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Everything posted by ObLars

  1. Hello! :biggrin: So i've made a couple of new random npc's and i would like to make some of them smaller/bigger with the muscle slider. Is it possible at all, if it is. Where is it? :unsure:
  2. Hello! :) So, im working on a little project, and i've put quite a few iron ores etc out there. I've linked the ores depots to the mining markers etc but i can't seem to get it to work. I click activate, and the anime starts running, but is interupted once the character hit's the ore once. What have i done wrong?
  3. :thumbsup: Good to see everything working out for you!
  4. Because you can't simply add the clothes to their inventory anymore. You have to make a specific, or choose from a spesific "outfit" in the Object window. And choose it on the inventory tab under the NPC. "Default outfit" Scroll down untill you find the outfit of your chosing, and voilá. :)
  5. Hello! :psyduck: Is there any way to determine the chance, and edit it, for the finisher moves to take place?
  6. You have to have the text defined in the Messages (under Miscellaneous section) and then it's just MessageID.Show(). For instance, here's the cmd from the PlayerVampireQuest script: VampireFeedMessage.Show() In Messaes VampireFeedMessage Text is defined as "Your vampiric powers recede as you feed." -MM I can always count on you, Mojo. <3 Kudos as soon as i can!
  7. Hello! :teehee: I've been looking for some time on how to display a message in the top left corner of the game screen, through a script. Could anyone give me a short tutorial, or even give me the script command needed? I think it's something like Show.MessageID ?
  8. Hello! So, i've been clicking on the CK for a while now, and i can't seem to figure out how to edit the Werewolf settings. I.e the Jump multiplier, the time spent as a werewolf etc. Could anyone please point me in the right direction? :tongue:
  9. Thank you! :thumbsup: Kudos to you Mister. :kiss:
  10. Hello. :happy: So i've been trying to add a spell to my character through a potion, namely Beast Blood, but i can't figure out, for the life of me how to do it. I would love if someone could take some of their time and help me out on this. Basicly what i need is a simple script that i attach to my potion that gives me the beast form spell. :ohdear:
  11. I just want the Scope for the Hunting rifle. :(
  12. Hello! Im currently working on a new town. And i haven't got a clue how to make it an actual area. Say.. When i enter one of the stores i'll be walking into "Door to Town Store" and when im going outside it'll say "Door to the Mojave Wasteland" How do i make it so that when i leave the store, and all other interior cells in the settlement, it'll actually say .. "Door to My newly created town"? If its unclear, name it. And i'll try to explain some more.
  13. Striders, Nightwalkers etc. Scary things. I got a Nightwalker companion. AWWWWW YEAH
  14. Make sure the NIF file points to the appropriate texture file. Also make sure that you are using your own custom texture. Using a texture from FO3 and putting it in FNV is illegal. Yeah, i know about their rights as developers. Is it because Fallout 3 is its own game? I am currently trying to map out some black-ish Trogs, calling them night walkers. Ohhh yeah
  15. Hello! Im currently trying to make a personal mod, with the trogs involved. I can get em ingame with animations etc. But the textures just won't work. Anyone had/has the same issue? And how can i fix it? The textures are in the default place.
  16. How can i get Boone to use a weapon i give him, instead of the damn rifle? Will i have to change something, somewhere?
  17. Indeed. Well, im quite the high-roller. I got a steady supply of caps, atleast now that im working on a mod that lets me buy the atomic wrangler. I also find myself picking up every single scrap peice, and making various armours that sells quite good. (Making a comprehensive crafting mod). The reason too why i was wondering about the merchants though, was because i was trying to "team" with the legion. But me being a good guy, didn't help the cause... I saved the Caravan from the ambush, and im now a wanted man. Let's rip it! ;D
  18. Okei, thanks guys. I couldn't help but save the caravan though :verymad: Im a good guy, can't help it. So now my sole purpose is to kill as many of the Legion suckers as i can :tongue:
  19. I'v recently found myself teaming with random Legion troops in the mojave, and sometimes we find outselves standing side to side with traveling merchants. Should i kill these, or is it a bad idea? Do they respawn?
  20. The thing is though, i got the 1,4geck a few days ago, and have been using it since.. Thanks for the reply though.
  21. You installed any DLC before hand?
  22. Hey all. I just installed Honest hearts, and all of a sudden, none of my mods will work, and i can't seem to make new ones who work either. What's gone wrong here? :x Help me please. Annoying :devil:
  23. Hey all. How do i make more Cannibal perk ranks? I would like the player to gain more health/starvation by eating corpes after you've ate about 50 corpses. How can i do this? :x
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