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Everything posted by ObLars

  1. I was pointing towards using sinks, but figured it altered vanilla content more than actually adding new content. Thanks for checking out what you did back then, and for all help. I got about 1/3 of the mirrors changed now. So you can get a haircut at about 33% of the mirrors at the moment :)
  2. I guess.. I still got to track down every interior with a mirror in it, which is quite the task. I'll try :)
  3. THAT is what im looking for. Thanks a lot. But it seems i can only replace things in current cell, or a specific item. Not the entire world.. When i try "Current World Only" i get this message; You need to have an exterior cell selected in the render window.. Guh :P
  4. Im working on a a new system, you might say. Its still WIP but when its done, it'll allow you to talk to an npc and buy brahmins, for milk extraction.
  5. That is infact what im trying to achieve. Its just awfully hard work to change out .. 400 statics. And there is no script box for statics, so i got no idea how you pulled that off. I'll try and download your mod and investigate it :P EDIT: I can't find the file you speak of..
  6. Hey there. I'v made a activator and a script (Onactivate). The activator is a mirror, and i was wondering if i will have to delete and replace every single mirror in the gameand replace it with the new activator, cause if i have to, thats hell of a lot of work.. Is there a simple way of achieving this? Thanks in advance :P
  7. Hey. Im making a companion, and im nearly done. Its a Legion Mongrel named "Varg". And im wondering how to add Rex' knockdown spell to his attack list? I think i saw the odds of the spell to happend was.. 30%? I added the "Rexbiteknockdownspell" to my companions Actor effect list, but he still won't use it? Could anyone please point me in directions? Im quite happy about my newly made Mongrel, but the knockdown attack is a must! :P Thanks in advance :) Might just upload him when im done, his quite the companion. Working companion wheel. :-)
  8. Hey :) Im currently having some trouble letting me talk to my dog companion. I got a Quest for him, and the neccasary script - Also checked the allow pc dialogue on him, and i cant talk to him. What might the problem be ? Kudos.
  9. As title states, im wondering how i could add a item to all vendors who deal with Liquid items, Water, Whiskey etc. Thanks :P
  10. Hoi. Just made a Dog companion, well. I am making it at this point, and it wont let me talk to it. Why is that? I got allow dialogue crossed out..
  11. Hey. :-) Im kind of making a little overhaul for myself, and i need Milk bottles, and since there is no pipboy icon for milk, i need a dds file edited, with my lack of know-how, i cant do it myself. SO! Could anyone please be so kind to help me with this problem of mine? I need the Items_Water.dds file edited, instead of "Water" on the bottle, i need it to say "Milk". If thats troublesome, could you atleast try and remove the "Water" text, making the bottle generic, with no Pastings? Thanks in advance, kudos for help! :)
  12. Hey there. Im working on a little project, and i need to access some NIF and DDS files.. I'v got no experience on how to do this, so im asking on these forums. I'v made a new Ingestible, food item on the creation kit, trying to use the milkbottle01.nif file, but i cant seem to access it. I did put the nif file on my desktop, in hopes of the geck recognizing it there, with no luck. Where do i need to put it? Thanks.
  13. That does sound a little like cheating. So why don't you just add a crap load of caps somewhere easely accessable?
  14. Hi there. Which program do you guys use to access the meshes/textures in a folder? I'd like to find some meshes and use to make a new sort of item, with the vanilla meshes. (I.e Misc Milk bottle mesh). Thanks :)
  15. I don't think it'll be to hard for someone with modding experience. It would just take some time.. And omfg, i love the idea OP.
  16. Hey there. I saw you mentioned a ranch, aaaaand. Im working on just that :) Ill release it once its done :)
  17. Exactly my thoughts. A life in the mojave desert is rough at the moment, adding multiple farming activities would make it a little more relaxing. Right now im working on making all Bighorns "milkable". I also created the Bighorner Bull which is bigger, more agressive, stronger. So now there are Calfs, Bighorns (Aka Cattle) And bulls. Cattle can be activated for milk once a day. And the milk extracted got a "pricey" value at 35 Caps a bottle. Cattle Yields 3 bottles a day which is 100 caps a day per Cattle owned (If milked). I haven't really worked out all the details yet... I also want to be able to buy more Cattle from Various NPC's throughout the Mojave, but like i said, havent really figured out all the details yet.
  18. Well, im currently making myself a "farming" mod. So far i got brahmin, bighorns that yield milk and meat and so forth, but i'd like to implement Farming aswell. Could anyone please post ideas on how this would work? Thanks :)
  19. Deathclaws are freaking dangerous. They just pop out of nowhere and lick your buttons. :devil:
  20. Daaaaamn it. I LOVE YOU! <33 It works like a friggin charm. I'll give you kudos for weeks. Thanks for doing this, and taking the time! Gosh, i love you. xD<3 Been looking for something like that for ages!
  21. Still need help people. I need a script that Grants me Add.Item OnActivate whilst the Attached Actor is alive, and lets me search once its dead.
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