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Everything posted by marharth
Solar cataclysm, no, I agree they would not survive. Man-made nukes, however, I disagree. Any amount of radiation beyond 5 rems is considered dangerous to humans. 800 rems is death. On the flip side of this: "A rem is the measurement of radiation dosages that will cause a measured amount of injury to human tissue. Insect researchers have found that the lethal dose for the American cockroach is 67,500 rems and for the German cockroach it is between 90,000 and 105,000 rems. The amount of radiation that cockroaches can withstand is equivalent to that of a thermonuclear explosion." This is not simply because they have less cells than humans do. It has more to do with the fact that their cells don't divide constantly like ours do. A roach's cells only divide once a week or less. Now, unfortunately for some of the roaches, many would die from the heat of course, but many more would be far away from epicenters, either underground or wherever else. They can get into practically anything. Thus the assumption that most roaches would live through a nuclear holocaust is indeed a myth. Many would die from heat exposure. It is also however a myth that they would all die off just as the humans would. 105,000 rems is a *lot* of resistance, and the radiation levels in the air at ground level would never again reach anywhere near that high after the initial blasts were over. The roaches that were not roasted crispy within the blast radii would in fact stand more than a chance of survival where *all* humans would be extinct. Moral of the story: Completely burying those cocka-roaches by man-made means would be next to impossible. Well what I am saying is that a lot of humans would still survive in the situation of mass nuclear war...
If we are talking about a major disaster that wipes out all of the human race, then I highly doubt roaches would survive that. It is a common myth that roaches can survive massive amounts of radiation (they are a lot more resistant to it due to having a lot less cells, but they can't survive it). Roaches wouldn't survive a nuke at any place humans couldn't survive it. Same thing with some kind of solar flare. I can't really think of any situation where humans wouldn't survive, but roaches would.
But they are small, and don't have a good defensive system. It is very unlikely cockroaches will take over. If they get in the way of a larger predator the larger predator will destroy them easily. As you said, they are one of the oldest creatures in existence and humans still rose above them, along with quite a few other species.
The reason I said the stuff about limbs was because humans grew arms and legs before advancing in intelligence. I do not mean arms and legs like humans arms and legs, I mean some kind of extra limbs that would allow you to walk on land, and grip/build things easily. If there is something like aliens that would replace us. It would have already done so. Its not like a bunch of aliens will decide to land here a bit after we all died out and set up civilization.
Climate change can easily happen naturally... If plants grow in certain ways, or if certain plants grow in certain areas for example. It would cause animals to have a different diet, and emit different gasses. Also the natural destruction of trees can be a massive cause of change. So humans aren't that only thing that can f*** up the world, it can do it by itself just fine :P As much as I hate cars and oil companies, I think its pointless to talk about the environment like this. Currently there is more profit to be made from non renewable energy sources, so that's what we are using.
I wasn't really agree or disagreeing, I was kind of expanding on something you said. If dolphins were to "take over" they would need to grow arms and legs BEFORE they were to reach their intelligence evolution.
Balagor my friend, I agree that philosophically we have really not changed much since the days of the 'killer apes', though you would have to admit that most of our technological advances have been spurred on by conflict. Whether that is advancement or no is surely a matter for debate of which I have mixed feelings over. Sure thing, I do admit that technological advances have been spurred by conflicts; conflicts over lack of resourses. Big question is, why did we invent weapons before the plough? Its easier to far if you have less competition...
To me Dovahkiin sounds Dwarf-ish... I would bet on a dragon invasion though.
It is in the common belief that you would need to grow arms and whatnot before evolving in terms of intelligence.
Also about electric cars... They have to get electricity form somewhere, and that somewhere is a power plant that is not good for the environment. I personally don't like any form of car. You have to build roads for them which means you end up cutting down trees and messing up natural areas. In order to build cars you need to use metals and natural resources. I don't like cars at all, as long as cars exist as they do today the environment will become worse.
Really too soon to tell, IMHO. I guess, it is just one video... It seems like being the son of a god will make it more for the storyline... Also the new engine is bugging me, it should be modable (if it not then their sales will be lower without question) but will the new engine be able to support the freeroam gameplay as well?
Where do you get your legal information from, thin air ? Because it is evident that you do not even bother to do research on the Internet on topics you propound upon. Publishing is disclosure under the terms of the act. "The Espionage Act was passed by Congress in 1917 after the United States entered the First World War. It prescribed a $10,000 fine and 20 years' imprisonment for interfering with the recruiting of troops or the disclosure of information dealing with national defense." Over the next few months around 900 went to prison under the Espionage Act.` ~ West Law He did not disclose it -.- He published it after someone else disclosed it. That is completely different things. A private in the military stole the information and sent it to Assange, he then put up the documents on his site. The documents were already disclosed at the point in which the solider stole them. If Assange is prosecuted, New York Times, Washington Post, and a lot of other media companies will also have to be prosecuted. What I don't think people get is that he did not do anything but publish it after it was already leaked, he did the exact same thing that NYT, and the Washing Post did. If it does cause issues, it is not wikileaks fault. It is the person in OUR military who leaked it.
