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Everything posted by AndalayBay

  1. Ok, so never mind about brave (and stupid), let's talk about smart ones that leave the dungeon clearing to you.
  2. Yes. The only limitation is that it will be 64 bit. It might even run on Windows 7, although we haven't tested that yet. We actually have an old PC still running Windows 7... Yes. You'll need to generate the LOD. Here's the CS wiki article on doing that in the CS. Even if you use TES4LL, you'll probably find that article helpful - I know I have. Also if you generate it with the CSE, you don't need to worry about the bugs the article talks about - the CSE fixes them. The CSE will generate the LOD a lot faster as well. Actually if it's an ESP, you don't need to move the worldspace. It's only ESM's that have that issue. However, if your plugin is an ESP, then you can't edit cell 3,3 due to another bug. If you have edited cell 3,3 in an ESP, then you must use EngineBugFixes to fix it and your users will too. It doesn't matter that it's a separate worldspace. Bethesda left some odd code in the game and it breaks the local map if cell 3,3 has been edited, no matter the worldspace. EBF explains it.
  3. Seriously, that dude scared the crap out of me on several occasions. I'd be sneaking through a dungeon and he'd run up to hand me a message. I'm afraid I've configured our courier not to find you in dungeons or Oblivion gates. She'll be happily waiting for you outside.
  4. I suggest just releasing a patch that fixes the issue. Your animation will replace the original. If she decides to return, she can merge your patch into the plugin. You can use the CSE to create the patch quite easily.
  5. Yes that's correct. The mod pages are separate from the forums. They use BBCode. In that case, you just post in the comments and the mod author will see your question if they are actively supporting the mod.
  6. On the forums, you use @ to mention someone and they will get a notification. So, it's @VerNOX21 for example. If they have a published mod, you should just ask your question in the comments if they have them enabled.
  7. I'm not sure which version of Nifskope you are using. Jon and company are still working on it and you can find the latest version here. There is a small discussion area where I see people have been able to get help. Dev 9 is the latest "official" release, but it has a couple of annoying issues so I've stuck with Dev 8. Ironically one of the issues with Dev 9 is it won't remember your window position, so it resets every time you open it. I guess that's one way to fix the layout...
  8. It was largely left to the community to document what they could. Here's InsanitySorrow's guide on Gecko. We will have better documentation with the new version.
  9. Did you find that it actually didn't work? This has been the fix since Oblivion came out and I'm pretty sure there have been a lot of people using Elsweyr and other province mods like Silgrad Tower. It's actually sandor from Silgrad Tower that first explained the function to me. Don't forget that it isn't just the index - it's the form ID of the worldspace. While you can supply the LOD with your mod, your users usually have to regenerate it anyway to reflect the other mods in their load order.
  10. That's what the Move Worldspaces function in TES4Gecko is for. Just grab Gecko and select Move Worldspaces and it will fix it for you. Then generate your LOD. It will fix your mod so it will work no matter where it is in your load order, or more importantly, your users load orders. (Actually it injects the worldspace ID into Oblivion, but the mechanics don't matter here). EngineBugFixes does fix the issue, but then your users will have to use it as well. If you're not releasing your mod for general use, then it doesn't matter. If you scroll down a bit in the comments, you'll find my instructions on getting Gecko working on a 64 bit OS. I was hoping a moderator could pin the comment for me...
  11. Hehe. You've never worked on a large mod obviously.
  12. "Author" means you're the author of this thread, i.e. you're replying to your own thread.
  13. Do you have an account on any of the VA or sound sites so we can hear samples?
  14. I strongly recommend you use BOSS or LOOT to sort your load order. They will make sure that all your mods are in the correct order.
  15. Yes, I know who they are. shadeMe was hoping they could help since they are a CM.
  16. Why oh why oh why did Bethesda get rid of their forums... I at least have an account. I'll check it out.
  17. That's odd. shadeMe suggested pinging Cartogriff on the Bethesda discord. Would you mind doing that? I really don't like Discord. There's someone with a similar name here, but I don't know if it's the same person.
  18. Yeah it's the new badge system added in IPS 4.x. I disabled it on my site.
  19. I also sent a note to shadeMe. It indicated that he had made some edits just before the change so I'm hoping he has some contacts.
