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Everything posted by Naktis
Which game (or games) do you have the fondest memories with?
Naktis replied to MikeRyan's topic in Classic Games
Quake III Arena because it was the very first game I've ever played. -
Nawen let out a heavy sigh and looked around the ballroom. She noticed Rhaine there and went towards the Doomguide. "Having a good time?" She asked scratching her arm again. Stupid itchy fabric. Aedan glanced at Sefris. "Most of them are not even worth my time." He replied and glanced at the glass of wine on the table. "I made one man to... wet himself but that's about it." He said turning his attention back to Sefris as he pointed at the man with the hand in a glass who was sleeping at the table.
Yay! :dance: Edit: Posted in the RP thread. :biggrin:
Dragon Age actually has werewolves. :teehee: You meet them in Origins.
You removed my +100 endorsement screenshot? Are you kidding me???
Naktis replied to Yagho's topic in Site Support
Now that I saw the image that was removed I have to say that it is beautiful and artistically made but speaking about the rules concerning the image share, here's the link to the topic regarding the nudity in the image share. As you can see it was made way before you uploaded the image. The first post in the topic also has some links to the images that are examples of what kind of images are acceptable and what not. -
Good rule. :thumbsup: Uh... don't really know what more to type. xD
Aah! I already posted something. Sorry! :ohdear: It wasn't anything important though...
"I didn't see any man in white." Aedan replied, raising his eyebrows. Sefris was acting really strangely tonight. Nawen returned back to the ballroom, scratching her right arm. The stupid dress was making her skin itch. She felt like Tieflings are usually feeling being beside a paladin. The ranger kept walking around again, hoping to hear anything useful.
Baldur, it wasn't anyone's intention to hurt your feelings by those comments in the discussion thread. We only want to help you to improve your character so that Caladus would remain a valuable member in the group but keep his powers within reason. On the other hand, now it's more clear than ever to me that we just cannot cooperate. Most of the time whenever someone criticizes something that is not entirely right with your character or his/her actions, a post like you left yesterday shows up. You must learn how to accept feedback both good and bad from other people. I have only one thing to say: if you feel unwanted here then leave. No one's forcing you to stay. That is all.
Nawen kept walking around, listening to other peoples conversations. She noticed some of her friends in the ballroom and it seemed that she was the only one actually doing something other than having a good time. "Fantastic." She mumbled, her brow furrowed. The ranger was feeling like an idiot now. Sure, Nawen was feeling useful right now and it was nice to put her keen senses to a good use but her ears hurt from the loud music and equally loud conversations. Not to mention that her entire body was itching because of the dress she wore. The ranger cursed quietly and made her way towards the drinks. There, she pretended that she was drinking while eyeing the ballroom cautiously. She noticed one suspicious looking man. Once he left the ballroom she followed him all the way to the kitchen. She heard some strange noises coming from the cellar so she sneaked there to investigate. When she finally found out what was happening there she returned to the ballroom, her face red. Without thinking much she took a glass of what looked like wine from some noble and drank everything in the glass in one go. She went outside for some fresh air. What worried her the most was not that she her nothing about the cult but that Illius wasn't here. She looked everywhere for him but she couldn't find him. He had an invitation and the lie that he was still a part of his family: a family of a long line of knights benefited him and he would have never missed the ball. Aedan was bored as hells. No one was worth of his attention here. He was about to go to another room when suddenly someone bumped into him. "What in the Nine Hells!? Watch where you're goi..." His expression from annoyed turned into surprised one. It was Sefris. He haven't seen her in days but here she is. Dressed for the ball and all. "Saw who?" He questioned not sure what she meant. He saw a lot of people this evening.
Nawen walked around, mingling with the guest and hoping to eavesdrop something useful. So far, nothing. Everyone were talking how great the ball is and other boring and useless things like latest fashions and who wore what and who got a new husband or wife. "This is so boring!" She thought to herself taking a glass of some expensive drink an emptying it instantly. She hoped that others had a much better time. Aedan kept watching people in the room. He could sense some very powerful beings nearby and it wasn't anyone from those adventurers he joined. No, the power was much stronger. The worst part is there wasn't only one source of such immense power.
Nawen noticed that Saerileth was looking quite sad. She wonder what had happened to her? Did someone hurt her? If so they're going to pay for that. She stayed where she was as it seemed that her presence wasn't needed there. She only hoped that whatever happened wasn't really bad. The ranger sighed heavily as if getting ready for some very important task. She looked around once more and started mingling with the guest hoping to hear something useful.
Nawen kept looking around until she noticed Rhaine. "More like even the nobles from other planes were invited too." She said half seriously. The courtyard was too crowded for her. She hated being surrounded by so many people at once. Especially by so many snobs who thought themselves better than her. She'd show them who's better after a pint of ale or maybe even too. "Do they even have ale here?" She mumbled. Aedan stood by the same window and watched the people in the room. He was trying to find some potential target for his cruel pranks but none of them seemed worth his time or attention expect that middle aged man who was sleeping in his empty bowl of soup, with his hand in the glass of water which Aedan carefully placed when no one was looking. The Fallen looked around some more and noticed two winged women and a Drow. No other dark elves were in the ball so he knew that it was Caladus. "Great." He mumbled to himself. "Mister perfect showed up and is going to ruin my fun." Aedan had no intention to talk or even come closer to those 'good people' from the group he most likely was kicked out. He only hoped that they will leave him be as well once they'll find out that he's here.
