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Status Updates posted by grannywils

  1. Ithildin, saw your comment below. I can attest to the fact that my cats have not forgotten it!!! They expect their homage and deification on a daily basis. =]
  2. Thandal, give Skyrim a chance. I love Dragon Age Origins too, but this game has a lot going for it. It just plays differently, but has incredible detail and depth.
  3. Thank you for the help with that word. Never heard it before, and I always like to learn something new!!
  4. Happy New Year to you too David!
  5. Wishing you a glorious New Year too, Sweetie. I hope you have everything in your life that you wish for and deserve.
  6. A Blessed New Year to you and yours as well Teresa. I just started Skyrim last night, and I am already hooked! Just love it. Was blessed with another granddaughter this month too!
  7. Thank you for the link, Ves. I read it and have now learned something new today! That is a very good thing. Thank you again.
  8. Happy Christmas to you too!
  9. Have a wonderful Holiday
  10. Merry Christmas, and long time no see...
  11. Have a great Holiday, whatever it is!!!!
  12. Have a great Holiday and thanks for your help
  13. Have a lovely Holiday
  14. Merry Christmas, pal
  15. Don't know where you are, but Happy Christmas!!!!!
  16. Have a lovely Holiday.
  17. Happy, Happy Holidays and Peace and Good Will to all.....
  18. Happy Christmas and good health to you...
  19. Happy Christmas, Dani
  20. Same to you, Wiz. I miss you bunches.
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