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Posts posted by iansaltman

  1. I would love it if someone were to take all of the continents of Tamriel and mash it into one mod. Like take the already out SsVvM, Elsweyr, Valenwood, and Skyrim and put it al ltogether. Then the creator could make Highrock, Summerset Isle, Hammerfell and Orsinium and put it with that. If anyone could make this, I would be stunned.


    Though I do not like the MERP team in some aspects, it has truly phenomenal work. Give it a go. http://www.moddb.com/mods/merp-middle-earth-roleplaying-mod

  2. And shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee,

    power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command,

    so we shall flow a river forth to thee,

    and teeming with souls shall it ever be,

    in nonmine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti


    -From a favorite of mine, Boondock Saints: Written and Directed by Troy Duffy.


    Typed from entire memory.

  3. "Sometimes we are not all heard, because everyone is trying to speak, but through those words come a power like no other, and when thee has discovered thine who has said such words, and believes them, he is a follower, and thine speaker, has become a leader"


    -Something I did in writing class.

  4. Just so everyone knows, I made this forum for fun! You may have jokes as your quote, movie references, and so on. What I ask of you is to keep these in compliance with the rules on the nexus.


    A Good Example: "What you have yet to find, is not lost"


    A Bad Example: "Insert racial/sexist slur, inappropriate attempt of humour here,"


    With that said, I will keep track of points for people, you get more points if you come back everyday and post. So say someone makes 1 post per day for 30 days, 30 points. If they dont come back the 31st day the will lose all of their points. (Unless one decides to PM me a legitimate reason for not being able to post) then I will make exceptions and not wipe their points.


    The main thing here is to Have Fun!!! so spread your wisdom, if you care to share :)

  5. Install it again by doing this:

    OBMM Install


    Create an OMOD:


    -Copy this archive to (install folder)\Oblivion\obmm\omod\

    -Start Oblivion Mod Manager.

    -Click the Create button.

    -Click the Add Archive button, find and select the archive, then click Yes.

    -Click the Create omod button, then click OK when it finishes.


    Install the mod using OBMM:


    -Start Oblivion Mod Manager (if not already running)

    -Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen.

    (icon should turn blue)


    Then after you let it overwrite do this:



    10. Uninstall:



    (to uninstall any resources you installed to use DR, refer to the readme of those resources!)



    At this point, all I can say is I hope you installed with OBMM (or BAIN).


    OBMM uninstallation:


    1. Start Oblivion Mod Manager.

    2. Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen,

    click Yes. (icon should turn green)

  6. Reona smiled at her friend, "Elludnil, it is a pleasure."


    Reona then inclined her head at Rhaine, "I thank you for your offer, my lady. He is a magnificent beast, and I must admit, jumping from the treetops to the road below has taken quite a toll on my legs."


    She stroked the great horse's pitch-black muzzle, and looked deep into his eyes, noting they were kind and intelligent, the deep brown warm and knowing as the horse stared back at her. She leaned in to whisper a few lines in the ancient language she was taught as a child, the language of magic, to Thanatos. Although she wasn't very skilled in magic itself (as she had yet to study magic and avoided trying to find the spark within herself until she understood magic better), she still could use the language to communicate with animals and plants and converse with her people. The horse's ear twitched as he heard what she said and registered her meaning, and then snorted loudly.


    She turned away, still lightly petting the horse's muzzle, and grinned a bit sheepishly, "I told him he was a handsome creature, and asked if it was alright if I rode him. It is a custom of the village I'm from to ask a horse if you may ride on its back before doing so. He seems to be quite intelligent, as he seemed to laugh at my question and then boast about his strength. Horses can be such self-confident creatures sometimes, if not a bit cocky."


    Chuckling a bit, she mounted Thanatos and relaxed a bit in the front of his saddle.


    Rhaine laughed aloud, "Thanatos is not lacking in confidence, that is for certain."


    Experimentally, she focused her thoughts on the Bosmer, channeling her will into a state similar to the telepathy she used occasionally with Kelemvor: And I certainly hope he doesn't divulge all of my secrets.


    She detected a hint of surprise from Reona as she waited for a response from Ellundil.


    Ellundil was at a loss for words- never in his days of travelling and roaming the Earth had he ridden upon a steed, nor had he seen one of such stature as thine horse before him. Ellundil pulled out a map that he had stored on a pouch around his leather belt, he unfolded it slowly, as if it were ancient and fragile.


    "I understand you need to find the Inn, I already have its location marked on the map, make sure you go to this oak with the..."


    Ellundil went into unusually long detail about how to travel to the Inn, he could see the feeling of contempt in Rhaine's eyes so he proceeded to back away. After folding his map up and patting it into Rhaine's hand, he looked up at the majestic stallion. He wasn't exactly sure how to mount such a beast, so he jumped from the ground where he was standing right one its back. He was nervous- which you could clearly see in his eyes (if they weren't covered by his hair) - so he gripped tightly on Reona's fore-arms and was ready to be off, waiting for Rhaine to set onward!

  7. To the best of my knowledge even if you did make a new partition you still wouldnt be able to copy the files from one partition to the other. You could always try this along with a lap top however, then transfering from the laptop to XP. You dont have to get that cord off of Amazon, I saw one at my local Best-buy not too long ago. If you have a flash you could do it slowly with that by putting everything on another computer. If someone else wants to correct me on my first statement feel free.


    Hope I helped a little bit.


    -Ian Lewis

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