Just out of polite curiosity have you forgotten 9/11? War needs only one side to be commenced, it's not something that both sides have to agree upon. If you cannot fathom the reasons for state secrets or the necessity of protecting them then the OP is correct in that some of us are too fixed in their belief structure to be persuaded by any form of reason. So we have a terrorist attack and now everyone is afraid of them? That's doing what they want... If you are talking about my comment on the war... 9/11 was done by Al Qeuda, which is a group that was mainly in Saudi Arabia. So we attack Iran and Afghanistan... Makes sense doesn't it? If we had good national defense, we wouldn't need to worry about terrorists hi-jacking a plane and crashing it. By good national defense, I don't mean do pointless airport checks... How about you make it so you can't get into the pilot cabin? And about 9/11... What sense does it make to start a war over 3,000 deaths, then go out and end up killing three times that number? Who is the bigger terrorist group when US soldiers kill 6,000 innocent people? Starting a war over 9/11 has helped no one but military contractors. We are not winning the war and we never will. We are losing the war just by fighting in it, why doesn't anyone see that? This all relates to wikileaks, without them we wouldn't even know about the bigger terrorist group out there that everyone supports. And Espionage is not when you PUBLISH secret/classified info, its when you steal it... The only person who can be charged with anything is the person who leaked it in the first place, and that's someone inside of the military, not wikileaks. This topic really needs to be closed though :P
I am a bit worried, It looks a bit linear...
If a terrorist can get on a big jet, I am sure they can also get on the internet... To plan a terrorist attack all you need is google -.o No one needs classified documents to plan a terrorist attack, saying that is just stupid. Terrorists would attack something that most of the world already knows about. The entire point of terrorism is to make people afraid. If you attack a nickel mine who gives a ****? Terrorists want to attack locations that Americans know and love, not a random nickel mine. Now let me ask this, how are we fighting a war on terror, if we use terrorism as a excuse to be afraid of things? How are we fighting a war on terror if we use terrorism as a good reason to arrest or kill people? How are we fighting a war on terror when we use terrorism as a excuse to take away peoples rights? If we really are fighting a war on terrorism, we lost when we started it... I say we stop trying to find reasons to arrest assange, and just forget about it. Even if he does leak super secret information, who cares? If we improved our national defense and weren't fighting in pointless wars overseas we wouldn't have to worry about terrorists getting information.
Well you could always wait till you need a bunch of crap... Like wait till your out or arrows or something, buy a bunch of arrows, then the merchant has more gold :P
Well we can't don't have proof humans are causing it, it is happening without question... However climate change has happened a lot throughout history. I do think we are making it worse, but we don't have completely solid proof yet. I mean we know it is going up a lot in the last 100 years, but you know that oil companies profit will go down if people know about the environment :P
What game ending-outcome would you like?
marharth replied to frank lee's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Something no one else thinks about... I would give governing control to the followers of the apocalypse, use the robot army to secure positions, make the legion leave entirely, and kill anyone who says no. I would try to make a peace deal with the NCR, letting them live in my area as long as they don't try to establish a strong military force. I would also give the NCR a choice to switch over to my human army, that would be for the police force. I would also make a deal with the BoS, and let them live in the bunker and research. I would allow them to study new technology, but I wouldn't let them keep everything. If anyone in the BoS wanted to, they could join my army. I would make it so Yes Man could not upgrade (i would tell him to not upgrade, then he would have to obey :P). So he couldn't turn on me. I would kill Mr.House since he seems like he would turn the entire wasteland into a fascist s*** hole. I would put the great khans into my army if they want to be in it. I would completely destroy all the fiends. The jackals and the other small gangs would be given a choice to join my army or leave. The boomers will be able to self govern within their community, but they will have to aid me in case of battle. All casino group will be able to join my army, or have their weapons taken. Jacobstown will be guarded by a few of my robots, in case of humans trying to be stupid. Jacobstown will be told to everyone, but anyone who doesn't seem to like super mutants will not be allowed to enter. I will take off all borders within the vegas city, merging freeside, westside, and new vegas. The king will act as the main police force within new vegas, and the westside militia will merge with the kings. I will allow all of the powder gangers to be set free, but all there explosives and weapons will be taken. I will set up a prison were the powder ganger HQ used to be. I will make a law system, and for serious offenses to the law system people will be sent there for a time to work. All of the vaults will be cleared out, and will act as cites. I could keep going but its just wishful thinking, the only way the above could ever happen is by a massive mod project lol. -
I would say its impossible to guess... Evolution takes a long time, no way of knowing what will happen in that time.
Lets not turn this into a pot debate, it wouldn't solve all of the debt issues... It would certainly HELP the debt issues...
Everything you mentioned does not change the meaning of treason, or expand on it. It adds extra laws about what can happen if you are charged with treason, but it does not change what treason is. How did anything he publish help the enemy? Someone tell me one thing in the documents that would help the enemy.
Also I seem to crash when I leave the shivering isles...
About the machine world... My world would be like this, ruled mainly be machines on the outside, and in the program people would have no ruler unless they decide to have one within there own world. I think a program like a huge MMORPG that would be like real life, would be good.
Some of my issues with Fallout NV
marharth replied to marharth's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I think there is no doubt you would at least stop at primm, so I don't get how the Powder Gangers popped up within 5 hours. Why wouldn't you stop by the only office in the region to check up on the delivery? I also hate how you go from being a courier, to a extremely powerful war hero who pretty much wins the dam battle by yourself. That would be like a mailman getting shot in the face by a mob boss, getting helped by some old doctor and a grave digger, then wanting to go hunt down the mob boss and fight in a massive war. I do like how your start wasn't about vaults, but still this is just messed up... -
Where would you like to see the next Fallout set?
marharth replied to Zephyr2011's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Correct me if im wrong folks, but IIRC in the story the bombs did not hit the Mojave. House had taken precautions and prepared a defence against the bombing prior to the end of the war, and was able to personaly direct it to knock down some aircraft/missiles/bombs (some 63 or so wasnt it?). As such the decay to NV is purely from the fallout and the collapse of society. There were a lot more missiles, and since the platinum chip didn't come in time he was only able to shoot down the ones near the city, so nukes did hit the areas around the city, not the city itself.