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Everything posted by ginnyfizz

  1. Would be nice if I could, but I can't even do that. NMM on my PC's is therefore dead, it has ceased to be...and therefore even though I can download mods, I can't use it to tweak my load order either.
  2. ginnyfizz


    You have a serious point there, sukeban, i think Turkey are far more likely than Israel to try and start something. As a postscript to that, the pilot apparently landed in Syrian rebel territory. Now if you thought the picture of the Syrian army soldier being decapitated with little toddlers sat on the front row was bad, at least the poor guy lost his head in one stroke of a sword. I sincerely hope that the pilot was already dead (he looked it in the video that I saw) when they sawed his head off with a knife. The group that I am a member of was already on the verge of puking as we saw that, but it got worse. Some other rebels also captured a priest and two other men and we saw them get the same treatment as the pilot, unfortunately these three were definitely still alive when the butchery began. It was made more gruesome (if that's possible) by the way that the crowd were jeering and getting close ups on their smartphones. I won't post links because they are truly graphic. Intervene on behalf of these butchers? Hell no. They are certainly no better than Assad and quite probably a good deal worse.
  3. ginnyfizz


    In complete agreement with you, HeyYou. We need to stay the hell out, both the US and the UK, because we are damned if we do get involved. The pictures of the chemical attacks are harrowing, but the evidence of who dunnit is hazy. Today I saw in my newspaper pictures of the rebels summarily executing Syrian army soldiers who appeared to have already been flogged unmercifully. We let the genie out of the bottle in Egypt and Libya and look what happened. Forum rules forbid me from being precise but there are certain substantial minorities in Syria who will suffer greatly if the rebels gain ascendance, as has already happened in Egypt and Libya.
  4. ginnyfizz


    Funny I bet I am not the only one who would use exactly the same type of language to describe Camoron and his cabinet...
  5. Yeah the Captcha is actually a picture of a character and you have to type his name, which is obviously designed to shut out newbies. How RUDE.
  6. ginnyfizz


    Aye Sukeban, I daresay the late lamented MLK is fairly rolling in his grave at Obama trying to don his mantle. I don't know how much Israel is really behind this, but I have often heard it said, including by a friend of mine who is ex Israeli military, that they can always rely on the factions in the surrounding Arab nations to hate each other even more than they hate the Israelis. I would say that the Israelis would far rather see one of their most dangerous neighbours in-fighting rather than attacking them, so a Western attempt at sorting out Syria is not especially in their interests. Meanwhile, back at Westminster, the Camoron has realised that he would certainly lose any vote proposing military action in the recalled Parliament that is meeting tomorrow. So they ain't getting a definitive vote. We must wait for the report of the weapons inspectors and the vote in the UN, and then our MP's will supposedly get a vote. And pigs might fly too...
  7. I do hate to say it, but I had a similar problem about a year ago, and it was the CPU.
  8. Just tried to sign up for that forum. Unfortunately as I am a Saints Row newbie, only having recently acquired a laptop with a core i7 (Saints Row hates the AMD processor on my desktop), I do not recognise the character who is in the Captcha. So no Saints Row mods for me, it seems. Bit unwelcoming, that.
  9. ginnyfizz


