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Everything posted by Naktis

  1. "Yay." Nawen replied clearly not feeling enthusiastic at all. She looked around hoping to see some masks and luckily for her the store had some masquerade masks for sale. She approached the masks and stared at them. "Alright. My dress is white so it would be the best to get a white mask." She thought to herself and eyed all available ones. Nawen picked a beautiful white mask. It had a white rose attached to it. She wondered if the rose won't look to fancy but she could always rip it off. "I'm done." She said and approached the counter with both the dress and a mask. They may have forced her to wear a dress but she will not wear shoes with heels. No way. She may as well go bare footed to that ball.
  2. Ooh! What an awesome character sheet. Welcome Grue! :thumbsup:
  3. Nawen kept walking around staring at the beautiful clothes. It's impossible! The ranger sighed heavily and continued the search. She noticed a beautiful white gown. It wasn't as expensive as most of the other costumes in the store and it looked really simple too, not like other fancy puffy ball gowns. "Will this one do?" She asked and pointed at the white dress. The noble parties were just as alien to her as wilderness to some people. Nawen had no idea is there some sort of rules that needs to be followed, not that she'd follow them anyway.
  4. Nawen sighed heavily and slowly made her way to the store while mumbling something under her breath. She entered the store and looked around. So many beautiful and expensive clothing. She wanted to pick the closest outfit to herself and finish this but the closest one to her was for men. Nawen sighed again and kept looking around the store. "I still don't get it why all of us have to go." She said.
  5. Nawen arose from her seat and sighed heavily like she was about to do something really tiresome and unpleasant. "Let's get this over with." She said sounding rather sad. There was no way to avoid this now. Unless someone set the palace on fire but it won't happen, of that she was sure. She frowned even more when she heard Minsc's words. "What does he mean by you and I!? What about me?" She inquired, from the tone of her voice it was quite obvious that she was offended. No laws or anything bind her to punish that evil ranger but as a ranger herself and one that truly cared for animals and nature she wanted to help too. And she will, no matter if that huge man wants her help or not.
  6. Why Sune? No one's worshiping her from our characters. :unsure:
  7. "But I don't want to!" She continued. Nawen saw how amusing this was to both of her friends but she didn't find this amusing at all. The thought of her wearing some fancy dress and talking about ridiculous things with some snobs terrified her. She's nothing like that and she'd embarrass not only herself but her friends as well. The only good thing was that she didn't have to pay for it but it just wasn't worth it.
  8. I have no clue to be honest. It could be I guess. :laugh:
  9. Nawen was enjoying a fresh air outside but then Caladus and Rhaine approached her. She frowned as soon as she heard about the clothes. True, she didn't have any formal clothes for that stupid ball but she was still hoping to avoid it somehow. "Do I have to?" The ranger asked. Her question sounded a lot like that of a child who was being forced to eat his or her vegetables.
  10. Nawen frowned as she heard that some ranger is abusing the animals. She knew one rather mean ranger but even he wasn't abusing animals. "Yes. I am a ranger. My name is Nawen, a pleasure." She said to them both once they joined her on the bench. "There's a ranger that is abusing animals?" She just couldn't believe. Then a hamster started to speak. She wasn't shocked or surprised as she knew that rangers as well as druids can speak with animals. I will not turn treacherous, Boo. I'm not like most of my kind are and I have no desire to hurt your friends or anyone else. She was about to say something more than William walked up to them. "The inn is right there" she said and pointed at the building "you're not that far as you might think William." She could not remember if she heard the name before.
  11. Nawen was sitting on a bench and watching the little hamster in her hands when two people approached her. One was a really tall man, the other one was an elven woman. "I don't mind. Please, have a seat." She said and eyed the two curiously yet cautiously. It seems that Rhaine bought the hamster from these people. "No, I already have an animal companion. This little hamster is for another friend." She assumed that the tall man sold the little animal because she could smell the wilds on him. He must be a ranger as well.
  12. "Certainly." Nawen said and took the little hamster gently. She brushed the little animal's fur with her fingers carefully. She was sure that Ianthe is going to love an animal companion like this little hamster.
  13. "Oh, I'm sure she'll love him!" Nawen exclaimed quite happily and smiled warmly to the adorable little hamster. She always loved animals no matter the size. She was quite surprised to hear Caladus' words. Did he feel useless? "You are more useful than you think." The ranger replied and smiled again to Caladus this time hoping that her words didn't make things worse.
  14. In a small country, Lithuania which is in Northern Europe. :teehee:
  15. Nawen was staring at the ground when she suddenly heard a familiar voice. She looked up and saw Rhaine. "Not bad. Thank you." She replied and noticed the little fuzzy animal in her hands. "Who is that?" She inquired.
  16. "Thank you." Illius said and smiled slightly at Xallistine. It was good to know that the faith others had placed in the Ulitharid was not misplaced. Nawen was still sitting on her bed wondering what to do. The ranger decided that some fresh air would be good for her. With a few grunts she got out of the bed and slowly made her way outside. The streets were bustling with people so walking around wasn't really an option for her anymore. Not in the streets anyway. After a bit of wandering she found a bench under a huge oak tree. "This should be a good place to sit." She sat quietly to herself and sat comfortably on the bench and watched the townsfolk.
