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Fallout 4 1.3 Steam Beta Update Live


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In response to post #33369190. #33385585, #33396780 are all replies on the same post.

Verz wrote:


In response to post #33337215. #33340415, #33340785 are all replies on the same post.

Ethreon wrote:

Lel, CTD on using workbench with or without mods. GG

tarblex2010 wrote: +1
HippeusOmega wrote: ugh... was going to try out the beta patch but I guess I'll wait. Sometimes I wonder if it'd be a good idea for them to just release GECK and let modders fix the game.

They didn't even fix the damn wandering vendors.

Damn, give them SOME credit will ya? I know 'hur dur modders are better at video game development than bethesda' is a cool joke to be in on but they don't just sit around with their thumbs up their asses. Beta patch is a beta patch and you have no idea what state this guy's installation is in. Considering nobody else seems to have the same problem i'm betting it's on his end.


A joke? you're the one acting like a joke, modders are way more competent clearly, the only advantage Beth has as a studio over them is the fact they actually pay their workers so the team doesn't get split up. If modding wasn't there, all of Bethesda games would be NOTHING. They would be steaming piles of s#*! that only fanboys would buy, losing their value after 40 hours of gameplay max. I'll give them credit once GECK is released, as somehow Obsidian had NO issues with releasing GECK on same day the game was released. Not to mention I'm 80% sure that GECK will be delayed just so consoles can get (official) modding at same time as PCs, which is an extremely ridiculous concept because if you want to mod games you should've bought a game for PC in the first place, it's a waste of time. So no, don't force people to give credit to a company that's just DOING WHAT ANY COMPANY DOES, aka making patches. Did gaming standards really sink so low that we're thanking studios for patching their games shortly after it was released? you're probably one of those people who pre-order every AAA title game.....

Rioplats wrote: Bethesda always delay the CK. It allows them to get feedback, and to build up hype. Note that NV used the same exact engine and CK as Fallout 3, so there was no need for further CK development. Same deal though for Skyrim, there was no modding support for that for several months.

I think what you fail to understand is that these beta patches are not only fixing bugs, which many companies don't even do properly, but adding new features requested by the fanbase, and will being doing so for the forseeable future. They don't have to do this. I'm not gonna be condescending and order you to be thankful to Bethesda for fixing their own s#*!, which they should be doing regardless, but at least acknowledge that they're making an effort.

Because right now? You're not winning anyone over. You just, and forgive my language, sound like an entitled prick. We get it, you bought the game, and expect full credit for doing so. Sorry 'bout the Ad Hom, couldn't think of a more subtle way of getting my message across.
dw420 wrote: @Rioplats
What you fail to understand is that you are asking us to thank someone for PARTIALLY fixing a broken product they have already sold us.

Lets say you bought a car from me...and it was missing its brake pads. Would you appreciate the effort if i gave you a stick to drag along the ground in order to create friction and stop??? How about if i gave away a free mirror ornament?

If you ordered a pizza from me...and all you got was the base and sauce...Would you appreciate the effort if i sprinkled cheese on it but not the toppings you ordered??? How about if i threw in some cheese and chive dip??

Bottom line is ...Quit making excuses for dodgy company practices and defend your consumer rights..because when you don't, you mess up MY consumer rights as well and i don't feel the need to be treated like a money tossing idiot just because YOU like to behave as one.

PS. Feel free to call me a prick..correct > politically correct ANY day of the week.

As I said, not asking you to thank them; it's expected that they offer patches. They offered a product and you've purchased it. You've every right to a fully functional product. But that's the point. It IS a functional product. Not liking the product does not mean you deserve for the company to cater for your desires.
It's like ordering a jalapeño pizza from a pizza place, then demanding a refund, or complaining, because it's not spicy enough for you. Can you? Yes. It's your right to complain. Will anyone take you seriously? Not likely.
It does need improvement, but why hate on them for making the effort?
And this has nothing to do with being politically correct; it's common sense. Your examples are of incomplete products, which this isn't. Edited by Rioplats
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In response to post #33374230. #33396750, #33399830 are all replies on the same post.

jdb1776 wrote: Don't know why, but whatever they did with 1.3 caused ridiculous loading times. I have some of the fastest OCZ SSD's available, and I never had the 5 minute loading times everyone was complaining about on release. It would be like 5 or 10 seconds tops, with two dozen mods even! Now suddenly it's up near a minute or two. That doesn't make any sense.
printerkop wrote: same here.. 2 minutes with SSD, instead of 20 seconds what it was before.
wanstaag wrote: Yup, there is something wrong with that patch. Maybe it´s called beta1.3 couse of 1-3 mins loading times? Anyway, rolling back to previous version seems to make FO4 fast and familiar once again.

