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Everything posted by Naktis

  1. "A pleasure to meet you. I'd be happy to have you." The Dalish said to the white haired mercenary. She was surprised to hear that he was an assassin and how easily he admitted it. But Wardens needs any help they can get... "As you wish." She said to the shadow woman. She did not believe in what the woman said. It is most likely that she hopes to steal her gold and run off which wouldn't be so easy as Illadriel was a rogue as well. Thomas slowly walked home, whistling the cheery tune he heard somewhere. The mage noticed how two templars were dragging an unconscious robed man. "Poor guy." He thought to himself as he watched the scene. He did not know whether the Templars are executing the escaped mages or turns them into Tranquils. Whatever the case many mages thinks that being a Tranquil is worse than dying. Thomas wasn't sure which one would be worse for him.
  2. Thomas finished his dinner and slowly arose from his seat. "Well since we're retiring for the night already I think I'll be going home as well. Night!" The mage yawned and slowly made his way towards the exit. He had a small run down house in Lowtown which had a few repairs but still looked... shabby. Illadriel nodded to both the Tal-Vashoth and the white haired mage, acknowledging their wish to leave. She sat at the table quietly for a moment before starting to rummage through her bag. Once the elf found what she was looking for she arose from her seat and made her way towards the bar. There she attached a letter and returned to her seat. The letter or rather a notice said: I'm looking for able warriors and scouts to join me to the Deep Roads expedition. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning from the Hanged Man tavern in Lowtown, Kirkwall. I'll be paying 50 sovereigns (gold coins) for everyone who wishes to accompany me in the expedition. Illadriel of the Grey Wardens. Below the name was a wax stamp with the Grey Wardens insignia which should be a good enough proof that the notice wasn't a trick. For a moment the Dalish Warden stared at the notice before returning to her seat. The old notice she posted few days ago was no longer in its place. She only hoped that this one will stay up there longer. She was going to pay everyone that joined her because luckily she had the money to do so.
  3. Nice screens! :thumbsup: I just noticed that Cyhran is using Geralt's hairstyle. Awesome! :dance:
  4. "Well goodnight then." Nawen said yawning as she left Rhaine's room and went to her own. Illius said his goodnights as well and went to his and Nawen's room. "Good luck with that." Aedan mumbled and raised his head to look at the sky. "That will be fun to see." He had no intentions to angering Gods. The reason why he's here on the Prime is because he angered one or maybe more than one. The wrath of Gods was the only thing that worried him, but luckily due to his ability to hide his emotions well it was near impossible to tell.
  5. Thomas brushed past the patrons towards the counter. The Hanged Man was bustling with people at this time of the evening. He returned few minutes later, carrying four plates with delicious food. The mage had no idea who's the new cook but the food in the tavern is much better than it was before. Illadriel stared at her plate, deep in her thoughts. She raised her head and glanced at the Tal-Vashoth. "We will leave first thing in the morning. It is too dark to leave now." She then looked at Jadaco. If you wish you can go with us tomorrow. We will be heading to the Deep Roads and we could always use an able warrior." Thomas devoured his food while listening to the conversation.
  6. Of course, we'd love to have you, tokyo! :thumbsup:
  7. "And my name is Thomas." The mage chipped in quickly, grinning as he spoke. "And this is Illadriel" He pointed to the Dalish warden which was about to introduce herself "This here, is a red-haired elf who's too suspicious to tell her name." He laughed and looked around. " I'm hungry. Anyone wants anything?" "You know the Dalish language?" Illadriel inquired the red-haired elf. She was quite surprised to hear it from an elf she met in the city.
  8. Both Nawen and Illius glanced at the Doomguide when she addressed them. "I will follow you no matter what you'll decide." Nawen said. She had faith in Rhaine and was positive that her decision is going to be a right one. Illius on the other hand was disappointed by this but tried as best as he could to conceal it. He had his own reasons to see the cult eliminated. "I will join you, if you'll have me though I must visit my family in the Silverymoon." Aedan who rode on his brand new, stolen horse rode beside the carriage listened to the conversation. Once he heard what the witch said he started laughing. "If that is your plan" the Fallen spoke, addressing Ravenna "you may as well turn around and go back to your fancy palace. It's impossible. Gods have an immense amount of power and you're a fool if you think that you will manage this."
