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Everything posted by AliasTheory

  1. Wow. I expected more from you man...your computer looks brand new. Am I like the only guy that uses Google Chrome around here?
  2. Camping is a legitimate tactic. Play to win, man. If your team is getting spawn camped it means your team isn't being offensive enough and isn't moving in either by choice or the enemy is too great. That's when the other team starts ranking up kills and yes, you switch bases.
  3. 'Tis cool. This has been a fun place to hang out for the past couple months for me.
  4. o_O I don't know you any more... ... Only kidding.
  5. Oh gawd, someone who has the same level of mental maturity as me? Impossible. D: The poem is definitely nice...but my mind insists on seeing something else. *sigh* I'm sorry. Forgive me, Maharg.
  6. Ah. I actually find myself using somewhat of a varied vocabulary when it comes to formal writing, but if one continues to read my work, I think it become more evident that I use certain words repeatedly. Great vocabulary and word choice helps though. Then you can get the message out to the reader crystal clear. Chime versus ring...howl versus coo...you get the picture. Obvious and helpful stuff. :)
  7. Great poem Ranokoa. I envy you and your rhyming skills. :P My vocabulary is terrible. Perhaps I should read more books...or study the dictionary. (Nah, that last one won't be very fun.) I really liked the ending. Fantastic. So clever. :) Writer's block, huh? I guess I'm fortunate, because I have not had one of those in a long time...I always feel inspired and excited to write whether it is my story here on the Nexus Forums or an essay for my college classes. ^^
  8. Seriously? I didn't expect that. I know there are definitely kind-hearted people out there playing, but I expected a bunch of bad-mouthed kids to run in there are ruin everything. Cool. Maybe I'll start using the mic again. I did play a little bit of Reach...Team Snipers on Hemorrhage. Very fun...I love the detail and basically everything about Halo's sniper. (I mean, I didn't make one in my Fallout 3 for nothing!) I went +7 out of around 16 kills. Not too shabby for out of practice. I just didn't like how everyone decided to flock to the cave for that match, 'cause the enemy team was getting free kills there. >_<
  9. http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/9152/marvelvscapcom3logo.jpg I don't know about you guys, but I am dying to get my hands on this game. I'm a fighting game fanatic and I did actually like Tatsunoko VS Capcom for the Wii, but now that I've seen this...that game looks like a beta of what would become MvC3. The gameplay looks solid, flashy and most importantly, fun. It has been ten long years now. The roster is huge...and growing! Marvel: Captain America Doctor Doom Iron Man Hulk Thor Wolverine Super Skrull Deadpool Dormammu X-23 Spider-Man M.O.D.O.K Magneto Capcom: Amaterasu Chris Redfield Felicia Dante Morrigan Ryu Trish Chun-Li Viewtiful Joe Tron Bonne Albert Wesker Nathan Spencer Arthur There are several places for video footage out there (Youtube's an obvious one,) but Gamespot seems to have some nice quality videos with decent players demonstrating the game: http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/marvelvscapcom3/videos.html Who else do you guys want to see? Disappointed at anything so far? What do you agree with? Also. Universal Air Dash is still out of the game as far as I know.
  10. No HTML needed here. :) And yes, this topic has ALWAYS been in the Garden. I haven't gotten started on the next part at all yet (though I know what I am going to write,) because I am really busy. But I assure you all I'll try to update this at least once a week.
  11. I don't want to sound rude or anything but... PLEASE. Proper grammar and spelling. It ruins everything to have to decipher what someone else is trying to say. A post on a forum is one thing, but a story or any sort of opinionated post is another. If reading a grammatically and spelling free story is like a smooth highway, your story is like driving off-road, tons of bumps and all. The meaning in your story will not come out nearly as powerful or influential as your intentions. You lose a sense of authority with your reader, and in a debate for example, it may throw everything you have said into question. Nobody absolutely has to read what you write; anyone can just come by and leave just as easily. Get the reader in tune and make us want to read on. Nobody is rushing you to post your story either; just like any post on a forum, take some time and clean it up. Have some patience. ;) And bben46's right. Grammar and spell check is nice, but don't ever fall back onto it completely. Whenever I write any sort of essay, I always check to make sure everything is exactly how I want it. MSWord likes to mess things up big time. But yes...interesting concept. Perhaps you can edit your post in the future to make some of the said amends. :D You may not be from somewhere like the United States...but proper writing mechanics really...REALLY help.
  12. Hooray. I finally got off my lazy butt and made things nicer. New wallpaper too. http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/2652/newdesktopyay.png
  13. Ban grindedstone for making only one post other since I last saw you...in this same topic. D:
  14. Panda Express for orange chicken. Love that stuff. You need to put Quiznos on there. IMO, Quiznos > Subway.
  15. Ban pagan for not having a newer car. (Yep...that's right. I'M BACK) [EDIT] Oh and ban the dude above me for having the same post time. D:
  16. lol this is funneh. Ban grindedstone for having to do the double ban due to awesome posting times. D:
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