resurrected, it will be hosted on The Assimilation Lab - see my signature.
  6. Time for an update! We do have a ton of progress to report. Where do I begin... How about alphabetical order? Arthmoor opened the cities for us and provided us with a travel network. I can only say that the travel network is unique and does not use carriages. http://www.theassimilationlab.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.pngDavid Brasher has joined the team and is churning out quests faster than Ibsen can write them. He has also implemented crime processing and creature spawns.Ibsen's Ghost continues to polish off the dungeons, write quests, do landscaping... Anything that needs doing really.JetpackAngel continues to add cluttering and finishing off the interiors.Sandor has rejoined the team to complete the region generation. He has also provided me with a ton of assistance and instruction on the use of TES4Gecko. The Black Marsh plugin is now load order independent and has complete LOD.With Vorians help I got the local map for Black Marsh working and have created a world map as well.I've also been zipping around fixing scripts to get various animations and traps working. BM has a lot of nifty stuff. :DWe still don't have a release date because there is just so much work to do! But things are definitely coming together. For those of you who are looking to do some testing, we need to get the second quest in the main quest coded up, which lays down the foundation for everything else. David is working on coding up the second quest now. Please note that Black Marsh has left Dark Creations and is now hosted on The Assimilation Lab.
  7. The other thing that people may not realize is that this project is not being completed on its own. It's part of the Beyond Skyrim collaboration effort, which includes several of the other provinces from Tamriel. It would include all provinces if we can get the people to work on them. :) So the mod releases need to be coordinated with the other teams because there are a lot of shared assets.
  8. We're still trying to finish Awakening! :P We're getting the voice acting done for Awakening. Parts 2 and 3 are still planned, but are still a ways off.
  9. Beta 2 has been released. Cleaning and editing of masters has been added. Beta Version 0.2.0 Change Log 0.2.0 Made string searches case insensitive. This is the bug that prevented Dawnguard from loading. Changed mode for opening string files so that mods can be opened even if the CK is running. Unhandled exception capture. Use CaptureErrorLog.cmd in the TESVGecko folder to create an error log on your desktop. Edit/cleaning of masters. Dramatically improved cleaning times.
  10. No, not yet. Editing abilities are still pretty limited. We need to finish decoding the records before we can enable full editing. Why would you want to edit a Form ID anyway?
  11. Cleaning dirty edits has been added! TES5Gecko is now in beta! We've been very quiet lately, making lots of changes and squashing bugs. We now have mod cleaning and some editing features. Our mod cleaning is conservative at this time. We have found that the Creation Kit will make changes in fields that are labelled as unknown on the UESP wiki, so we do not remove those records. It appears that those fields are no longer used and the changes can be ignored, but we need to confirm this before removing those edits. If you are sure they are dirty edits, then you can use the Remove Record or Remove Field functions to remove them manually. Gecko is available in 32 bit and 64 bit versions. Both versions are in the same download package. Beta Version 0.1.0 Change Log 0.1.0 Added record highlighting. Dirty edits are red. Modified records (not dirty) are purple. If there is a dirty record somewhere in the node, the upper branches of that node will be orange. If there is a modified record somewhere in the node, the upper branches will be blue. Once you edit a record in Gecko, the text will be in italics. In other words: orange = dirty edit somewhere in the child records, blue = clean all the way, with real changes in the child records. These might be unintentional edits, but Gecko isn't psychic. :tongue:Plugin cleaning. Dirty edits are cleaned automatically.Added editing functions: add record, add field, remove record, remove field. Add record and add field are pretty rough and not really usable at this point (you need to know the record types to use them), but remove record and remove field can be used. These would be suitable for manual mod cleaning for example.The background of the tab or title bar in the tree view is white for the currently selected plugin. This is the plugin that any action will apply to.Convert to master. Convert a plugin to a master file. ONAM records will be created if necessary.Convert to plugin. Convert a master to a regular plugin. ONAM records will be removed if necessary.Make a fake master. This will only flip the master bit on a plugin. No ONAM records will be created. Useful for creating patches.Top level groups have been given proper names. Groups are sorted in alphabetical order by default. Option exists to change sort order to match position in plugin file.Edit author and description. It is possible to add a description if one doesn't exist, although the interface is a little rough.Formatted Most Recently Used Documents List so that the mod names are readable.Added search by Form ID.Added progress bar. Mod name in tab is greyed out while it's loading.Squashed a memory leak.Streamlined synchronization logic into a single function. Various fixes to asynchronous code.Added prompt to save changes.Changed file open to read mode to allow sharing with other editing tools. Future Plans Project is on hold. Add remaining Gecko functionality, with plugin merging coming next.Add colour customization for highlighting.Expand search function to Editor ID and various names and descriptions.Streamline record addition and editing features.Continue to format records with proper names and number formats.Add sorting options for records (Form ID, Editor ID and Name).Add wizards to aid with record editing and additions.
