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Status Updates posted by AliasTheory

  1. I already know, but nothing as major as your mistake. :p We're done with that crap. D:<

    As far as your story goes though, I'd say it is worth to fix up all the mistakes. I like to think of such errors as hitting a bump while cruising on a smooth road.

  2. Well, I could be a spelling nazi. 'Cause it's "grammar." :p

    Yeah, we are all so busy. My story is designed to hopefully work around that...free of intense background information so readers can kind of jump right in.

  3. Oh and not to be a grammar nazi...but you're doing fine, not good. :p
  4. I've taken a look at your story before...but the whole medieval fantasy knights and dragons thing has never really interested me. And I've seen you looking at my story thread as well, but I guess you're the opposite of me, right? ;)
  5. Saw it and replied.
  6. Taking a look at my profile are we...how are you doing today?
  7. The about me or the story? Either way, thanks a bunch for supporting me. You come off as a "silent" supporter for my story...good to see I have more readers than I thought.
  8. Best 'cause I wrote really tried to write something, right? And no, you can keep the info as is. :)
  9. Uhh...you talked about MY about me in YOUR about me page? I is confuzzled. Is it really that "beautiful?"
  10. Well, you can't stab me because I'm a virtual chatroom and a laptop monitor away.
  11. I knew you were gonna give a lame response like that... :p
  12. Since when does wordiness imply a bad day. o_O
  13. The monitor isn't the problem because your picture is defined in an absolute number of pixels. You don't enlarge your pictures proportionally so you get skewed/distorted results. The picture with the character holding the gun is very evident.
  14. Eh, I suppose. Oh and your signature...still kind of distorted because the images are skewed vertically.
  15. OH. MY. GOD. You're sexist, aren't you?


    ...only kidding.

  16. v-13 would be hard. Try make Ragna the Scrubedg- I mean Bloodedge.
  17. Hello there Squirtle...haven't seen a post or anything from you for a while now.
  18. What's with the pirate getup. o.o And nice new avatar too by the way.
  19. Hey! I was just passing by. D:<
  20. I really wish I didn't have to take ALL of these classes, but they are required. Yep.
  21. I also forgot to add I have a chemistry lab...but sucks being new to college, right? It runs on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 8:30 at night.
  22. My courses are weird partly due to how my college works. I'm taking a writing course, an arts history course, chemistry, advanced calculus and an introductory course to engineering. So lots of memorizing...moreso if you take something biology related.
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