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Everything posted by AndalayBay

  1. TESCOSI was created by a user named Tomlong75210. She was very involved in the community, helping people with Oblivion game issues and sorting out their mods. When Tomlong left the community, we picked up her wiki and are now hosting it on The Assimilation Lab. I was able to contact her at that time and she was happy that her wiki had found a new home. TESCOSI has information for all levels of mod users, including the most detailed mod installation guide around. However it needs some love after being neglected for a few years. In particular, it has a lot of links that need updating. If you'd like to help, please register an account on the wiki. Once you're confirmed your email address, you can start editing! Note that the wiki has no connection to The Assimilation Lab other than it is being hosted on our server. Creating a wiki account does not create an account on TAL. Note to those looking for the MMM+OOO Installation Guide: that page has now been fixed.
  2. I had to re-enable my ad blocker when you guys introduced that really annoying mod interview pop-up thing. Is there a way to get rid of it? I close it but as soon as I switch pages, it pops back up again.
  3. Robin, I don't normally comment on your blog posts, but if we could like blog posts, I'd like yours. I also feel bad for Bethesda. I responded to their original blog post about their rationale and in that response, I said that I thought one are that would benefit from a paid mod scheme would be animations and modelling, creature modelling in particular. On the other hand, TES modding is almost 15 years old and suddenly introducing a paid scheme, especially so long after the game's release, is not something that can be done without a lot of upset. TES mods are too tightly intertwined for a paid system to really work.
  4. Iliana has updated Elsweyr Anequina and the Valenwood Improved patch. Nothing new since the discussion back in February, but I didn't see this until now. :tongue: Elsweyr: Deserts of Anequina Meshes and Textures Valenwood Improved Patch Links to the support threads are on the download pages.
  5. I replied to your question in the WB thread on Beth. :) There are several mods: Refscope, Kuertee Actor Details and various console debugging options, with sdt 9 being the main one.
  6. The second alpha is now available! If you are already a member of the testing group, then you can *link removed*. If you would like to help test, then register at The Assimilation Lab and post your request in the sign-up thread. *link removed* This version has a ton of fixes and some new content. We will continue to release alphas as we add new content. Helping us test these alphas allows us to catch more bugs. Black Marsh is a very large mod, so the more people looking at it, the better. If you do join the testing team, please report your findings.
  7. Another update: we're getting there! The first Hist Tribes quest has been added and I just released a new master and resource package to the team. This means that I just need to add one more quest and the second alpha will be ready to go, so that's one to three weeks, depending of the complexity of the quest.
  8. Perhaps Figment's version of the NifTools plugin will work for you. Here's my findings on the various plugins for Max.
  9. Hmmm, it's been a while since we've done an update. Work on the second alpha continues. We probably got a tad carried away with bug fixes. :D However I am in the process of adding the first Hist Tribes and Shadowscales quests, which David Brasher coded up for us a while ago. I've been fixing up the quest locations and fleshing out the quests a bit more and I ran into a serious scripting challenge with the first Hist Tribes quest. It's one of those things that seems so simple on paper, but the features are only available through some serious OBSE scripting. Anyway I think I've got it all sorted now and I'm in the process of finishing off the Hist Tribes quest and testing it. As usual, I won't provide any estimates and just say that I'm working on this as much as I can. :D
  10. Hey guys! Thanks for the support. Sorry for the lack of updates. We're still working on getting the second alpha out. I'd definitely wait for that if you want to check this out. We've made a TON of fixes and additions. I've given up on trying to provide estimates - we've been trying to get this puppy out all summer. :( I am working on adding a quest and I've still got another one after that. Hopefully I can stop getting sidetracked. :D
  11. There are a lot of threads in the Morrowind Mod Talk forum that seem to have disappeared. From the main forum screen, there are supposed to be over 3,000 topics, but there's only two pages of threads. We had a thread for our mod that's now gone. Should we post our thread again?
  12. Time for an update. First, we have gotten permission from Quorn to use his patches and fixes, so they will be integrated into our patch. Currently we're working on compiling a list of all the bugs and patches - basically taking stock of the work that has been done. We have also created a couple of small patches to fix some bugs that are still outstanding. Once we're done compiling the list, we'll begin work on our first release. We've also had Amenophis and Fritz join the team. They have already submitted some fixes, so we're building up the patches and still working on the lists.