  20. Here's what's left of the old settings page: https://wiki.bethesda.net/wiki/constructionset/ConstructionSet/Category/Settings/ I'm posting this mainly so I can get back to it if I manage to get a hold of an administrator. That is seriously busted.
  21. Yeah, there's a link to make a new account from the main page... but it doesn't work. I came across a link to "forums" somewhere, and that just takes you to the main Bethesda site. I suppose they are the admins, perhaps try contacting one of them? How? If you click on their name, it prompts you to log in. Their names look real, not forum display names. I just went to wiki.bethesda.net and that only has an option to log in, no option to create an account. I guess I'll try contacting shadeMe to see if he can help.
  22. It also looks like they upgraded to a new version of the wiki software and there do seem to be some broken links. I've been trying to use the search and stuff just seems to be missing. Does anybody know how to contact the admin(s)? I wanted to edit some pages even before the changes but my account doesn't work anymore. If I click on an admin page, I need to log in. There's no option to create a new account. Hey folks, we're still here!!
  23. Having gone through a 4.x upgrade a few years ago that COMPLETELY broke my forums, I can say that the reason we're not getting a synopsis of all the changes is because the Nexus folks don't know. Seriously, IPS DOESN'T tell you. They like to make grand announcements about all the "cool" changes (changes they think are cool, but we probably won't like), but you don't get a complete list. We had tested the new forums and everything seemed fine so we went ahead and did the upgrade. A little while later I had to ban a spammer. It banned every single member in the community!!!! It turned out that IPS had removed a layer from the permissions table. You used to be able to define a group that had elevated privileges in one single sub-forum and we had a silly forum where people could edit other peoples' posts. After the upgrade, all moderators, or members with elevated privileges, became global moderators, so when I needed to ban one member, it banned them all. I was furious. IPS called me an idiot. My point is that the Nexus guys are still figuring out exactly what has changed. IPS used to leave the old tables and columns around, so even if a feature was removed, someone could release a mod to add the functionality back. They no longer do that. They drop the tables and delete the columns, so even if you wanted to, you can't restore old features. Clubs are weird. I've never implemented them. They seem to be separate entities with their own features. Perhaps that's how IPS re-implemented the local moderators that I was using. Clubs didn't exist when I upgraded my forums, so I had to get rid of the silly sub-forum and fix all the permissions. We still have friends on the mod side of the site. I have no idea if they can tie that into the forums.
  24. As @showler said already, IPS removed friends and replaced them with followers. However, if you follow someone, you will get a notification every time they post something, which is not the same at all. IPS has also removed a lot of other features from the software over time. One new feature is mention. You mention someone by typing the AT symbol (@) followed by their name. They will get a notification that they have been mentioned. It's a good way to get someone's attention if you want to ask them a question in a forum thread, for example. Someone else complained about the line spacing and font size. The only way to condense the paragraphs is to NOT hit return and just keep typing. Very annoying, but the forums use HTML behind the scenes now so hitting return will start a new paragraph with all the extra spacing that entails. You can use bullets or numbers to reduce the spacing, but those are used for lists so your post will look odd if you're not listing something. BB Code is no longer supported in IPS. You can use the Size drop-down in the editor toolbar to change the text size of your post, but you'll have to use the browser to make global zoom changes, if your browser has that option.
  25. IPS 4 has removed a lot of features, so if you're looking for stuff you used previously, it might have been removed. For example, there are no friends. Instead you can follow someone, which means you get a notification every time they post! You can usually change your avatar in your profile, but Nexus seems to have disabled that. I did see something about using the same avatar as your Nexus Mods avatar, or something like that, so I'm guessing you could change your avatar through Nexus Mods. You guys have already noticed the new badges. Since Nexus just implemented them, everybody is getting the newbie badge. Your post count shows up under your group, just below your avatar. And yes, like many others, I've lost a few thousand posts. My guess is that the new post count is for the forums and doesn't include the comments from the mod pages. Request: could you guys (Nexus) switch back to the square avatars? It's a setting in the admin panel. Cropping the avatar into a circle breaks animated gifs. For some reason the circle is the default.
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