    I find myself very much in agreement with the last three posters. Camoron has recalled the UK Parliament and is putting a resolution to the UN Security Council. I do hope they tell him to go away in no uncertain terms. I think we have the old, old story of politicians who are beleaguered at home trying to start trouble abroad in order to distract attention from problems at home. Not to mention the old, old story of them never learning a thing from past mistakes. Camoron thinks of himself as the heir to Blair, is Obama the heir to Dangerous Dubya? *Leaps on mobility scooter and heads off at top speed, trailer of food and water in tow, to a nice deep former limestone mine of my acquaintance, in anticipation of WW3....*
  10. Hmph. Can neither access my own mod nor some others I have access to, just hope they are all OK.
  11. The sites aren't down though. They come up right away for me, but I cannot log in.
  12. It's very frustrating. Obviously I am on the forums as I am posting this. But I am totally unable to log into any of the Nexus sites. I therefore cannot either download new mods or update existing ones. Ginny, not amused, somewhere in Derbyshire, not yet struck by lightning but sizzling somewhat... As I have not been posting very much due to some serious RL bereavement issues, I am certain I haven't done anything wrong.
  13. @colourwheel No I am talking about the UK secret courts. We have a long tradition that in the UK justice is done in public. Until recently you could wander into any law court, as a member of the public, in the land once known as the Mother Of The Free, and sit and watch proceedings. Unless it was a Family Division proceeding involving minors that is. Now we have secret courts and excessive surveillance and...all in the name of the war on terror. I can hear my grandfathers and two uncles rolling in their graves and asking what it was that they fought for (and in three cases died for) if not for freedom. Now we have none. Snowden stated that the behaviour of GCHQ here in Britain is, if anything, even more excessive than what has been going on in the USA. The situation here is directly related to the situation in the USA. We all know that when the Obama administration yells at ours "jump!" the Boy David's says "How high sir?" That sounds suspiciously dictatorial to me. At least the French have the insouciance to tell them to go away (they are not prone to put it quite that politely as it happens...). To loosely quote Blackstone (also rolling in his grave right now I'll be bound), it is better that twelve guilty men go free than that one innocent man be detained. And I stand by that even though guilty men have murdered some of mine, and I stand by the presumption of innocence. And it's being trampled into the dirt.
  14. That can maybe happen in your country but in america that would be concidered evidence being held back in court and can't be used against someone unless it is shared with the defence. Well it certainly can and does happen here in The Country Formerly Known as the Mother Of The Free. No, colourwheel, I do not live in a former Iron Curtain country or ...well I was going to say tinpot dictatorship, but it could be said that we are part of Obama's dictatorship. Now let me see, what was the excuse for secret courts? Oh yeah, "national security" and "what about terrorism cases?" There's a balance to be struck. We could tackle crime by having a permanent curfew where people are only allowed to leave the house to go to work, street crime, murders and all sorts of other crimes would be cut dramatically, lives would be saved as less people would die in street robberies, would that saving of those lives be worth giving up your freedom for? I was caught up in the Harrods bomb many years ago, I've seen first hand what terrorism can do, I still wouldn't be willing to give up my rights for some false sense of security. Totally agree with you jim_uk. I had no idea you were there too Jim, I experienced the Harrods bombing first hand, and as I said before, I also had a relative who was murdered by terrorists. But I also had a relative who spent years in Uncle Joe's gulags because it was decided that he was "an enemy of the people" and he never heard the evidence against him either. Wonder why the current situation scares me more than the terrorists ever could? And I do not wish to give up my freedoms "just in case" one might be caught. I feel just as you do , Jim. @sukeban. If nobody is going to sacrifice their family for principle, I am not sure how you would explain the number of people who volunteered during WW1 and WW2, without waiting for the draft. Remarkably few families tried to stop them.
  15. Because something is happening and has been so doing for a very long time does not make it right. One of my oft quoted quotes alert.... "Members of the jury, unless you are satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty of the crimes of which he/she is accused, then you must find them not guilty". This wholesale sweeping up of data implies that the sacred principle of the presumption of innocence has been abolished and that without reference to Parliament here at any rate, which also implies that our Parliamentary democracy is in an even more parlous state than even I thought. Combine this with the fact that courts can now sit in secret with people not being allowed to hear the evidence against them, and therefore not prepare a defence, it looks very ugly indeed to me. Robin, I have had family members killed in terrorist attacks and I say that this grotesque and frightening level of surveillance will destroy more lives than it saves. The Dai Kellys of this world will continue to die "in mysterious circumstances" but the fanatic terrorists will get away with their murdering ways, whilst this data collected will be used on trivialities such as reporting people for overloading their wheelie bins, telling minor porkies about their residence in order to get kids into a certain school catchment area, etc, etc.