Nawen reached the castle soon after her friends in carriage did. She knew some shortcuts which helped her to arrive here mush faster. The guard at the gates refused to let her in, shouting and insulting her and claiming that she's going to kill them all. She was far from happy to hear such awful accusations but she payed little attention to it because the guard was drunk. Nonetheless she had to mingle amongst the other guests to enter the courtyard unnoticed. She stopped once she was inside and looked around. She frowned when she saw animals here. They were using the poor things for the entertainment of these snobs! They were most likely poorly fed too. The ranger looked around some more and noticed her friends. "Here you are!" She said as she approached them. Aedan was already inside the castle. He sold the clothes he stole and bought some new ones from the shady merchants so those who saw the clothing he sold in the store and heard about the robbery would not suspect him. Using his 'angelic charms', that unfortunately didn't work on those goody adventurers, but they worked on a lot of other people, he managed to charm a noble woman with an invitation to the ball. While the woman was pleasantly chatting with her friends, Aedan stood by the window leaning against the windowsill with a glass of fine wine in his hand and watched the people in the room. He's going to enjoy this.
Nawen was walking on foot to the castle. She didn't mind and she knew where the ball is going to be so she had no problems. And besides they all couldn't fit into a carriage. No one made carriages for ten or even more people. No one whistled at her when she walked. The people who noticed her must have noticed that she's a Drow so instead they just stared at her fearfully or simply ignored her. The ranger didn't mind. She just kept walking to the castle enjoying the nice weather and beautiful evening.
Nawen glanced at Caladus. "It's okay. I don't need any help but thank you anyway." Even if she did feel uncomfortable wearing a dress at least she wore comfortable boots unlike the others who were shoes with heels. She looked around one last time before heading outside. She wondered where Illius was but knowing him he was probably already in the castle. She also wondered if Sinn won't cause any problems in the inn. Even if most of the time the panther was behaving sometimes she liked to play and run around like a little kitten.
Nawen glanced at Xallistine and smiled softly. Somehow she felt better that she wasn't the only one who felt uncomfortable. "Yes. Something humanoid would be appropriate though I don't understand why can't you go without disguising yourself. It's masquerade ball after all. " She shrugged and glanced at Aricia and Saerileth. "Wow..." was the only thing she was able to say. Both mother and daughter looked absolutely stunning.
Nawen was standing beside Xallistine when Caladus, Rhaine and then Ianthe and Alphonse came to the inn as well. She looked at her friends. All of them looked so beautiful. Caladus and Rhaine looked like really nobles. Beautiful and elegant. Ianthe's dress was a bit short but it suited her very well. Alphonse was wearing a skirt but strangely enough it suited him well as well. "Thank you. You are too kind." She replied to all who complimented her looks. She then looked around again. "You all look so beautiful and elegant." She said and cursed under her breath. Was that the only thing she could come up with? "That was bad." She thought to herself.
"I... thank you." She said and blushed slightly and almost tripped over something. Walking in a dress was a true nightmare! Xallistine was right about her being uncomfortable part. She walked up closer to him and extended a scroll. "Now you can go to." She said and smirked. "This scroll can change ones appearance. One of Shaori's relatives gave it to me." The ranger explained and looked around to see if others were ready.
"Is it me or everything is just way too easy?" Nawen thought to herself and watched Radik as he walked back to his store. "No. It can't be this easy." She mumbled under her breath and made her way back to the tavern. Unfortunately she has a ball to attend to. Once in her room the drow placed everything she bought neatly on the bed. Sinn was still sleeping underneath it and Illius was nowhere to be seen. Sighing heavily she took off her casual clothing and put the white dress on. It was really difficult to put it on properly because she never wore a dress but eventually she succeeded without ripping the dress apart. She was still wearing her leather boots but luckily the dress was long and hid them and the material wasn't see-through either. The ranger then brushed her hair, grabbed the mask and stared at herself in the mirror that was in the room. "Ridiculous." She mumbled and looked away. She also remembered that scroll she was given that changed ones appearance. She took it from her bag and went to the common room to look for Xallistine.
I'm reading the Hobbit at the moment. After I'll finish it I'm going to read Sapkowski's The Witcher. :dance:
Nawen listened to everything that Radik told her. An alliance between the clans sounds like an excellent idea! One day the Mithrilaxe clan will run out of mithril and ever since they found massive amount of ore it was their main material for both armor and weapons. Unfortunately this can't be done only with letters, dwarves are in their very nature distrustful of strangers after all and the Mithrilaxe clanhold was just so far away, in Icewind Dale. Not to mention that her foster father while he was very important and valued in the clan he wasn't a founder of the clan or the head of the clan. The only thing she could do was to suggest this. "An alliance would benefit both clans greatly." She spoke and glanced at the dwarf. "Unfortunately the only thing I can do is to send a letter to the clanhold and tell them about this." The ranger added. She didn't understand what Radik meant by 'giving Byron an honorable death' so she said nothing about it.
Nawen listened to what Rhaine told with her brow slightly furrowed. That seemed really really strange. "It sounds really strange for something like that to be in a church." She replied and followed the Doomguide back to the inn. That's when she heard someone calling her name. She turned around and saw Radik. She stopped walking and waited for the dwarf. "Is everything alright?" She inquired.
Nawen looked around. She saw nothing interesting there. "No. I'm good." She said as she stared at the items that Rhaine bought for herself. Cosmetics and perfume? Why does she need cosmetics. She's going to wear mask anyway. "Have you ever been in a ball like this or some similar celebration?" The ranger herself never been into any kind of celebration before. There used to be some festivities in the Mithrilaxe clanhold but she never went there. Saerileth's birthday earlier was the first and closest thing to celebration she's ever been to.
Nawen felt relieved that this horrendous shopping for fancy clothing time was over. She hoped that the evening will end soon too so she could forget about this ball, move on and hopefully never wear anything like that again. "Alright." She said to Rhaine. Walking would do some good for her. She liked walking too.