  12. TESVGecko No downloads available currently. Project is on hold. The original plugin utility for Oblivion is making a return! We will be porting TES4Gecko to Skyrim, giving it a new modern design that will make it easier to use. It will be available in 32 and 64 bit versions. Planned Features Mod Merging - Merge multiple plugins into a new plugin and merge to master.Mod Cleaning - Automatic and manual mod cleaning (removal of undesired edits).Copy Records - Copy records from one plugin to another or to a new plugin.Compare Plugins - Compare the contents of two or more plugins, displayed side-by-side in a tree view.Create difference plugin - Basically a variation on the cleaning process with multiple plugins acting like pseudo masters.Generate Comparison Report - Report that will highlight the matches and differences between two or more plugins. Results shown on-screen with option to display results in a report. May copy results to a forum post or save report to a file.Display Contents of a Single Plugin - Display the contents of a plugin in a tree view.Edit Author and Description - set or change the author and description of a pluginConvert to Master - Convert a plugin to a master fileConvert to Plugin - Convert a master to a regular pluginEdit Master List - Edit the master list of a plugin.Search - Search records on Form ID, Editor ID and various names and descriptions.Full Record Editing - Add new records, fields or edit existing records and fields. Requirements Requires Microsoft .NET 4. The setup program will install it if you don't have it already. Progress Beta Version 0.2.0 Change Log 0.2.0 Made string searches case insensitive. This is the bug that prevented Dawnguard from loading.Changed mode for opening string files so that mods can be opened even if the CK is running.Unhandled exception capture. Use CaptureErrorLog.cmd in the TESVGecko folder to create an error log on your desktop.Edit/cleaning of masters.Dramatically improved cleaning times. Beta Version 0.1.0 Change Log 0.1.0 Added record highlighting. Dirty edits are red. Modified records (not dirty) are purple. If there is a dirty record somewhere in the node, the upper branches of that node will be orange. If there is a modified record somewhere in the node, the upper branches will be blue. Once you edit a record in Gecko, the text will be in italics. In other words: orange = dirty edit somewhere in the child records, blue = clean all the way, with real changes in the child records. These might be unintentional edits, but Gecko isn't psychic. :tongue:Plugin cleaning. Dirty edits are cleaned automatically.Added editing functions: add record, add field, remove record, remove field. Add record and add field are pretty rough and not really usable at this point (you need to know the record types to use them), but remove record and remove field can be used. These would be suitable for manual mod cleaning for example.The background of the tab or title bar in the tree view is white for the currently selected plugin. This is the plugin that any action will apply to.Convert to master. Convert a plugin to a master file. ONAM records will be created if necessary.Convert to plugin. Convert a master to a regular plugin. ONAM records will be removed if necessary.Make a fake master. This will only flip the master bit on a plugin. No ONAM records will be created. Useful for creating patches.Top level groups have been given proper names. Groups are sorted in alphabetical order by default. Option exists to change sort order to match position in plugin file.Edit author and description. It is possible to add a description if one doesn't exist, although the interface is a little rough.Formatted Most Recently Used Documents List so that the mod names are readable.Added search by Form ID.Added progress bar. Mod name in tab is greyed out while it's loading.Squashed a memory leak.Streamlined synchronization logic into a single function. Various fixes to asynchronous code.Added prompt to save changes.Changed file open to read mode to allow sharing with other editing tools. Preview Version 0.0.4 Change Log 0.0.4 re-sort tabs by draggingresize treeviews horizontally and verticallyadded scroll bars to individual treeviews and windowautomatically loads all mastersimproved memory managementauto-scrolling on match in side-by-side viewnew presentation strategy to replace name strategyhid vestigial ribbon buttonsrecently used documents list Preview Version 0.0.2 This is still a preview - no editing functions yet. It still requires a decoder ring to read, to quote Arthmoor. :tongue: But it is getting better. Change Log for 0.0.2 on expansion and on selection fixed in side-by-side viewscroll bars added to individual trees in side-by-side viewmore names given to groups and recordsinstallation of update will replace old versionversion number displayed in title bar so you know you're on the new version Preview Version 0.0.1 Early preview version to showcase new interface. Main Discussion Thread and Progress Updates If this project is revived, it will be hosted on The Assimilation Lab. Application Architecture TESVGecko is written in C# using WPF with MVVM. Team AndalayBay Credits Credit goes to the original Gecko team of dev_akm (Aubrey K McAuley), ScripterRon (Ron Hoffman), KomodoDave (N David Brown) and Steve Carrow. Without the original Gecko to work from, I wouldn't know where to begin! Thanks Amadaun for Kinky-Tail the Winged Gecko! Thanks to sandor for getting in touch with Steve Carrow and getting the source code for the most recent version for me.
  13. I am no longer affiliated with Dark Creations. I have started a new site called The Assimilation Lab.
  14. I'm not quite sure which pages you were viewing. All the Beyond Skyrim projects have been very busy. We didn't get Travel to Cyrodiil set up until June 4, so they don't have any posts going back that far. Are you referring to the wiki? They don't update the wiki too often, but the forums are very active.
