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Everything posted by AndalayBay

  1. It's not Enhanced Economy. Try uninstalling Ascension. I think you'll find the bug goes away.
  2. I've never had an issue with that quest, so I'd say there's something else in your load order causing trouble. When mods have errors or crash, you won't see messages for the mod in question. It's usually mods later in the load order that will post error messages because the bad mod has stopped everything else from running properly.
  3. I don't think IPS even has an option for down-voting. I guess you can add more reactions and have some of them be negative. You wouldn't know from just using the reaction though.
  4. Yeah they need a new home. Here's the announcement thread. Perhaps Nexus could create a sub-forum for them.
  5. And don't forget to check the vertex colours. I don't know where you define them in Blender or 3DS Max, but you can edit them in Nifskope if needed.
  6. He might have copied it from IPS' site. That sounds like their marketing spiel.
  7. I have found IrfanView to be very handy to get information on image files. Open the DDS file and type "i" for information and it will give you the image properties. Specifically it will tell you which compression was used (DXT level).
  8. You can tweak the UV map with Nifskope. Search for "UV Mapping in Nifskope" and you'll find several tutorials. Lady Nerevar has one on TES Aliance, but all the images are missing which makes it harder to follow, but her process is quite simple. Another thing to check is the vertex colouring.
  9. Oblivion definitely doesn't handle floats very well. I've seen some instances where vanilla values result in NAN (not a number) in the tools we have for editing. It would appear that the data types were doubles in the original Gamebyro engine but are only floats in the CS. You'll see this a lot if you start looking at the heights in the region editor. Armour rating is a decimal number in the CS, but is actually stored as a short.
  10. I've never heard of it and I've sneaked attacked and one-shot killed many. Mods that add extra combat moves or fancy spells have to kill enemies via scripting and they usually don't take all the factors into account. I get complaints all the time because players don't get credit for the kills and therefore don't get experience points when using Oblivion XP, so I'm quite familiar with the game mechanics in this regard.
  11. Plus the fact that the mods needed to create characters like that may not be available for Oblivion. You certainly wouldn't get that horrid Skyrim look. Post your SKYRIM characters in the SKYRIM forums! This is for Oblivion.
  12. People, this thread is for Oblivion characters!
  13. Well one of your problems will be that you installed Oblivion to Program Files. Mods need to write to the installation directory and Windows will prevent that, so you need to install Oblivion somewhere else.
  14. I can't help with Blender, but the latest Nifskope is here. I have found that Dev 10 works well for Oblivion and it remembers your screen positioning. I would try the latest Blender. Blender did a major rewrite at one point that made it easier to use, but there were a lot of modders who knew the old version and didn't want to upgrade, so a lot of tutorials still reference the old version.
  15. Yeah but checking out the ban topics is amusing at times.
  16. @kwoodard65 if you have the Spell Tomes DLC, you'll find all kinds of examples of books adding spells to the player. Then you put your books in the container.
  17. That has always been the default, so they would have had to change the setting. Furthermore, when you upgrade, you have to completely uninstall the previous version as we instruct in the manual. shadeMe did a major overhaul of the CSE a few versions back and if you're returning after being away for a while, you'll definitely need to remove the old version. If you don't replace the old ini file, the new version won't even run. It's not just this case. There was someone else trying to figure out how to save a plugin with a master. Anyway folks, please read the manual. The CSE is quite different from the CS.
  18. Documentation is in ...\Oblivion\Data\Docs\Construction Set Extender. I don't understand all these questions about saving a plugin as a master, as that's the default. To quote the manual:
  19. Roman introduced a local variable to keep track of the state of the summons, as he says in a comment on the second last line of the script snippet.
  20. Click on the one you don't want and hit the delete key.
  21. While probably not applicable in this case, if you are looking to use assets from a mod, download the mod and read the readme in the archive. There are a lot of old mods where the Nexus' permissions will say the default "you can't use anything without permission". However if you read the readme in the package, it will often say "do whatever you like, just give me credit". That's because the mod was released long before Nexus had permissions, so mod authors put their permissions in their readmes.
  22. There are a number of old women on these forums who are actively modding games. I consider it a badge of pride, personally. I find the bold white on dark grey of the sub-forums titles to be quite glaring, but I wouldn't call it painful in the least. I'd like to see it toned down, but will get used to it and continue to visit nevertheless.
  23. It depends on the mods you're using. Oblivion uses modified date for load order and last mod loaded wins, so you may wind up with mods not overwriting other mods like you intended. LOOT uses heuristics rather than a defined mod list, so you'll get varying results. Skyrim doesn't use dates for load order.
  24. BOSS is still the recommended tool for Oblivion. LOOT works better with new mods, so it's better for Skyrim and later games. Whether it's safe? Well presumably you're running it because you've changed your mod list, so even BOSS would wind up changing the load order.
  25. Do you mean Mesh Improvement Project? InsanitySorrow is quite a good modeller. He doesn't list the farm buildings so I don't think he touched them. Anyway, you need Nifskope to open NIF files. I have found dev 10 is able to open most of the old meshes. You may need the Fallout 3 work-around to get the textures to display. You might need to search for some Nifskope tutorials to get familiar with it. The object reference number is a form ID. You use the Construction Set to look them up. I recommend the CSE instead.
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