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Status Updates posted by Lazysheepherd

  1. Silent mode, again...
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. brokenergy
    3. Deleted54170User


      Silent?! If rocks were as silent as you've been this evening, we'd have us a Heavy Metal Rock and Roll Band now! O.O LOL
    4. Lazysheepherd


      LOL! Yea. But as you can see, this is an OLD Status update =P

      If I were trying to update my status every time it changed, that would be spam as a "Heavy Metal Rock and Roll Band" in a graveyard. =D

  2. Was a good day. Had a trip to even more higher place! Here's some pics. ; https://picasaweb.google.com/116558049929270226801/PlateauTrip
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      Familiar looking scenery :)

      Sometimes it's easy to forget to enjoy the little things.

    3. MalachiDelacot


      nice shots; beautiful country
    4. Lazysheepherd


      Thanks guys! ^

      But there will be no more of them in short time I'm afraid. 'cause my camera has broken recently! =O

  3. Day off! Time to burn some braincells! YAY!!!
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      LOL thanks, Ithildin.
    3. AliasTheory


      I've been enjoying my time off too this summer. It's nice to get away from some deadlines after being under all this academic pressure.

      Hope you're having a great time as well.

    4. brokenergy


      Already burnt mine
  4. Happy to hear that =)

    You know what?

    You must also take a vacation from your job for some time. LOL

  5. I think some of you aware of my absence. Well, like I warned before, I have almost no time to be active here. Missed you all. Hope you be well.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ithildin


      I agree with Naktis! *hugs*
    3. Deleted54170User
    4. Lazysheepherd


      ^ Thank you, guys.

      Here it rains good. I will probably around here this day.

      See you around!

  6. Hmm...

    Not bad I guess. Just some busy and tired. Both physically and mentally.

    Still, I can say I'm in better condition than some people who you see on workdays. =)

    And, how are you?

  7. Counter-Peek! =P

    Helloo there!

  8. Hey my friend! Happy to have you back!

    When you around, you know where to find me! =)

    Be well!

  9. I want to thank you all, guys for your interest to pic's I upload time by time. Like I said before, my role in this art is questionable, but if you want to thank me, please do your best to protect places like this on earth. And be more sensitive about it. Just knowing you (even)wish so, means worlds to me. It my be some classic but remember this;
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. wolfsangeleyes


      @brokenergy, he continued his status update in the first comment.
    3. Khylian


      Hi Lazysheepherd, I am on it!...Taking care of little Earth, ;)

      How is LS of late: > or < than infinitum?...

    4. Lazysheepherd


      Thank you Khylian!

      It's good to hear from you!

      And as you can see, Lazysheepherd is still smaller than infinite. So hes keep working!

  10. Thanks, happy to have you around!
  11. Hey! just added u since Blue and Auri friends with you.

    I would honored if you accept. =)

    See you around!

  12. I wasn't around lately, come back with couple pics. And I'll be busy for couple days again. Link to album: https://picasaweb.google.com/116558049929270226801/EndOfTheDay
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. wolfsangeleyes


      Love the pics. My camera broke down years ago and i desperately want a new one. What type of camera do you use?
    3. Lazysheepherd



      I use "Nikon coolpix s2500".

      It's not such quality camera.

      I must say everything is really good about it except it's lenses power. Pictures easily gets blurry.

      And it's impossible to catch moving objects.


      For a single scene, I pick many pictures and select less blurry ones to keep. =)

    4. wolfsangeleyes


      He Lazy, thanks. My camera broke years ago and i really want to get a new one so any info will help. I read online that IS (image stabiliser) helps for the things you mentioned and now i'm getting a Canon 1100D with stabiliser in the lens. It will probably take me quite a while to figure out but that's ok.
  13. I want to congratulate you for your awesome show in Eurovision!

    The grannies were awesome XD

  14. Hey there Khylian!!

    Happy to hear from you!

    Hope you're good =)

  15. *shouts "OMG"* LOL
  16. Hey!

    Just added you! I'll honored if you accept. =)

  17. *Peeks!* Hello there!
  18. LOL!

    It's honor to have you as my friend! =)

    Just added. How about to accept? =)

    See you around!

  19. Hey!

    Kudos for you! For?

    Well, I just wanted also for... for being such kind and active =)

  20. Thanks =) nothing I guess. I just followed a link to your profile on my freinds page and saw we have many friends common so wanted to say hi =)
  21. *Peek* Hello there!
  22. Ahh.. They can give me very good laugh sometimes =)

    Please keep it up!

  23. It only "goes / moves" sometimes only. My mods currently has least priority in developing. I not event talk about my jobs and to-do's.

    As jobs and to-do's drain my time on computer, my many interests on it slices what time have left for it at the other hand.

  24. Hey my friend!

    It's been a while! Hope you're doing good! =)

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