Keeping this release on hold for now.

I can also confirm this. I have a SSD and am used to absolute max, 30 second load times, average is about 15 seconds. This patch increased to about a minute or two. I reverted back to the last stable patch.
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In response to post #33374230. #33396750, #33399830, #33419400 are all replies on the same post.

jdb1776 wrote: Don't know why, but whatever they did with 1.3 caused ridiculous loading times. I have some of the fastest OCZ SSD's available, and I never had the 5 minute loading times everyone was complaining about on release. It would be like 5 or 10 seconds tops, with two dozen mods even! Now suddenly it's up near a minute or two. That doesn't make any sense.
printerkop wrote: same here.. 2 minutes with SSD, instead of 20 seconds what it was before.
wanstaag wrote: Yup, there is something wrong with that patch. Maybe it´s called beta1.3 couse of 1-3 mins loading times? Anyway, rolling back to previous version seems to make FO4 fast and familiar once again.

Keeping this release on hold for now.
DarthCruciare wrote: I can also confirm this. I have a SSD and am used to absolute max, 30 second load times, average is about 15 seconds. This patch increased to about a minute or two. I reverted back to the last stable patch.

I have a SSD and haven't experienced this problem. I know a lot of people are reporting it though, and it only applies to SSD users.
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In response to post #33374230. #33396750, #33399830, #33419400, #33425650 are all replies on the same post.

jdb1776 wrote: Don't know why, but whatever they did with 1.3 caused ridiculous loading times. I have some of the fastest OCZ SSD's available, and I never had the 5 minute loading times everyone was complaining about on release. It would be like 5 or 10 seconds tops, with two dozen mods even! Now suddenly it's up near a minute or two. That doesn't make any sense.
printerkop wrote: same here.. 2 minutes with SSD, instead of 20 seconds what it was before.
wanstaag wrote: Yup, there is something wrong with that patch. Maybe it´s called beta1.3 couse of 1-3 mins loading times? Anyway, rolling back to previous version seems to make FO4 fast and familiar once again.

Keeping this release on hold for now.
DarthCruciare wrote: I can also confirm this. I have a SSD and am used to absolute max, 30 second load times, average is about 15 seconds. This patch increased to about a minute or two. I reverted back to the last stable patch.
Camonna Tong wrote: I have a SSD and haven't experienced this problem. I know a lot of people are reporting it though, and it only applies to SSD users.

I also had long load time until I turned off HBA0+ and went back to SSAO.
Then load times were normal.
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In response to post #33398985. #33404100 is also a reply to the same post.

mm137 wrote: Did this beta break NewDialog for anybody else? I opted back out and reinstalled the mod (both with NMM and manually) and it's still not working. Any ideas?
Arkngt wrote: Works fine for me.

I ran into two types of CTD, before the Main Menu and after opening the Workbench. NewDialog falls in the former category. Edited by Bankstercide
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What I really do not understand is how I ended up with the beta patch installed when I clearly did not enable it for beta. Because of this, I can't revert back. The only reason I can think of that might cause this is when I re-installed the game onto my SSD. But that doesn't make sense since I would have to go out of my way and enable it for beta.


A file inegrity check and re-reinstall doesn't get rid of the problem, this patch is like herpes to my game :(

Edited by Bankstercide
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The beta patch is from Bethesda. You must disable the beta in Steam. Then Steam should revert your game back to the pre beta version. It is not instant as Steam will have to do its file cache integrity check - and you will still have to re enable all of the mods as Bethsoft disables them in the latest non beta version. :pinch:

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