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Posts posted by iansaltman

  1. [X] CaravanPack.esm

    [X] ClassicPack.esm

    [X] MercenaryPack.esm

    [X] TribalPack.esm


    Try disabling those and see if it helps. Also, I am guessing that


    [X] Fallout3.esm

    [X] FalloutNV.esm

    [X] Anchorage.esm

    [X] BrokenSteel.esm

    [X] ThePitt.esm

    [X] PointLookout.esm

    [X] Zeta.esm


    Fallout 3 is supposed to go before NV, just run BOSS to be sure. If all else fails disable some mods, it isnt your computer that cant handle the game- the game cant handle your mods.

  2. Wait, wouldnt that cause the game to crash? You would have to make blank sound files and rename them to replace the wind. Deleting them would most likely cause a series of crashes.
  3. Raising her eyebrows at the Bosmer's now miraculously clean hands, she wordlessly put her handkerchief away. Suddenly remembering that she hadn't even told either one of them her name, she shook her head in frustration.


    "Please accept my sincerest apologies for not properly introducing myself. My name is Rhaine Alcinea. I am a Favored Soul and Chosen of Kelemvor, the Lord of the Dead. Do not worry if you do not recognize his name...I come from a world beyond this one. And you two? What do you call yourselves?"


    Reona curtsied, her hair blowing in the now-calm breeze, "My name is Reona. I have neither a last name nor a title for myself. I cannot say that I have a special purpose or am any sort of chosen one, but I am a fair hand with my sword, Arva, when roused, and that is enough to content me."


    She turned to her Altmer friend, "This reminds me, I have yet to learn your name."


    Ah yes, I believe it was about damn time I told you my name Reona, you have earned it after all. I am Elludnil, descended from a long line of pure High Elves, from a lonely island off the cost of Summerset. There my family raised me to a fighter, but you would not have guessed that from my recent encounter.. I shall not show ungratefulness for the deeds thine ladies of wonder have performed for my tortured soul today, nor shall I forget the kind and calm hearts that have touched and warmed mine this very afternoon.


    He paused for a moment, feeling the wind on his face.


    "I believe it is time I retire to the Inn, it would do me very well to get some rest,"


    At this he bowed solemnly before his rescuers, then looking back at the fair maidens before him.


    "You know, I could probably use some help getting to the Chattering Scrolls, would either of you care to accompany an elf such as I?"

  4. Reona blinked, shaking herself into focus, forcing her eyes to leave the wings as dark and rich as her own ebony locks. Yes, she told herself, hearing her dear brother's voice speaking inside her head, they are wings, and they are upon that woman's back. They are there, and such is reality. Stop looking at them, Reona.


    "I am not injured, my lady. The blood I wear is not my own," she gestured to the large bandit's bloodied corpse, a bit nervously, "It took only a single blow to fell him. To be quite blunt with you, ma'am, I was following my friend here a bit... discreetly. He interested my traveling companion and I, so we began to follow him from a distance. Today, I smelled blood from far off, and I knew that either my friend was injured, or he was injuring another."


    Reona took a deep breath and stared down at Arva, feeling a little bit of pride swell in her chest at her kill, a kill that her sword's namesake himself would have boasted about for days. She stood a little taller, and closed her eyes, smiling at the memory of Arva. She sighed a little, once again feeling one of his long-fingered hands rest atop of her head, smiling lightly at how massive he was compared with her. Despite being a Bosmer, he towered above others of their kind. Reona thought that his father was most likely an Altmer, and him just being tall was a story fabricated to cover up her mother's unfaithfulness or perhaps to hide the fact that they weren't even siblings. In her mind's eye, she could see his blond hair obscuring his face, a face so different from her own-----


    A loud groan pulled Reona from her thoughts with a sharp jolt as the world came into focus around her once again. She glanced over at the Altmer and noticed he was stirring a little, to her satisfaction.


    She turned to the woman,"Thank you. I don't have any money, unfortunately. Then again, you don't seem like someone who gives assistance in exchange for a reward. I do feel like I must repay you, however. Is there anything that I could help with?"


    Rhaine sensed a deep loss in this elven woman. She bore it with dignity, but it weighed heavily upon her small shoulders. Yet, she was brave, and that would serve her well...


    She glanced at the sleeping Altmer. He would wake soon, and with his awareness would come a barrage of questions.


    "Wait just a moment," she said, turning to the corpses strewn about, "There is one thing left that I must do. Hear my words well. When a person dies a violent death such as this, they must be taken care of properly, lest their spirit remain tied to this world by threads of vengeance. Though these poor fools may have chosen a wretched life, no spirit deserves the abominable curse that is undeath."


    She drew her sword. Holding it high, she intoned, "I bond thee with my Lord's blade, and thy edge is now of Fatal Touch...let thine steel shine with his glory!"


    The sword suddenly erupted in bright green flame, humming softly with power. Rhaine walked over to the nearest corpse, then plunged the blade into the body. The corpse flared with white hot light, the green flames leaping high, and within seconds had incinerated to nothing but ash. She repeated this ritual with the other bodies...pieces of bodies in the case of one unfortunate fool.


    Sheathing the sword, the flames were extinguished. Holding her hands aloft, she said, "Be at peace, souls of the fallen. Let nothing disturb your eternal rest."


    With that, a gust of wind swept the ashes from the road, so that nothing remained of the bandits but stains of blood.


    Rhaine turned again to the elf, "Let us wait now for your friend to awaken, shall we? Then we may speak of repayment. Oh," she pulled a white cloth from a pouch at her belt, "come here. Let me take care of your hands."


    At this moment Elludnil awoke and rose to his feet with a smile, he glanced at Rhaine, then at Reona's bloody hands. He then took her hands into his, whispering a small spell under his lips. And at that moment his runes began to glow a soft red- almost pink, and his hands a luminous white. After holding her hands for a moment longer than needed, he knelt down before the two that had saved his life.


    "There is no way I could repay either of you, for I owe you my life and I am forever in your debt. If there is anything the either of you would have of me, I would do it willingly."


    Ellundil seemed to be at a loss for words, and nervously awaited a response.

  5. Hello modding community, I have an idea and have started writing a script for a machinima series and with help it could go quite well. While this will be my first video I do have high hopes for the story since I have been working on it for a few months now. I already have a few friends who can do voice overs as well as one who can do actual video making on his computer. I would need extra voice actors as a few more lead voice actor, and if at all possible I would like if there could be a few mods made specifically for the series. If you are interested let me know, thanks.


    I was recently wanting to get into voice acting, so I would be happy to do any jobs you would be willing to give me. I have a set of turtle beaches that are in dire need of some use, PM me with the details or post them here. I am in chat for about 1/4 of my day, so you can contact me there if you prefer. Also my steam name is iansaltman incase you want to catch me on there. I hope everything goes well!

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