  13. No, we haven't thrown in the towel. :D After eight years, we're not going to quit now. Ibsen and I have had some real life stuff to deal with that slowed things yet again. Then Ibsen accidentally opened his patch in the regular CS and lost the link to the Black Marsh master. This is an enormous patch. He fixed a TON of landscape issues and added some new areas that will be used in MQ04. Fortunately I can fix it TES4Edit, but it's slow going. I've been working on it full-time for three days now. Once I've rescued his patch, I will merge it into the master, along with my own. Then I'll get back to working on the next two quests that I wanted to add for this release of the alpha. I am pleased to announce that GGod finished the custom palace meshes for Lilmoth. I will be adding the meshes to our development resources, but I'm not sure if we'll have time to implement the new palace in Lilmoth. Ibsen is going to work on that when he can get back to modding. Lastly, I'm going to list all our quest lines. We've never really talked about the quests in Black Marsh and we think it's time we did! We will have a Main Quest line, some Miscellaneous quests, and then several quests for the major factions. These include: Hist Tribes, Shadowscales, Trillium Magnata and Sotho Tren. Ibsen has already written up the first quest in every quest line, with some quest lines having two or three quests already. It's my job to add all those quests to the mod. David Brasher has coded up several of the quests and I just need to make some adjustments to enable them in the mod. Then there are some new quests that I need to code up. That's why we will be releasing several alphas before we finally release a beta. So when complete, Black Marsh will be an entire province with six quest lines. We're not sure how many quests each line will have yet.
  14. Unofficial Morrowind Patch The Unofficial Morrowind Patch aims to fix the bugs in Morrowind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon that Bethesda never fixed. We intend to create a single patch that will incorporate the various patches and fixes that have been released in the past so that no additional fixes to vanilla Morrowind are needed - one patch to fix them all. We will continue to develop our patch to fix the bugs that are still oustanding after the other fixes have been merged. This will be a bug fix patch. It will not include enhancements, tweaks or subjective changes. Our fixes will be based on evidence we can find in the game files and will also fix game-breaking bugs. All those changes will be documented and the documentation will be easily accessible so that any user can see the rationale for the fix. We're looking at using one of the patch mods as a base and merging the fixes from other patches like the Morrowind Patch Project and ThePal's Unofficial Morrowind Patch. We will set the version of our first release at a higher number than the other major unofficial patches to demonstrate that it is a new update to the old patches. If you'd like to submit a fix without joining the team, you can upload your patch to our File Contributions area. You have to be a member of The Assimilation Lab to do that though. Team: Leonardo Skrawafunda AndalayBay Arthmoor brucoms Dragon32 Jac Amenophis Fritz qqqbbb Midgetalien Greatness7 HedgeHog12 Project Forums: This project is hosted at The Assimilation Lab. We'll post announcements once we're ready for beta testers and bug submissions. Credits Thanks to Leonardo for getting this project organized and getting us all going! More to come!
  15. Time for an update: Ibsen and I both had a lot of real life stuff to deal with lately that prevented any work getting done, but we're both back at it now. Mercer got the ingredient overhaul done, so that will be in the next alpha and qwerty got some models done so those will be included too. We've done a ton of bug fixes and Ibsen has been working on the eastern landscaping, so things should look a lot more polished in the next alpha. I built myself a new machine, which is really nice, but I'm still trying to get some software licenses sorted. Hopefully that will be done shortly and I can get back to working on the quests. Once I've added a couple more quests, I'll merge everyone's patches and we'll release the next alpha. I keep giving a time line and keep missing it. *sigh* We'll try again for the end of July.
  16. Work continues on the next alpha. We've fixed most of the bugs reported in the first alpha and have a bunch of other fixes as well. I still need to add a couple more quests and Ibsen has written the script for the third quest in the main quest line. That won't be ready for the next alpha, however. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all our alpha testers. We got a ton of excellent reports that made going through and fixing all this stuff so much easier. We're still in desperate need of modellers. If you've got a talent for creating architecture or creatures, please let us know.
  17. Ah, I see. We have a rather unique transportation network. ;)
  18. If you are helping to test the alpha, please read the OP of the WIP/Alpha thread and the Alpha sign-up thread on TAL. Any issues you find, please post on TAL per the instructions in the alpha sign-up thread. If you're just wondering how you access Black Marsh, there's a special transportation method.
  19. I would like to thank everyone who have given us their support and are helping us with testing. We have gotten lots of response to the alpha and are getting a lot of excellent feedback. Ibsen and I are brainstorming the third quest in the main questline, which I'm pretty excited about because it's going to have more cool stuff and will tie more things together. :D We've uncovered one major bug in the first alpha which I'll have fixed in the next. There is a work-around, so that's not holding anything up. Thanks again everyone!
  20. The Black Marsh alpha is being uploaded now! If you would like to participate in the alpha, you will need to register at TAL and request access in the sign-up thread. You can find all the details here. Ibsen will post a proper announcement thread here once he gets back online.
  21. Ibsen and I are back at work. Ibsen just finished fixing up a bunch of NPC's and one of our old settlements, in terms of mod development, Seafalls. Now that the east is open, we're making adjustments all over. :P I just posted a whole bunch of screenshots on TAL to whet your appetite: http://www.theassimilationlab.com/forums/gallery/image/5449-anasters-new-boots/ That's the start of the latest batch.
  22. I had a family emergency this past week which has meant that I've done very little modding. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to work next week. I am pleased to report that Deeza has returned and has begun work on Archon and Thorn. These are two eastern towns that haven't been developed yet. They probably won't be in the alpha, but they should be in the beta.
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