  15. If you're still playing Oblivion every once in a while, you'll find the first mod of the series, Awakening, here. We're still doing some work on Awakening and will be releasing a final update in about a month or so. Consequences is mod two of the series and will also take place in Oblivion. It will be developed in parallel with Chaos Ambition, as mentioned in the OP.
  16. This isn't Morroblivion reborn. These are all original, custom models and textures. It's part of the Beyond Skyrim project, in which several provinces are being recreated in Skyrim.
  17. Yes, I've already asked the SKSE guys to add this functionality. It's not available in Papyrus, but they should be able to add it again like they did for Oblivion. Papyrus does have the ability to override settings in the Skyrim.ini file, but not read in a mod specific ini file. There are a few other SKSE functions that I'll need to complete this, but there is a lot of work I can do in the meantime. Thanks for the well wishes. :)
  18. Skyrim XP Skyrim XP is a levelling system replacement aimed at bringing the Dungeons & Dragons character progression ruleset to Skyrim. Unlike in Oblivion, skills are no longer tied to attributes, but the levelling system is still easily exploited in some areas and unnecessarily difficult in others. There is also no experience reward for completing quests or tasks, other than money and equipment. With Skyrim XP, you gain experience points for performing a variety of actions, including but not limited to completing quests, defeating enemies, picking locks and smithing weapons & armour. When you accumulate enough experience points, you will gain a level, granting you points to spend on improving whichever skills you prefer, instead of advancing skill levels by using them. Each level allows you to increase health, stamina or magicka, and pick a single perk, just like in Skyrim's original system. Dungeons and Dragons Style Levelling Even if you've never played a game using the Dungeons and Dragons ruleset, you're most likely familiar with the core principle its based on. The experience point system is used in almost a majority of titles featuring any kind of character progression (also known as RPG elements), from Dragon Age to Mass Effect, Deus Ex to Battlefield, Fable to Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, this way of improving the proficiency of your character through experience points is and has been almost a standard in video game for many years. In short, each accomplishment — such as killing enemies, completing quests and finding secret locations — grants you a relative number of experience points, of which you need a certain amount to get to the next level. With each level up, you improve your character in ways that are thematically unrelated to how you acquired the experience points. Given the significant differences between Skyrim's levelling system and the Dungeons and Dragons ruleset, Skyrim XP includes balancing measures taken to ensure that the player levels at an appropriate pace along with the rest of the world and its challenges. Design I will be working on the design of Skyrim XP over the next few months. I need to devise the levelling algorithm — how many points you need for each level — and I also need to determine how many points quest rewards should give, as well as all the other point earning opportunities. At this point, I think that the miscellaneous tasks that grant experience points will be restricted to activities like smithing, creating potions and enchanting, in other words activities that require skill. However, I would like your opinions on what should give the player experience points. I will be updating this thread with details on exactly what tasks will grant the player experience points. Also, once I start designing the level-up screen, I will post screenshots and ask for feedback on that as well. Features/Details I'll post the design decisions or features here as I progress. Unused training sessions will carry over to the next level. Skyrim XP's public forum is hosted at The Assimilation Lab. Drop by to see how far along we've come, make a couple of suggestions of what you'd like to see in the mod and peek at the screenshots we'll be posting of recent developments. If you're a scripter, or have technical experience, you're more than welcome to pitch in on the stuff under the bonnet and help us move faster towards a stable release.
  19. :laugh: That's beautiful. Need to add it as a quote to my sig.
  20. The member search function definitely seems broken. Even if you put in the entire member's name, it will say no results found even though you know the member exists. In fact you can send the member a PM. Once you've done that, then you can look up their profile. But doing a search will not retrieve their profile.
  21. Just wanted to post a small update: we've had some talented folks join the team and are making some good progress. We've had a couple of interior designers join and they've been fixing up our interiors. We also have a couple of scripters on board now, including myself, and we've started to get the quests coded up. We're still a ways off from releasing the beta, but we are moving forward.
  22. Suddenly I can't login either. I actually have it set so I'm always logged in and my browser remembers my credentials. I can't log in to tes.nexusmod.com or skyrim.nexusmods.com. It's telling me my password is incorrect. What is really strange about this is I was in the middle of responding to a user's comment when it logged me out and I haven't been able to get in since.
  23. It was random :D I was looking at the various member ranks to get ideas for my site.
  24. Well I hope this works better than OBMM. If I uninstall a mod with BAIN that overwrote some files of another mod, BAIN will reinstall the files from the mod that got overwrote - automatically. OBMM does not do that. OBMM is fine for static load orders, but if you want to check out a mod and then remove it again, you're asking for trouble. There are also a number of Oblivion modders that have switched to BAIN packaging for their mods - you can't use OBMM to install those mods. I have switched my mods to BAIN packaging, although at this point, I still have an OMOD conversion script. Some mod authors don't. @bben46 - with Wrye Bash, you can drag a mod to a different spot in your load order - the same as you can with OBMM.
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