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Everything posted by Naktis

  1. Hey, Cyshix! It is good to have you with us, welcome aboard! :thumbsup: Great character sheet. :dance:
  2. "Yes I am one of the Grey Wardens." She replied, feeling rather glad that the annoying woman left. The woman had no idea why she's here and it was quite obvious that she decided that Illadriel is supporting the mages because she knows what Thomas is doing and does nothing about it, even though the only other options meant getting involved in the matter. The Dalish turned her attention back to the Qunari. "Who might you be and how can you feel the taint?" She was truly curious how the Qunari knew about it. Thomas stared at the woman that approached them blankly. "And how do you know that we're mages?" He inquired and scratched the stubble on his chin again. "I don't know if you ever heard about The Circle of Magi but even now there are many mages on the run, some turned to Blood Magic, some became abominations and the Templars are busy killing those. You cannot tell if someone is a mage just by looking at them unless they're wearing 'I'm a mage sign'. " The Mage Underground been active for years and while the Templars knew about it, they never discovered all exists that the mages used, few of them were still undiscovered.
  3. We have the so called "Live Beer" in my country too, tasty stuff. :laugh: I live in Lithuania so no one will probably recognize the beer but... eh. :laugh: My favorite would be Fortas.
  4. Thomas for a moment stared at the Qunari wondering what he wants from the Dalish Warden before turning his attention back to the red-haired elf. "It has sever exists actually. One leads to the outskirts, the other ones deeper." Illadriel continued watching the Qunari which was addressing her. How did he know about the taint? How could he sense it? "Just like you, I have every right to be here." She answered to him, her hand slowly slid underneath the table and gripped the hilt of her dagger. He did not look like the polite sort.
  5. Aedan watched Ravenna, no emotions on his face. He wondered why was she acting this strangely. "Feeding time? What?" He asked but saw that Sefris was following the woman outside, he decided to go and see what's happening as well.
  6. @LeoXaladin, you've just Oghren'd us didn't you? xD @nethgros, thanks for that! I usually just call them Qunari cause I always forget their race name and I don't think I've ever heard someone calling them Kossith in the game. :psyduck:
  7. Illadriel leaned on her hands and for a moment watched the mysterious woman, smiling slightly. "They could pin the blame on me for as long as they wish but the thing is: I don't care." She kept watching the woman. How little this woman knew. "Grey Wardens are not without authority, you know." For a moment she stared at the now empty tankard on the table. "For all you know, maybe I came here on official Grey Wardens business. I only need to tell the Templars that these people are with me and everything will be solved. The Chantry might supersede us in many things, but not when it comes to darkspawn and believe me, just because the Blight has ended that doesn't mean that they are not the problem. In the Deep Roads they're always the problem." She looked up when she heard the doors opening. What she saw was actually surprising. She was not expecting to see a Qunari here, not after the invasion that happened here several years ago. Thomas also looked up when he noticed an unusual visitor. "That's one of Qunari people." The mage explained. "I'm surprised you didn't know. They had a compound here in the Docks then there was also the battle with them but luckily the Champion of Kirkwall saved the day."
  8. Illadriel watched the woman calmly. Her statement wasn't all that surprising. Everyone knows that Wardens tend to remain neutral though sometimes there's no such option as neutrality... "My business is my own" she spoke and shot a quick glance at Thomas. "Same goes for him." Illadriel realized that her presence here in Kirkwall was... unexpected but that doesn't bother her. She's not on the Templars side, the fact that she's turning a blind eye to Thomas' activities was good enough explanation for that. She's not on the mages side either, thus she never helped mages to... neutralize any templars. Thomas looked around again before starting whispering. "I know a secret route in Darktown, which mages used to escape for years, everyone from..." he paused for a moment unsure whether he should tell this or not. The mage decided not to mention anything, not yet at least "nevermind. The point it, even now mages are using the route as the Templars haven't discovered it."
  9. Illadriel didn't even flinch when the same woman she was watching appeared out of nowhere at her table. One of the tricks that shadows are using. She should have known. The Dalish took a sip of her drink and glanced at the woman. "Trust me, I am not worried." For a brief moment she eyed the woman cautiously before continuing her speech. "Curious. About what?" Thomas laughed. He didn't know what was that funny though. The elf being suspicious or that funny looking stain on the wall? "You being all mysterious makes you even more suspicious than me and my Warden friend together." He replied and glanced at his table only to see that some woman was siting there. He shrugged it off. After a few moments of silence Thomas finally seated himself at the table and leaned closer so no one would hear what he's saying. "For a while now I've been helping the mages who were fleeing the city. If you wish I can get you out of here." The mage smiled leaning back into his seat.