  9. Well there's always real life getting in the way but also some people have a really nasty habit of making character sheets and then ditch it without even announcing it.
  10. Thomas glanced at the hooded elf beside him. "Maybe the Mabari thought it was a juicy piece of meat." The mage shrugged. Illadriel noticed that the elven woman joined them at their table. "We were not properly introduced. Andaran atish’an. I am Illadriel of the Grey Wardens." She said to the red-haired elf and offered her a slight smile. "She won't say her name. She didn't to me." Thomas mumbled, he didn't sound angry or insulted. The Dalish looked at the mage. "That's still not an excuse for us to forget our manners." She replied.
  11. Thomas stared at the Qunari for a moment before shrugging his odd reply off. He looked around the tavern. It was getting quite crowded in here. That's when he noticed a man sitting at the table, he had a nasty scar on his arm. The mage gently nudged Illadriel to which the elf replied with a glare. With his head Thomas gestured at the man with a Mabari. Illadriel glanced at the man. She noticed the scar on his arm but thought nothing of it. Some people she met had even worse and ones scars should never define their real self. "It seems that you caught someone's attention." Illadriel said to the Tal-Vashoth. Most of the obviously still stared at the Qunari but not like that, though that wasn't surprising. Having a Qunari compound in the Docks for years, they saw plenty of them. Thomas looked around some more. "Hey, you! Come here, join us!" He shouted to the red-haired elf. Safety in numbers.
  12. Nawen listened to the conversation silently. She didn't know what to think, really. She wasn't the best for these kind of conversations so she remained silent. Illius as well listened carefully and silently. The news were indeed pretty bad and even if the Gods are very concerned about it... "I agree with Xallistine." The sorcerer finally spoke. "As powerful as Ravenna is, I doubt that she posses a greater threat than Szass Tam." Aedan watched Sefris with an amused look on his face. "You should have stayed like that." He said, grinning and glanced at Ravenna. "Right. See you later." He opened the carriage's door and jumped outside. The Fallen landed on his feet and quickly made his way to the stables where he... acquired a beautiful black steed.
  13. "When I'd be glad to have you." Illadriel spoke, smiling slightly. She could sure use some help, The Deep Roads were dangerous, always. Thomas got tired of the two women being silent so he arose from his seat and walked up to the warden and the Qunari. "Missed me?" He asked, grinning as he plumped down next to the elf. "No." She replied. The mage chuckled and looked up at the Tal-Vashoth. "The name's Thomas. Pleased to meet you." He said extending his hand over the table.
  14. Aedan watched the cat and the raven, he was hoping that they'd start fighting but unfortunately nothing like that happened. He looked up at Ravenna once he heard their destination. "Moonwood? That's quite the voyage." If they're going to stay in the carriage the whole journey Aedan will go mad. The Fallen hoped that they'll stop somewhere where he could steal a horse and travel on horseback. The carriage was too small for him, he felt trapped in here. Both Nawen and Illius followed Rhaine back to the tavern. The sorcerer had no problem keeping up with the Doomguide while the ranger, much to her displeasure was walking much slower than she usually does. Quite irritated of her own slow pace she ripped up her dress a bit so she could work faster. It worked. At first Illius hesitated to enter Rhaine's room, he thought that maybe she'd like to change first but Nawen pushed him inside and entered the Doomguide's room as well. There's no time to lose...
  15. Aedan didn't own much things and considering what he doesn't have a room in the tavern all of his things he stuffed into the bag of holding which was attached to his belt so he sat there quietly watching Ravenna closely. She looked older by the seconds. "How old is she?" The Fallen thought. He wondered what he's going to do once they will arrive wherever they're going. Nawen and Illius for a moment looked at each other before following the Doomguide. The ranger felt relieved that they're finally leaving. She won't have to wear this itchy dress anymore.
