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Everything posted by ObLars

  1. Hey. I recently made a new trait, and i can't get it to work correctly. I made 2 entries in the perk creation. One for "Devour" and one for "Harvest flesh". Whilst i can only do the "Devour" once per dead NPC, i can do the "Harvest flesh" option as many times as i want to. Which condition am i missing? How can i fix this, how can i make the "Harvest flesh" only workable once per dead body?
  2. Hey. Im having some trouble with some package idles i want to use. I got a guard package, the NPC gets to the right target etc, but it won't use the Idle anims i chose in the specific idle flag when i made the package. He just stands there, doing nothing. How come he wont use the idles i chose? XD
  3. so i take it you're using fellout? I find it terrifying. :facepalm:
  4. Hey :) Im looking for a "darker night" kind of mod. Not to dark though, i got fellout at the moment, but i find it outrageously dark x]
  5. Hey all. Felt like doing some minor changes, again.. Fired up the G.E.C.K with no luck at all. It starts up fine, but when i click File -> Data -> FalloutNV.esm and click okai. It loads for a slight second or so and it's back to the default stage. What's up with that? :x
  6. Hey all. The thing i would like to ask you guys about is the annoying fighters guild porters who follows you around in the guild, is there a fix for this?
  7. Woah, i worked it out. Thanks too you :D <3 Lol, by the way. Could you think of any reason to why the Porter won't use any other armour then Steel? I Deleted his whole inventory, put some iron in it. He wont use it, aaaand, hes still wearing full steel : <
  8. StopWaiting FGGuardFollow set FGFollowerOdo.FGFollow to 1 ChorrolFGPorterREF.evp Wait FGGuardFollow set FGFollowerOdo.FGFollow to 0 ChorrolFGPorterREF.evp That's how it is right now :x
  9. The evp really did the trick, mate :wub: Forgot all about that! ;D Although, if i load the game, run over too him, ask him to join me, he then follows me to whatever end, and then i tell him to go back home, he walks home.. And i ask him once again to join me. He says okai. But nothing happends lol. He just keeps running the last package, i presume.
  10. Hello. Im having some.. Minor trouble getting my Companion to work as i want him too. I think i messed up with the Conditions of tasks etc. What i wanted to achieve was that he would follow me when i say "Follow me" i.e.. And he does, he just messed up 50% of the time, idk what i did wrong. And i also got a topic which says "Go back to the guild" with 4 default packages ready to be used with conditions etc. He just won't follow my orders :( Anyone? :psyduck:
  11. Hey. Why won't the Chorrol Fighters guild porter use my custom dialogue? I made a quest, made a quest script, i added new dialogue through the quest, made conditions "Getisid" "Getquestvariable" etcetc. Why wont he use it? I think i'v done everything as expected o.O
  12. The monthly gold is actually granted through a quest script (specifically, FGPostQuest) instead of a leveled list. Hey! Thanks for the response, and yeah. I noticed, and i think i tweeked the right line. "set payamount to ( 10 * GetRandomPercent )" If i go and tweek the 10 x GetRandomPercent to 30-40 * GetRandomPercent. Would that fix the everlasting underpayment of the Guild masters? x]
  13. Can't seem to find the Leveled item list which grants the player currency each month after becoming the Master. Anyone ever located it? :psyduck:
  14. Hello. My CS is acting up. I can't seem to enter a value for this condition, is this a 'bug' ? GetIsID / MY characters Id / = 1. And thats fine and all. But the next one is acting up. GetScriptVariable / My Characters Ref / Variable / Now im supposed to be able to put the Value to 1. But it keeps backtracking to 0. Help me out :facepalm:
  15. I got this problem, im making an interior, And i got the doors etc. I copied the Alleswell(sp) Tavern interior, deleted the npc's etc. But when im looking at the door, it says "Waterfront" even though waterfront is not the cell im teleporting to. Help? :facepalm:
  16. Hey all :) I seek guidance (lol). I got this.. "Unit" that i need to respawn on death, with a random face. Is this possible?
  17. Ahh, good old construction set, and thanks a lot mate. Im quite rusty at this at the time being, is it too much to ask if you could maybe make a.. Outline of this script? I can't offer much besides Kudos, and thanks :psyduck:
  18. Hello :psyduck: Im currently working on a little project of my own, and im having a hard time figuring out how i should do this. I Got a blacksmith, whom i induct in conversation with, claiming a tax from him. I click the i.e "Have you got my taxes?" dialogue. He says everything he's gotta say, and i get the money. But what i would like is, to have a cooldown, sort of. Say, i claim tax right now, and i wouldn't be able to get the money for 24 hours the next time. Anyone catch my drift? :P Thanks :)
  19. I would advice you too atleast finish 1 sentence.
  20. Hello. I ran into this issue while making the Raider a playable race. No mather how hard i try, i can't seem to get the pink hands away. According to the GECK, everything is fine and dandy. No pink hands etc, untill i load up my game. What could cause this? And might i remind you, the textures are all in the correct place. Characters\Raider\HandMale_1st.dds Could it be that my textures are in "Textures" ? And not in i.e texture or textures? Right Hand; Characters\Raider\HandMale_1st.dds Left Hand; Characters\Raider\HandMale_1st.dds
  21. Okai......... Obv understandment is obv. :whistling:
  22. I'v actually been thinking about this as a mood. Wouldn't it be great if you could see the x, y in the HUD ingame? I'd love it! Ontopic, i'v got no better tip than to go in X direction from a known Waypoint.
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