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Status Updates posted by Lazysheepherd

  1. You'll leave? Omg.

    Did you just found somewhere better that here or some people better than us? o.O

    Or is that creepy responsibilities again?

  2. LOL! Yay, good to hear you doing oky and good luck on all of those! =)
  3. Thanks for asking first!

    Not much really. Going good I can say =)

    What about yourself?

  4. What happens if Tobuscus messes with the Skyirm Trailer? LOL! This happens =>
  5. HEEY!

    What's up there!?

    Been a long while! Hope you're doing good!

    And sorry I'm busy as hell these days!

    Be well!

  6. Ah, yes. It's been some time really.

    How are you sir?

    Hope you are doing good!

    What are you up to these days? Playing any game?

  7. I wacthed a great short cartoon-movie recently which effected me really deeply. Somehow, it almost made me cry. If you have 30 minutes to spend, here's the link;
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lazysheepherd



      Hmm... Russian cartoons? Sounds interesting!!!


    3. Naktis


      Gah! Forgot to reply to this! >.<


      Yup, Russian cartoons. I grew up watching them. A shame they're no longer on TV. ;_;

    4. Lazysheepherd



      Wow. Hmm.. Was they good?

  8. Hey millie!

    Been a while!

    How are you doing?

  9. Aww... Thank you. I had better days I can say.

    I'm also too much busy these days. Shame that I haven't checked any of my friends here for a long time. =(

    Still, as also you said, I'm always trying to see, feel and hop in the bright side of things. =)

    So, what about you? Hope you're doing good!

    How's modding going?

  10. Just looked at my "Favorite Games" And saw that "Crayon Physics" also there. I wonder if any of you have ever saw that game? You guys should check it out if you haven't ; => Video ;
    Website ; http://www.crayonphysics.com/
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Iv000


      20$? I got it for 8$ in the Humble Indie Bundle together with 4 other games.

      It's fun, but I didn't really play much of it.

    3. m14aria


      It was a good game.

      thanks for knowing it to me.

    4. Nadin


      I played with it a bit, but it didn't really catch my interest.
  11. Can't assure you but will try madam!

    I wish good days to you!

    Take care!


  12. YAY! Just format my PC! Ahh! Windows is running with ease and comfy now instead of pain of so frequent bugs, crashes I have been experiencing lately. *happybounce*
  13. Nevermind =)

    And, yay it is =P

  14. *Shoo-Shoo!*



    Result = "So-so hoho!"


  15. Just had a bee sting on my eyebrow I'll reply this soon If I won't pass out or something! =O , o.O , =) , =(
    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Ithildin


      Jellyfish, omg ... *that* could've been fatal, too, depending on the critter and how far from shore you were. =( I wouldn't want to mess with one.
    3. AliasTheory


      Don't step on a Portuguese man o' war on the beach. It's basically a jellyfish, although it isn't.


    4. Lazysheepherd


      Creepy! I do not good with sea creatures!

      I'm afraid of most of them. =)

  16. Hey my dear friends! Let me hear your valuable opinions; http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/756331-minecraft-nexus/
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      Anyway edited pool.
    3. Ithildin


      I'm on it! Thank you. :D
    4. MissBasha


      Never played.. But voted "Yes". Whaaat?.. Why not?! =)
  17. Hmm...

    They used to give free license for the students. Hope that's still going. Otherwise, you can always "try" it for 1 month fully functional. =)

    And you need to have really old 2008 version for modding Oblivion.

  18. It is;



    then =)

    Also I can help you to get started if you prefer to use 3DS max.

    And please take your 505's there with you! LOL

  19. Actually, I feel like writing these days. But you know, I just don't know where to start =)

    And this is an awesome start for thing related to Oblivion;


    And when it comes to Oblivion I can help you about stuff. =)

  20. Wow. I haven't tried that roleplay thing.

    Hmm... You have some time then. Why don't you try modding?

  21. Yes =)

    Ahh... I used to make mods for Oblivion, and used Nexus for publishing some of them.

    After a while I discovered social side of Nexus but left modding afterwards.

    I tried to leave Nexus couple of times but many wonderful friend around keeps me connected here. =)

    What about you?

  22. Wow! Mr.Holmes!? Sounds cool =)

    Ahh... More often, yes!

    "That would be good my dear Watson!" LOL

    Wow! Hmm... A German Watson!?... That would be awesome!

    Germany! Salutes to land of machines!

  23. *Counter-Peek!*


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