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Status Updates posted by AliasTheory

  1. Hit your grab key (z by default) on a person with the Groovatron mod installed (don't need to have it out.) Very very helpful.
  2. Hey there. I hope you are doing well.
  3. Oh by the way...Chapter 9 of BS&T is SO long and epic that I'll need two pics for this one. :p 2200 words.
  4. Hello. Read your posts in the little "image rant." So you were an admin at another forum too, huh?
  5. Hey UltraJet, you can check out tutorials at gimp.org/tutorials if you haven't already. I recommend you learn about what layers are soon...they are very important.
  6. Eh...yeah. I guess Hawaii IS a pretty happy place. Unlike up here in California, the folk in Hawaii seem to just love everyone, for most part. It is a series of small islands after all. Oh...lots of sunshine = burnt = tourist :p
  7. I thought GIMP was known by basically everyone around here lol...oh well. Good luck! Hope to see some cool stuff from you.
  8. Blue, weren't you the one who said that you clean your stuff frequently such as phone and text messages? T_T
  9. Hello the man who claims to be happier than BlueDanube.
  10. HEY. I CAN'T SEND YOU PMS. If it is because you have too much stuff in there...CLEAN YOUR INBOX D:
  11. Hello again...even though I practically talk to you every day :p
  12. Yeah, beginnings are hard. I thought a lot about my story too. You have to think what exactly you want to introduce to your reader and what you want him or her to know first. Most importantly, you want to capture the reader some how so it intrigues the person to read on. It's tough. But like I said to Keanumoreira, another user on these forums, your love of literature will probably take you far.
  13. @BlueDanube: Dodge tool. Look for it.
  14. Read through your comment in the story thread and replied.
  15. Oh and for some reason you have a really high contrast in colors right above your sun...though with a little editing with the brush you could probably fix that.
  16. Looks nice so far. I'd say your sky looks better than mine but you lose a lot of detail everywhere else. And too much lens flare too...tone it down. The lamps aren't the spotlight of the show and all the bubbles make the picture look too busy. =/
  17. Been looking around and reading some of your posts. You seem to be looking at my stuff...but you've only made one comment about it all (in the story thread.) You truly seem like a good critic and I'd honestly like your constructive criticism as well.
  18. GIMP won't give you viruses or anything. A lot of modders here on the Nexus use GIMP and recommend it, actually. http://www.gimp.org/
  19. Photoshop ain't cheap. I've seen even more expensive programs, frankly.
  20. Photoshop IS industry standard, after all. You're better off with GIMP. I've seen pretty impressive work with GIMP too. In many cases, I believe I've seen far more impressive stuff than what I've done here. It's cool.
  21. Oh yeah. Watch for Ragna, Tager and Hakumen players. Ragna will Inferno Divider mash out, Tager will 720 you and Hakumen will 6D counter you into some crazy combo. And Hazama is super hard to use 'cause you need to be able to chain after his super reversal all the time.

    Get an earlier version of the Photoshop Suite like CS3 or 4. At an Office Depot in Hawaii I saw it for around 750 USD.

  22. You won't beat anyone but other newbies if you just mash buttons with Noel. Anyone who knows how to block will win because Noel only has one safe and rhythmic drive string. If you are playing Continuum Shift, expect to be fatal countered.

    Also if you really want to learn how to photo edit or color pictures using a layered graphics editor...just invest in PS. Do the trial first.

  23. Oh and got back to you on the whole "I wish I had Photoshop" thing in my image topic.
  24. I use Jin and Hakumen. Jin is a jack of all trades and getting hit by Hakumen is like being hit by a train. And Noel is NOT noob friendly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xprFuNxP1FY&feature=sub
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