  17. "I was thinking about using Secret Page spell." Illius suggested. He felt stupid for suggesting this in the first place but better be safe than sorry. The sorcerer handed the book to Xallistine. "I think you should have it. Only you can read what's written here." He said. Illius had a lot of business elsewhere and was planning to leave again right after the ball. He also knew that others in the group trusted Xallistine thus the book should be safe with him.
  18. Illius sighed in relief once he saw Xallistine in the common room. "I was actually looking for you." He said and approached the Ulitharid with the book in his hands. "I've been thinking that we should hide the true content of this book. Something tells me that it might be important." The sorcerer knew that there are ways to conceal the true meaning of words on the pages without hiding the actual book.
  19. Ooh. What a lovely little story. I liked it very much! :thumbsup:
  20. I agree. Very nice and detailed. Brilliant! :dance:
  21. Illius picked up the book and went downstairs to look for Xallistine. The Ulitharid was unlike others of his kind and others trusted him, thus he was a perfect person he could talk to about protecting the book or its true content. He wanted to do this not only because Nawen was injured badly because she tried to retrieve but he felt strong and evil power somewhere in the town... Sinn was sleeping under one of the beds, happy to be with the ranger again while Nawen was sitting on the bed bored out of her mind. There was nothing she could do in the state she was in but she hoped that others were having a much better time. Aedan got tired of sitting around. He left the inn and went to the stables to retrieve his horse. Once he led out the horse from the stables the Fallen mounted the animal and slowly rode out of town.
  22. Hmm... sounds interesting. Can't wait to read what you made up for her. :dance:
  23. Aedan was still sitting at his table with the slight frown on his face. He wasn't in a mood to go and take a walk but all the noise in the tavern annoyed him a lot. Nawen was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She was feeling worse than last night after all the healing. Everything ached. She thought it's because she was sleeping on the cold hard stone floor. The ranger was waiting patiently for Illius' return. The sorcerer first went to the library. He wanted to get some books on the good deities but he decided against it. He felt responsible for what happened and instead of burdening the ranger with books he had decided to leave it up to her. He had faith that Nawen will find a deity to worship which will be close to her heart. After the library he went into the wilds to look for Sinn. He spent three hours looking for the panther but he eventually found her sleeping under the tree. He used an invisibility spell on the panther and lead the animal to the inn. He had to run so that the spell wouldn't wear off while they were in the middle of the town. Illius opened the door and led the invisible panther to their room. Nawen slowly sat up to see who entered because the sorcerer left the room unlocked in case her friends needed something. He undid the spell and the ranger smiled widely as she saw her panther. "Sinn!" She exclaimed as the panther ran excitedly and started to lick the drow's face. Leaving the two reunited friends to their happiness, Illius walked up to the book which was lying on the table. He had an unexplainable urge to protect or hide the true content of the book even if they had no idea what is written there.
  24. Minsc and Aerie? I remember them from my extremely short play-through of Baldur's Gate 2. :laugh: Nice character sheets!
  25. Aedan kept sitting at his table. He ignored Sefris' cat completely. He wasn't a cat person. The Fallen heard a commotion and it seemed that others whatever they were doing before were done with it. He closed his eyes and entered the meditation state, still fully aware of his surroundings. Nawen noticed that Rhaine been crying. She wanted to hug her but due to her injuries it was difficult for her to stand up fast enough. The ranger tried to but her arms and legs felt numb and pretty much everyone were gone from the basement. "Fantastic." She mumbled and tried once more, nothing. "Need a hand?" She heard Illius' question and looked up to see the sorcerer standing beside her. She only nodded. Illius placed a book carefully on the floor and help the ranger to stand up. She held on to him while he picked up a book again and with his help they both slowly made their way to their room. "I need to change my bandages." The drow spoke. "Do you want me to grab something to eat?" Nawen grinned and nodded. "Oh Gods yes!" With that Illius went downstairs and bought breakfast to them both. He noticed some of the ranger's companions as well as two new people and said 'good morning' to everyone before he returned back to the room. The ranger had already changed most of the bandages, now she was standing in front of the mirror examining the scar on her stomach. She lowered her shirt as soon as she heard the door opening and turned to see the sorcerer with full plates of food. He knew her so well. Even for someone quite small, Nawen ate a lot. Must be the dwarven thing. They ate breakfast in silence. "I should go and look for Sinn." The ranger suddenly said. "No. I won't let you walk around. You're still not feeling too well." The drow raised her head. "I haven't seen her for so long. What if something happened to her?" "Shouldn't you be able to tell if something happened. You used to know if something was wrong." Nawen went silent. True, she was able to tell if Sinn was injured or even if the panther felt sad but when she lost her faith in Mielikki she couldn't even feel the panther's presence. Before, she was always able to tell where exactly the panther is but now... "I'm... I lost my faith." There was a moment of awkward silence after her words. "What? How?" The sorcerer asked. Nawen was half expecting yelling and lectures but nothing like that happened. He simply asked and his voice didn't sound harsh or judging. No, his voice was calm and gentle. "You know how and why." Illius sighed and stared at the table. "If you're done eating I will bring the plates back to the innkeeper, go look for Sinn and head to the library and look for some books and the deities." He said and went towards the door with the dishes. She wondered why he saw so worried about her remaining the faithless. Why did he care so much? Illius returned the empty dishes and went back to his room to take some of his things. "Illius-" Nawen started. "thank you." The sorcerer smiled and walked up to the drow. "You're welcome." He replied and kissed her forehead before heading downstairs.
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