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Everything posted by Naktis

  1. Aedan only shrugged and followed the witch. "The place seems abandoned to me." He said quietly and looked around, hand on the hilt of Vengeance as the weapon was sheathed again. Nawen was re-reading the letter from a hundredth time when she noticed that the others had stopped. She looked around and noticed Rhaine standing in front of some human. She could smell the wilds on him and judging by his clothing and what he carried he must have been a ranger. The drow also noticed the beautiful eagle, the poor thing was trying hard to get away. Rangers do not torture animals. She quickly dismounted her horse and approached the human ranger. "Release the eagle right now." The last two words sounded quite threatening.
  2. Sounds good to me. It's better to know which year is it if we want to refer to something. :teehee:
  3. "No. Thank the Maker it's not another Blight." Illadriel replied and frowned a little. She clearly spent too much time with the shemlen but no matter how much she wanted to return back to her clan she had important duties that cannot be ignored. "The Grey Wardens venture to the Deep Roads even when there's no Blight. To watch and gather information." This was as far as the elf was willing to tell, at least for now. She knew that the others had questions and rightly so but soon they will see everything themselves.
  4. "More plants and crazy hermits most likely." Aedan mumbled and followed the witch. He was patient, at least when he desired to but if joining Ravenna meant becoming her gardener and killing flora while she strolled in her castle, he'll get out of here in no time. Nawen as always rode in the very end re-reading Illius' letter over and over again. Maybe he left a hidden message? He did that many times before. She refused to believe that he left just like that without saying goodbye. The ranger knew where he was heading but she feared that he might never reach it.
  5. "Finally!" Aedan replied, dismounting his horse. He noticed how much older the woman looked though he thought nothing of it. He didn't really care. As he noticed the vines that the witch thankfully burned he drew Vengeance and looked around again. "So, what more besides plants is here?" The Fallen asked. "He seems ready to leave." Nawen said and glanced at Xallistine who's appearance changing spell apparently had worn off. Strangely enough she liked him the way he really is: with tentacles and all. She went to get her own horse. After she made sure that the horse was ready to travel she mounted him and was ready to leave as well. "One of the guards told me that Ravenna headed east. I unfortunately couldn't find any tracks of her carriage."
  6. Nawen walked down the road for some time tracking but it was nearly impossible to determine which tracks were of Ravenna's carriage. As she returned to the town she noticed that Rhaine was talking with Ianthe and the others. She thought it would be a good idea to check on Illius, thus she returned to the tavern. What she found in their room surprised and worried her greatly. It was empty. No sign of the sorcerer, all of his belongings were gone too. The ranger kept searching the room for any kind of clue which could tell where he went or why he didn't say anything. She found what she was searching for. A letter. She quickly opened it and started reading quietly. "My dearest friend. I apologize for leaving so suddenly and unannounced but I fear that my presence will endanger you and your friends for the members of the Cult of the Dragon that attacked you were after me. I can only hope that the book you uncovered contains important information and that neither your injuries nor my recent spying on the cult were in vain. For now, I will leave Arabel and head to a place we both call home. It's the safest place in all of Faerun for me. Farewell, Nawen. I do hope we will meet again soon. Illius." The ranger stared at the piece of parchment in her hands. She was worried and feared for the safety of her friend. He was one of the most important people in her life. Illius was her dearest friend, her mentor. She folded the letter and put it in her pocket before leaving the tavern. Once she approached her friends she heard something about the wedding. "That's right! The ball was because of the wedding." She thought.
  7. Yeah, I agree with this. Time gap would be for the best. I guess we should do the same too once them evil characters will arrive to the forest or something. :thumbsup: Edit: Well I've finally dealt with Illius. At first I was going to kill him off right after the ball and that Nawen actually saw him die but because of all the things that happened in the RP as well as here I had to change it. We're not going to see him die, but he is gone and will not return to the RP.
  8. Naktis