  16. For those of us who in the eyes of many are sinners and, like me, have the misfortune to be both unemployed and disabled (the two are often connected as employers are not very enlightened when they see you on crutches), some of the Tory cronies want it to get a whole lot worse;- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2346714/Why-Osborne-publish-names-benefits-claimant--pay-An-incendiary-idea-save-500m-A-DAY-welfare-bill.html That (insert expletive) Mark Littlewood is actually suggesting that people like me should have the details of what we are paid in benefit put up on the internet for everyone to see. Yes, a Tory suggesting private information should be revealed. I wonder if they are actually trying to goad us "parasites" into cutting the benefits bill by committing suicide?
  17. jim_uk, that truly is mind boggling. Makes me ashamed to be British. The sad thing is that scale of our Government's control freakery is no surprise to me. I am truly disturbed that the presumption of innocence that had been sacrosanct in our legal system is now being brushed aside. This mass seizing of our communications just in case we have misbehaved erodes that principle.
  18. The thing is... I know very well how to shoot, look after animals and to grow things in my garden. I am a countrywoman born and bred and used to be a formidable outdoorswoman. Not to mention I sew and knit with the best of them. But physical labour just ain't happening for me anymore - I have all the skills but can't use any of them any more, due to the disability, except the sewing and knitting. I guess that means that, come the cataclysm, I hang out with the more able bodied and trade my crafts skills for a spot of gardening...
  19. Wow, and where I ask you does that leave those of us who are disabled? I am an intelligent person who wants to work. Unfortunately prospective employers see my crutches and go eeeeepppp.......sorry missus, get lost! They simply don't imagine for one moment that I am at all capable just because I am not capable of running around at 100 miles an hour. Does that mean I should just crawl off into the undergrowth to die?
  20. I just had an email newsletter containing this link http://www.neoseeker.com/news/23032-wolfenstein-the-new-order-handson-bj-blazkowicz-hath-returned/?utm_source=Neoseeker+Newsletter&utm_campaign=3c9342edc5-Newsletter_5_29_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bd0c94c38e-3c9342edc5-5365681 If anything it seems a new Wolfenstein is next up. We Fallout and TES fans will have to be patient.
  21. Just a thought, when you reinstalled, did you also delete/move/rename your Skyrim.ini, that is usually found in My Documents\My Games\Skyrim If you didn't, this might cause problems. Although since starting a new game fixed the issue, it is far more likely that in fact your saves were corrupt. It can happen - a few weeks back I lost my main character Emilie at level 50 something, in her case the problem was that the game crashed whenever she fast travelled to or otherwise tried to go anywhere in Winterhold. Which was a bit of a pain considering that she is a Breton and a major magic user....
  22. I am flabbergasted, really bben46 I would have expected FAR better from you. I'd really like to see you say that to the woman who used to live next door to us and whom my late parents had to save from death on more than one occasion. You forget that where children are involved, it is not as simple as just walking out, especially where your husband is a psychopath who also threatens said kids with violence/threatens to make sure she never sees those kids again. This poor lass was treated worse than an animal, and don't try and tell me it was her fault - she pressed charges and the police were only too willing to pursue them and actively encouraged her, as did my Mum and Dad, to get him legally excluded with a restraining order. And the police were as disgusted as we all were when the courts/CPS persistently downgraded the charges to common assault rather than wounding with intent/GBH which can carry a life sentence. I had better go, before I get even more steamed up...
  23. I must take a look at the Runic Site as I do own Torchlight II (and I), but I didn't know that there were any mods for Torchlight II, which tells you I haven't been there lately...
  24. And then, of course, there are all the games where there are really no female protagonists at all (without mods), for some reason they often seem to be from European makers - Gothic series, Two Worlds series, Risen, I'm looking at you... The modded female protagonist in Two Worlds II made vanilla Skyrim females look good, which takes some doing. Witcher games are a little more debatable due to the presence of the feisty Triss of course...
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