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Status Updates posted by AliasTheory

  1. Eiries! Your profile picture has now FINALLY changed to what it was supposed to be. But...I'd have to say the old one was better. =/
  2. There's also the fact that the people living in my suite/dorm are just cruising through so far. I'm not one of those people who are so incredibly talented at regurgitating information from a textbook.
  3. Sorry. I'm stressed because I have midterms next week and have been most part just teaching myself. Tack that onto an accelerated learning curriculum.
  4. Is it suddenly a crime just to look at other peoples' profiles?
  5. Out of curiosity...sign here if you have read at least a part of my story.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Slicer51b


      Nah I don't think I read your comic. Must have been another person with a squirtle avatar.
    3. AliasTheory


      Yeah slicer, you're probably right. Gotta catch'em all some day.
    4. Slicer51b


      Screw the pokeball. I am using a dart gun with armor piercing rounds...wait...that defeats the purpose of the gun...
  6. Waiting for Marvel vs Capcom 3...anyone with me?
    1. Eiries


      Dante and Deadpool, in MY side-scrolling fighting game? Yes please!
    2. AliasTheory


      Wow...four characters Capcom. Arthur from GnG, Spencer from Bionic Commando, Magneto from Xmen and M.O.D.O.K.
    3. VesemirTheWitcher


      lol that's totally fun.
  7. "This game" meaning...Fallout 3?
  8. What the heck...I envy you right now. D:<
  9. It seems like you have two DIFFERENT profile pictures...from my computer, anyway. Update status has a different pic. What's up with that? Hax
  10. You have...two avatars? Awesome?
  11. Eh...I would suggest moving your monitor then. Everything might just look better lol. I had that problem back at home in the evening hours and it sucked. =/
  12. Hey, got back to you on the whole "the pic is too dark" thing in my image topic. Ain't my monitor or anything, but you can try adjust it. ^^"
  13. Oh the movie thing? That isn't even my image. So it is perfectly fine...if anything, you would have to ask the author of the article.
  14. Road trip? Never have been on one...if I may ask, where are you headed?
  16. Hey...I think you need to fix your signature. You need to avoid stretching and distorting graphics...especially when there are people in them! Might I add A CHARACTER I STILL DON'T KNOW GAWD
  17. Dude...I just visited your website. That is the coolest website EVAR.
  18. I dun think it is out for Xbox LIVE yet...is it? Whatever the case I don't have live...I need to hook it up over here in college. Too much work so haven't gotten around to it.
  19. Nice signature...just saw it. Oh, and I see you did a little copy-paste with the movie poster thing. :p
  20. Yeah, really. What he said. *points below*
  21. Those designs on your avatar and profile pic look awfully familar...are you using Eiries's overlays?
  22. You gave me kudos for a cool name? As I told Maharg...yes, I have a meaning behind it. It deals with the way I see the world.
  23. Agh, nvm. Going to just do one shot...other one will be too busy and confusing
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