    White Rogue

    Cool results, AAN. :thumbsup: I redid mine too. :laugh:
  9. Illadriel, relieved that the fighting was stopped before it truly began returned to her seat. She heard the pirate woman speaking. "Actually, I am the Grey Warden." She replied without looking at the woman. "The pirate was in the Deep Roads? What could she possibly do down there?" The Dalish thought to herself. "Before we decide that, I think an introduction would be in order. Illadriel of the Grey Wardens." She introduced herself, this time her eyes were on the pirate woman.
  10. "Be right back then." Nawen said and left the stables. Sinn waited patiently for her two legged friend to cast an invisibility spell again so she could leave the town quickly and wait in the wilderness for them to leave. When Nawen did so the panther disappeared and ran fast outside. The ranger noticed Ianthe and the others approaching when she left the stables and waved them in greeting. "Excuse me" The guard looked down at the hooded woman. "Yes?" "Do you know to which direction Ravenna Everdawn left last night?" The ranger asked politely. The man stared at her for a moment. "I was off duty last night but I know who was guarding the gates. Oi, Herbert, come here!" A much smaller and still sleepy young man came from the barracks. "This girl wants to know where lady Everdawn was heading when she left the town." The young guard yawned and stretched his arms. "East, I think." He mumbled. "Thank you for your help." Nawen said and immediately went through the gates. "This won't be easy." She mumbled as she noticed tracks of definitely more than one carriage. How was she suppose to know which one was Ravenna's? She didn't even see the carriage last night, but just in case she followed a few tracks to see where they went.
  11. Illadriel watched the scene, thinking what to do. Some of the patrons were staring at them and whispering something to each other. They're already attracting attention and clearly unwanted one too. The last thing she needed is a tavern brawl. "If she really wanted to do something to her I doubt she'd bring the girl to a public place." She tried to calm Jadaco down. "If she really had some bad intentions, her plan failed because we're here, so please lower your weapon before the innkeeper kicked us out."
  12. Nawen raised an eyebrow as she listened to Rhaine. That did not seem like much but at least it's something. "Well that doesn't seem that bad." She said and glanced at the panther. Sinn lay on her back still, clearly enjoying the belly rubbing. "I guess I'll take a look for any tracks we could follow." The ranger added and started walking towards the door.
  13. So many cute pets. :biggrin: Just like some other people, I too love both cats and dogs, there's no chose one for me it's either both or neither.
  14. Naktis

