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Status Updates posted by Lazysheepherd

  1. LoL yeah I hate those comment restrictions. It should have end like this; You can only enjoy with little damage you done or little piece you blocked. =P
  2. Yes, it is! It is the key!

    And, my life's just crazy lately. Having lot's of off days for myself, sittin' on my computer not much sleeping at nights, trying to live 1.5 days in one to extend the time =) So, weak body, low morale, hurting eyes etc. If you take yourself "time" as rival, you should accept loss before playing. You can only enjoy with little damage y...

  3. That's the bright side! As long as you love what you do, work hours does not matter!
  4. o.O Quite schedule!

    Good luck with them!

  5. Wow! Teaching developing!? Sounds awesome! And I do not have addiction problem atm cause have limited time only XD
  6. Thanks for asking mate! =) Hmm... Nm really. Regular stuff. Playing AION lately for a difference. I have left -30 days. And blabla. =) So what are you up to!? Hope you're doin' all good!
  7. Hmm.. You can be weird at times!? *RUNS AWAY!*

    LOL no. I mystically like weird people much! =P

    And Will do when I have some time! =)

  8. LOL! I see! No, I do not expect from you to if it is. Nevermind!
  9. Yay! That's awesome to hear! Hmm.. I thought you were working? With people you love? *confused* =P
  10. Yeah, should be tiring! And happy to hear it worth's it at last, "my friend" ! =)
  11. Hey hey man! Not much!

    How how are you doin'? =)

  12. Hey there kowalski. LOL! I'll get in mode if you keep callin' me as that =P I'm just dealin' with stuff, so good I guess, thanks for asking! And how are you?
  13. Anyone playing AION here? For who don't know, it's an MMORPG. http://www.youtube.com/user/AionEurope
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Hmm? I wonder? I am going to go check my AION Account and see what changes have been made since last year. They were closing servers and making us transfer our characters, just like SWTOR is these days. I will let you know if they have modified the arrangements so we would be on the same server. :- )
    3. Deleted54170User


      My Account has been deleted. All my saved data on the game is gone. I guess they deleted old accounts. They definitely made the game to play. I would have to start all over. I haven't found any data that suggests where the servers are since I can't sign in to my old account.
    4. Lazysheepherd


      Oh sorry to hear about your old acc. Hmm... You can see the server list once you get into game.

      My servers name is "Telemachus"

  14. Btw, saw that you guys do not aware of Skype much. As Naktis, I thought everyone had Skype too! =P So, Skype is an communication instrument that well known by it's paid communication service between computers and mobile devices. But what doesn't known is that except that feature, it is completely free. And not used for sound video calls only. Also it has really satisfying instant chat feature.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Iv000


      I use skype as well. Chat only though. I get nervous if I have to talk to people >.>
    3. Alkser


      <--- Skype addict :D
    4. Nadin


      I have Skype now! :D


      Still haven't used it, though. Have to fiddle about with it.

  15. It costs +30Gb hard disk space, looks awesome in it's videos, developed by CryEngine and I couldn't tried it yet because of that silly launcher! After downloading gb's of data, it just stopped at 94 percent mysteriously o.O! DAMN you AION!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      LOL it's completed!! *happydance*


      TIP OF THE DAY: If you have an application does not work correctly, complain on Nexus before getting any help. Magicaly works! =P

    3. Naktis


      Huh? What are you talking about? O_O *is confused*
    4. Lazysheepherd


      It is an MMORPG dear, and looks like an awesome one so far.





  16. *Her people looking at your profile*

    Hey there! =)

  17. Just trying Skype. And liked it so far. I'll be online there much. I would be glad if you add me there if you have it. You know that would be good to have some time with you guys before last sands in hourglass fells down.
    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Is that what you mean?
    3. Lazysheepherd


      Hmm.. mine was a story for general human behavior. We can see examples everywhere. I do not know about your life, so it may be. Not sure.
    4. Deleted54170User


      To make a long story short often removes vital information that others need to know and some who think their children don't. I don't have any children so I don't have to remove anything that might be for adult ears and eyes only. And you may probably know why I don't have any children now.
  18. Yeah I noticed you were not. And hope you can find some time to. Will miss you guys as hell! :'(
  19. Hello there Dr. Freeman!

    Hope you're doin' good!

  20. Just a status update: I have 1 month left here. Will be left for army afterwards. For 15 months.
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      Thank you Naktis! *hugs*

      I hope so! =)

    3. Nadin


      At least it's just fifteen months. Shame you have to leave, though--we'll all miss you.
    4. Lazysheepherd


      And I'll miss you! =')
  21. Hey! No! It's a great decision! Welcome back to IV!!! =)

    Hmm.. I'm just doing oky I guess. Same stuff. =P

  22. Ah, awesome to hear! Okay then! Have fun!
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