  16. Thomas stared at the funny looking stain on the floor not too far from the counter. It looked like a face with the most hilarious looking expression. Thomas wasn't working in the Hanged Man anymore, rebuilding this fine establishment cost a lot of money, and most of the usual patrons every died or fled during the war, thus the owner could no longer afford to pay to Thomas. Illadriel for a moment sat quietly thinking whether she should say something or not. The elf looked up at the Tal-Vashoth. "I'm here on Grey Wardens business. There's an entrance to the Deep Roads near Kirkwall." She said, with the stone cold expression on her face. "May I ask what business does Qunari have in Kirkwall?"
  17. Aedan was watching the woman as she spoke. "The name's Aedan." He said simply. He knew nothing about what the woman is planning and he did not like this. 'Explain more in time' was the worst possible explanation he could think of at the time, he hated being in a situation like this. Nawen approached Rhaine who was shaking Xallistine fiercely. She wondered what happened that made her so upset. Illius joined them moments later. "What happened?" Nawen asked as she watched the Doomguide and a disguised Ulitharid.
  18. Wrong! Hawke is a Nutella champion! xD Because of those glowing eyes I always assumed that Warden is actually an Amell, you know Arcane Warrior but I guess the guys who made the CGI trailers loves to use special effects when they are not necessary. :rolleyes: In those actual in-game trailers he does look more like a warrior. :laugh: Well we haven't thought about the whole going through Eluvian with Morrigan thing, nor with whom they were romantically involved. The Warden was kind of present (if the save with him/her being dead wasn't imported) in Ferelden during the events of DA2, like Alistair mentions him/her when you meet him, though where they are now doesn't really matter anyway. :laugh: NOTE: First post updated with the Story Summary including the major choices of both Warden and Hawke. It's just above Lisnpuppy's quoted guidelines.
  19. We thought it would be for the best to stick with cannon Warden and Hawke, so seeing that cannon Hawke is a mage, it would be more appropriate for him to join the mages, also in the Rise To Power trailer we see him fighting the templars. :whistling:
  20. Great character sheet, Flipout! Welcome aboard! :thumbsup: Thank you for reminding me this all btw. I knew that I forgot something and that's exactly what it was. :wallbash: Me and Alaylyne created the 'Story Summary' for both games and I forgot to post it. I don't really have much time now, but we decided that the decisions were good. For example, the Dalish elves in origins were cured from the werewolf curse, Alistair is the King of Ferelden, the Circle in Ferelden saved, ect. I'll post everything later, but we wanted that every important decisions of Warden and Hawke had the best possible outcomes. :whistling:
  21. Aedan glanced at the palace one last time before climbing into the carriage after Sefris. He wondered how different is this going to be. If the woman is going to push him around, he will leave without giving her a chance to do so. He's no one's lackey, not in this life. Nawen was sitting outside, enjoying the fresh air and beautiful evening. She noticed Rhaine running out of the palace. Why was she running? Something wasn't right... the drow looked around for Illius before running after the Doomguide.
  22. "No one's being hostile with you, dear lady." Thomas replied grinning from ear to ear. He had no plans of leaving the city, Kirkwall was his home now and he had nowhere else to go. The payment in the Hanged Man was decent but not decent enough for him to start a new life elsewhere. The red-haired elf that wanted to leave would probably be grateful for any assistance that this woman could offer, if she has any to offer, that is. Someone who used decoys to eavesdrop on other people's conversations didn't strike as trustworthy to him. "Tal-Vashoth?" Illadriel thought as she watched Qunari seating himself at her table. She heard about them, they are Qunari who who have rejected what the Qun, the Qunari way of life, teaches. The elf wondered why did he leave. Maybe he simply saw the flaws in the Qun that some of them tend to ignore. "Illadriel of the Grey Wardens. Pleased to meet you." She replied, disrupting the silence. Illadriel did not expect an equally polite answer from the Qunari but she heard many stories about their strength and skill in battle and for that, he had her respect.
  23. "Impressive." Aedan said as he watched Ravenna's little trick. After a bit of walking around, and just like last time founding nothing Nawen sat on the stone bench outside, sighing heavily she glanced at the night sky.
  24. You stay safe too, dear and have fun! ;) :happy:
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