  10. Here. I hope you have printer. XD
  11. Very nice character sheet and great looking character! :thumbsup: There's only one thing: could you chose only one specialization instead of having three? That way your character won't be considered as an OP (overpowered) character.
  12. Ooh! Very nice character sheet, it's going to be great to have a Qunari amongst us, welcome aboard! :thumbsup:
  13. I think it would be fun, hopefully this one would last longer and be more uh... organized than the previous roleplays. I'd join if it isn't all Skyrim based. :psyduck:
  14. I don't mind. I think that Fenris is okay. :thumbsup:
  15. No, I meant LeoXaladin's question about romancing the characters from the games. :teehee:
  16. And Steffi also roleplays as Isabela so if you meant her you'll have to talk about it with Steffi. :thumbsup:
  17. "The more I hear about this, the more I love it..." Aedan replied in a low murmur. He wasn't sure why all of the sudden Sefris was running her hands down his torso but he decided to play along. With one hand he held a glass of wine and the other one he wrapped around her waist. He noticed that the said woman was now heading towards them. He was curious to hear what she had to offer.
  18. Thomas only shrugged. It wasn't really his business why one of the Wardens is here and what she really wants. As long as she keeps turning the blind eye when he's helping the mages to flee Kirkwall is all fine and well with him. "I don't see how me knowing your name could harm you in some way but whatever." He was really getting tired of the suspiciousness of the elven people when it comes to them, humans. "Well good luck with that." The white-haired mage said and glanced around the tavern again. "With all those Templars in town it won't be easy to leave the city." He decided not to say anything about him actually helping the mages to escape, especially when she doesn't even want to speak with him. He knows all too well how apostates feel, especially here in Kirkwall but he has no problem with at least telling his name. Illadriel didn't care what Thomas and the elven woman spoke, she was too busy watching the woman drinking ale at the bar. Something was strange about her but she couldn't really tell, not yet at least. What if the woman is here to spy on them or Thomas or that red-haired elf? She knew that Wardens are not likeable by everyone. Some even tried to assassinate the Hero of Ferelden, most likely more than once.
  19. Depends on the character. :thumbsup:
  20. Many delicious cookies. :devil:
  21. Aedan grinned wickedly as he heard Sefris words whispered in his ear. "That does sound much more... interesting." He replied and stared directly into her red eyes. He was getting tired of these adventurers. He joined for the adventures and danger but what he got was them ruining his fun. The idea of joining someone else, where at least the company will most likely be better sounded really appeasing to him. Nawen went back outside to sneak around and eavesdrop again, this time hoping to find something and finish the business here soon because the fabric of this dress was so awfully itchy. Illius walked around the castle. He wanted to leave and go in hiding but these good adventurers needed him. Nawen needed him, the sorcerer could not fail them. He sighed heavily and walked down the hallway, a few noblemen greeted him, mistaking Illius with someone else. The sorcerer used whatever little connections he had to snoop around the Cult of the Dragon, to gather news and hopefully find out something about their plans but unfortunately he was discovered. Those men that Nawen fought and killed came here to deal with him, for he was marked for death the moment the cult members discovered who was spying on them. The sorcerer wondered if anyone could tell that, if he was surrounded by some dark smoke or aura of death, if such things even existed.
  22. Aedan stared at the blonde woman with the golden dress. She seemed awfully familiar but he couldn't remember where he saw her. Then it hit him. "Wait... isn't that Lord Everdawn's wife?" He asked once he turned his attention back to Sefris. Her comment really intrigued him. What exactly she meant by 'change my allegiance'? Lord Everdawn was famous for his good heart. Was his wife secretly is a very evil woman or was she simply fooling Sefris, which would have been very hard to achieve. "Did you now?" Was the only thing Aedan said. Both Illius and Nawen had decided to split up and look around the palace, maybe they'll hear something about the cult.
  23. Wow! Very nice character sheet, Brutii! Welcome aboard! :thumbsup:
  24. Yay! We'll be happy to have you! :laugh:
  25. Everyone who played both games has different opinions on the matter. :teehee: I'm currently playing Dragon Age: Origins for like tenth time. :whistling:
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