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Posts posted by iansaltman

  1. I think if you want this to actually go through- post it in the mod suggestion forum :D


    EDIT: Thank you for moving to the proper forum, I see people are already flooding the topic :D

  2. Steering away from Shadows and FOV as well as vsync, HDR, and bloom will help a lot, your water should be set to everything low except for reflections- those can be on. Try using a medium texture setting, it is a very good balance for the game. Dont take your card too far though- what happened was your card wasnt able to render everything properly at an efficient enough speed- so that caused crashes. If you need any further help feel free to PM me or catch me in chat- Im generally available at all times. Also be sure to give Maboru some kudos- he is a very helpful poster :)
  3. Hi,


    I’m havening this problem with missing water texture in Point Lookout. Anyone experienced it? Its like water was there but texture is gonne…I can swim when I walk in it, it makes sound and even if I shot I can see water distortion. I’m using patch, unofficial patch + fake patch…also all other DLC’s and some other mods. Besides of that I didn’t encounter any other problems with this DLC even if im playing it under definitely not officially recommended setup ;)


    In anyone has some ideas how to fix it I would really appreciate it :)


    Post your load order- that will help us very much :D

  4. Actually- I never really thought about it but it might be that your GPU isn't good enough for the game- check it's requirements and see if that card is listed- if it is try low settings- then work your way up gradually until you find a good balance of stability-performance-and quality. Thanks for jumping in maboru!!
  5. My current Power Supply is about 500w + last time I checked. Next time I power down I will check the specs on that. As far as fans go I have two that run from the front- 1 on the back- The one I need fixed is on the side of my comp. The wires broke when I opened it up. So I think after those purchases I should be good to go. And In reply to the two-core comment I have added iNumHWThread= 2 in my fallout.ini This never seemed to help- is there another .ini I should tweak the same way?


    EDIT: Maboru needs more kudos :(

  6. When you Unistalled did you go back and delete the folder for FNV in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\ ? Any additional content placed there would not be removed. Also make sure to delete your My Docs> My Games> Fallout New Vegas when you Uninstall- so you can prevent issues. After performing some tests of your own I will be eager to hear the results.
  7. When you unninstall it will keep your mods. Delete the Oblivion folder under Bethesda Softworks AND under My Docs> My Games AFTER you unninstall. Now install again. But dont install ANY DLC yet. Patch it to the newest patch before you get the DLC or it might NOT work. Hope this helps, best of luck.


    -Ian the Lewis of Kentucky

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