    White Rogue

    You lucky person! The first time I tried I got a barbarian, later I got rogue which is good. :laugh:
  15. The Mentalist, season 3 episode 3 I believe. :ermm:
  16. Everything happened so quickly that once he realized that someone is fighting the Templars the battle was over. He wandered around Lowtown looking for the red-haired elf. What if she was caught? He was to help her flee the city next thing tomorrow but what if it's too late now? Thomas wandered around even frantically but found nothing. Once he walked past the Hanged Man he saw the mage heading inside with someone else that did not look like the templar. He sighed in relief. Illadriel and the scarred man were still in the tavern when they left, they will help her if something happens. Thomas stared at the door of the tavern for a moment before heading back home. He had more than exciting adventures for today. As he walked a group of templars approached him. "Have you seen the mage around here? An elf. She was with someone else." The templar quickly said. As Thomas wasn't carrying a staff nor walking around in robes they had no idea that he's also the mage. "I think they went to Hightown." He finally replied. The templars exchanged quick glances before rushing down the street. Satisfied with his little trick Thomas continued to go home. Illadriel waited for any more questions that Jadaco may have but then suddenly he arose from his seat and left. He came back shortly after the red-haired elf returned with some other woman. His reaction surprised her. The Dalish arose from her seat and walked up to them. "There's no need for blades here. Sheath your weapon, friend." She spoke and eyed the woman that accompanied the elven mage back to the tavern. Somehow she looked familiar. Maybe she saw her here in Kirkwall during her short visit? Illadriel also heard what Jadaco said. Someone wanted to do something to the elf... but from what she saw this woman wasn't forcing the red-haired mage to come here and mages are far from defenseless.
  17. "Yeah! Sure." Nawen said, she sounded a bit too excited but in truth she was just happy to be free of that uncomfortable and itchy dress. "Where we're going next exactly?" Sinn rolled around in the hay making some happy sounding noises, she really was one very happy panther.
  18. Illadriel looked around the tavern for a moment. "There won't be another Archdemon, not yet." The Dalish spoke and glanced at her empty tankard. She gestured the bartender to refill their drinks. "You are right about the Broodmother, if we'll find one it would be for the best to kill her" she paused for a moment "we already have the knowledge how the Broodmothers comes to be and I'm not sure if there's more to that." Illadriel took a sip of her drink and for a few minutes said nothing. She was quite surprised that this man even knew about the Broodmothers, they are not exactly common like Genlocks or Hurlocks. She took another sip of her drink and glanced at Jadaco's Mabari hound. "There is a way to cure a poisoned Mabari." She said, still looking at Orum. Back at Weisshaupt Fortress there was an old woman who knew how to cure the hounds that were poisoned by the darkspawn blood. A few wardens had their own dogs, thus such knowledge proved very useful.
  19. Hi there Steffi, great first post but there's one small problem with it. As the 7th guideline states: you can't take control of other people characters (unless you have their permission but usually the owner of said character posts a comment in the Discussion thread that they have given the permission) and in your post I noticed that you took control of Alaylyne's character.
  20. "Okay then. Suit yourself." Thomas mumbled and was ready to leave. He had decided to follow the elf just in case. The templars are more 'vigilant' at night than they are during the day. Illadriel stared at the painting on the wall when Jadaco walked up to her. She glanced at the man. "We're going to investigate, Wardens go to the Deep Roads to... spy on the darkspawn" she paused for a moment thinking on her next words "the past few years were... strange." She took a sip of her refilled drink. "Our group is too small to go directly after them and I won't risk any of you.
  21. Nawen was returning back from her walk which was took her longer than she thought. Sinn sneaked from the tavern and followed her. After what happened to her two legged friend she could not let her wander around alone. The two walked past the stables when Sinn noticed a cat walking around gracefully in the streets. The panther approached the cat and sniffed it carefully. "This little creature looks a lot like me only smaller." Nawen smiled. "That she does. It's a cat, Sinn." The panther watched the cat curiously when suddenly the little furry being hissed and scratched he panther on the nose. Sinn looked up at her drow friend. "Well that was rude of her. Don't worry, the scratch is tiny, you'll be fine." Sinn roared happily and ran into the stables. "Sinn! Wait!" Nawen ran after the panther to the stables. She noticed Rhaine in the stables and assumed that Sinn caught a familiar scent and went to search for her. "Good morning." She greeted the Doomguide. The panther settled herself on some hay and watched Rhaine curiously. She had no idea what she was doing to that horse but it sure looked interesting.
  22. Illadriel remained in the inn. She had rented a room here and she had nothing important to do for the night. Thomas was walking home when suddenly someone bumped into him. He was about to grab for his dagger when he noticed that it was the red-haired elf from the tavern. "Yes, they have captured someone." The mage mumbled as he glanced at the direction to which the Templars went. "I can walk with you to the Alienage if you wish." Thomas suggested. He noticed how she stumbled over her words and thought it was a good idea to walk her home, he did know a few places to hide after all.
  23. Aedan continued riding ahead of the carriage. He knew where the forest was so he didn't need to follow the carriage to know where to go. "The journey is going to be so long and boring." He mumbled to himself. He doesn't even have anyone he could annoy and make fun of. Nawen woke up soon after she fell asleep. For a moment she just lay in her bed staring at the ceiling. "A nice stroll would be so nice right now." She whispered as she got up from the bed and got dressed as quietly as she could. The ranger glanced at the sleeping sorcerer and her panther friend before closing the door silently.
  24. Nawen was more than happy to get out of that uncomfortable and itchy dress. She changed into a simple linen shirt which was either for men or really tall women because when he ranger wore it the shirt reached her knees. She looked around the room. Her panther, Sinn was sleeping on a carpet beside her bed, she wondered what the panther was doing when they were in the ball. Nawen glanced at the other bed. Illius was already asleep. "What were you doing before the ball?" She thought as she got into her own bed. His odd disappearances were worrying her. He never did anything like this before. "Should I ask him?" She wondered. With the same annoying question in her head she fell asleep. "Wow! The High Forest is so much closer!" Aedan exclaimed and rolled his eyes. He could not understand what made those forests around the Silver Marches so special that they had to go there. King's Forest or even the Reaching Woods were much closer to Arabel why aren't they going there? He ushered the horse to go faster as he had no interest to listen to the women talks.
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