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Status Updates posted by AliasTheory

  1. Yeah, I really don't agree with the ban. I thought it was too quick and too sudden. There's far worse out there anyway.
  2. Just passin' through...hope life is going well.
  3. *looking

    It's early here!

  4. You blurred it? I think you need less blur...for the background, anyway. All that juicy detail of the landscape is gone. Instead I'm stuck at look at your character's arse. =p
  5. And your picture looks nice, but it seems like you never took in any of the constructive criticism Slicer or I offered. But that's your judgment to heed it or not. Or even some of it.
  6. Monday. Or something. Midterms tomorrow and Thursday. And there is a Smash Bros. tourny here at college which I'm probably gonna win. I browse SmashBoards religiously and played daily.
  7. Avatar looks 10x more awesome. :D
  8. Nice "about me" page. ;)
  9. Well, if that's what you really think. Anyway, just gotta keep doing whatever makes you happy. Don't do it for the fame or money or anything of the sort; do it because you love it and it gives you purpose. That's why I do all of this. If I made one person's day, I've accomplished something.
  10. Question. Why quit writing here? It never stops no matter what you choose to be your occupation, and you should not stop writing in the forums either. I write because it is fun...do you not share my opinion?
  11. And make sure you add "The" because there is another GT without it that is taken already. I have a v-13 picture similar to the one on this forum.
  12. GT is TheAliasTheory; check my about me page because it is there too. I have tests to study for so no games for me until the end of the week.
  13. Dream was so long and epic that I PMed it to you.
  14. Sweet dreams? Well, honestly, my dreams suck. They are all incredibly abstract and morbid. At least they are rare.
  15. No, going to bed. 10:40PM here. But first I need to read like 50 pages of some book because I forgot.
  16. That's usually me. I tend to wait unless it is something like Halo Reach, where it basically HAS to be good. Video games are an expensive hobby.
  17. Not just release date, maybe even period. It seems like too much of the same to me, and I don't think NV can beat the lore and culture established in Fallout 3.
  18. Hey there! Things seem to be quite inactive around here...what's up?
  19. Some fellow students in my college dorm room are doing weed in the living area...great.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AliasTheory


      Yeah and this college has a new system as of this year. There are a lot of details, but it basically encourages students to report such things...even if the student is a part of the said act.
    3. Slicer51b


      Hmm. That can be taken several ways.
    4. AliasTheory


      Whatever happens is reviewed by admins though. I dunno how much. Sometimes one can escape penalty, sometimes not. The whole policy came up as the result of drinking cases that were never reported out of fear of punishment.
  20. Oh and not to say you don't take your time. I'm sure you do, but having a zero tolerance policy for mistakes is always great to have when it comes to writing...basically anything.
  21. That reminds me...you can't spell "slaughter" without "laughter!"

    I'd just take your time with writing; nobody is forcing you to do any of it. Plus when someone DOES spot the mistake, it sticks out like a sore thumb. People hardly focus on what's right, and instead on what's wrong. Reputation systems like the ones on Xbox LIVE attest to that.

  22. Wewt, I'm back. Yeah, moderating a forum is truly a duty. But you're not a mod here so...let us remember to step aside and let the staff do their job too. You seem to be good about that though. :)
  23. What's with all the "XD" emotes?
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