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Posts posted by iansaltman

  1. A slight smile played at the corners of the girl's lips, "Then she shall become he, and he shall become Arva. As for my name, it is Reona. It means 'reaper' in an ancient language long forgotten by time."


    She motioned to the window with the slight lift of a finger, and in a voice so light and rapid that only another elf could understand, she mumbled, "The man occasionally peering into the window is my travelling companion. Don't look over at your normal speed, do it very quickly, if you must... He thinks he's inconspicuous, you see."


    She tugged at the black frill of lace that fringed her sleeves, nervously straightening them as she looked up at the towering Altmer, "What name shall I address you by?"


    As Ellundil looked upon her solemn face, all he could do was smile. He rose from his seat and sheathed his sword on his back, looking down on the innocent Bosmer, then lifting her head with his worn hands- "Maybe one day, when our paths cross again, you will be able to know." and with that he left some gold at the bar, simply out of politeness. And left the inn, as swift as the storm had lifted.


    Ellundil began down the road- not knowing where it would take him or why he would go the direction he did. He just went with the wind as some would say. The breeze blew cool on him through his entire journey through a shaded forest. Solemn did he take a rest, or make a fire, and even more solemnly did he sleep. He walked on further, seeing the sun peeking through the trees, and a field beyond that. "Ahh, simply bliss..reminds me of..." and with that spoken to himself, his voice was abrupted by a bandit at the end of the road.


    "Stop and pay the toll to exit the forest! We wouldnt want trouble!" - with that said the rest of the bandits, lets say 10, sprung out of the bushes, swords and axes in hand.


    "Trouble is already here, my friend." And with that he sprung to the bandit that had spoken to him, slicing him in two. This had the opposite effect of what was intended, the bandits went into a mad fury. However, the battlecaster was not worried, he teleported from here to there in very short bursts, bashing bandits with his blade, felling them one at a time. Three bandits were left in total, and as he ran forward towards them he felt fatigue, and tripped on his greaves. The largest and strongest bandit then went up to him and slashed him once across the back with a large axe. The wound Ellendil had was fierce, and he was paralyzed. Left to thoughts of how stupid he was, being looted by common bandits.


    Would this be the end for a tortured soul like Ellendil, or is someone watching over him?

  2. Elludnil walked on in through the door just moments later. He saw a pale figure, similar to himself. He decided to sit down next to her, and hesitated to speak to her. Mainly avoiding any type of connection. Then he stuttered suddenly, "W-w-Whats the name of your sword?"


    His pale face hidden by wet hair turned flush red, and his rune began to settle its glow. He hesitantly awaited a reply.


    Reona shifted her eyes up at the man, the piercing blue orbs flicking back and forth from his hidden face to the softly glowing tattoo on his shirtless chest. She hesitantly reached for her blade and slowly placed it on the table in front of her. She placed a hand on the sword's hilt, white skin contrasting against the deep, mournful black of her sopping wet sleeve, before removing her hand reluctantly so that the Altmer could see it.


    The blade was a traditional katana, nothing special as far as appearances go. It had a hilt wrapped with black cloth and a crossguard in the shape of a four-pointed star. A few notches marked the blade's edge, evidence of someone blocking edge-on-edge, fairly new from the looks of it, showing that the girl was most likely an inexperienced fighter. There was no sheath.



    "The sword... she was my older brother's," Reona began, her drying hair still over her face, "He... is gone now. He never told me her name... before he..." the girl choked on her words a little and contimued, "There are some... um... runes... carved into it here.... I can't read them..." Her face turned deep red as she felt the familiar heat of embarrassment at not being able to read.


    Ellundil spoke with a softer, more calm face.


    "Then, I suppose it should be named in proper honour of your brother, seeing as it was his blade afterall,"


    Ellundil's rune flooded chest began to simmer down to a very soft blue-almost white. He decided to relax further back in his chair, resting his sword on the table. He felt very content with where he was, stirring up something in his mind by the new demeanor he had on his face. After a long silence he decided to speak yet again, feeling the strange urge to ask more questions.


    "I didn't bother to ask your name, even though it twas not your blade that had drawn me to this corner. Would you grace me with such a name to behold?"

  3. Elludnil walked on in through the door just moments later. He saw a pale figure, similar to himself. He decided to sit down next to her, and hesitated to speak to her. Mainly avoiding any type of connection. Then he stuttered suddenly, "W-w-Whats the name of your sword?"


    His pale face hidden by wet hair turned flush red, and his rune began to settle its glow. He hesitantly awaited a reply.

  4. NAME: Ellundil


    RACE: High Elf


    AGE: 560


    HEIGHT: 6' 7"


    CLASS: Rune-Master


    APPEARANCE: Long, kept hair, dyed to a bleach white. It is partially kept out of his eyes by his silk headband. Though he is a tall elf, he still maintains a very lean, muscular build, well enough to handle himself to handle a bar-fight with two Orcs and a Nord. He has a massive tattoo that swirls and consumes his upper body- irradiating a slight blue. As if it were a rune embedded into his body. His eyes are soft and full of pain, containing memories that still torture his mind.


    CLOTHING: Absolutely. No. Shirt. That would cut off his supply of magical energy- supplied by the rune.


    ARMOR: Although he has no idea how to handle himself in heavy armor, he loves wearing a custom forged Dwarven Armor that has been dyed into a deep-black. Without a cuirass of course. No helmet either- he can't stand how it constricts his mind.


    EQUIPMENT: An elegant elven blade- believed to be crafted in a very ancient paste- extending 4 feet in length. It has been enchanted over the years by many elven lords. The blade's name has been righteously named as, "Lithrandis" possibly meaning, in an old elven tongue, everlasting life. Other than that blade he likes to keep a tome of spells, a large collection of scrolls he has obtained from the libraries of his homeland, should he need the great power they behold.


    SKILLS: Master of Blade and Destruction (and another skill unknown to others but Ellundil and of course me). Expert of Conjuration and Enchantment. Apprentice of Mysticism and Illusion. Complete Novice of heavy armor.


    PERSONALITY: Keeps to himself, doesn't discuss his past. Is willing to travel with others, so as long as they dont ask too many questions.


    HISTORY: Ellundil has told few if not none his dark story. And he is not willing to with just anyone. It would take a true-love, a true-companion, and a best friend to bring his history to the light of day.


    ADDITIONAL NOTES: Kudos to SoulofChrysamere for his layout, Kudos to myrmaad for a great forum. Also, I look forward to being able to be apart of the chattering scrolls, thank you :D

  5. It isnt a problem. I'll try and help you, so as long as you post in the correct forum next time, also, use spoiler tags please.


    It would be like getting any other faction to help you at the battle- they just show up with some troops at some point. The troopers at Forlorn Hope are just standard NCR and I would doubt they have anything to bring to the table. I would assume them dead in 3 minutes tops. If you want them to assist you, you would have to do ALL or most of the NCR quests throughtout the game, even the side ones.

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