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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Nope ... the ESP name ZUPocketDimension.esp (and capitalization and any spaces in the file name needs to be exactly the same as the file name). - Edit - Mod added BSA files are the same as what the vanilla game uses (compressed file archives containing assets for the game to load). They are always named to match the ESP for the mod (so then the game will automatically load them). - Edit 2 - I see I have Drake looking over my "work" ... good to see you have my back Drake. As always be sure to correct where needed or make additions.
  2. Something else that may be of use (though it will require some study and rolling up of sleeves it is the state of the art in most ways): Seamless Heads - Vanilla and Classics Edition ... mostly thinking if you decided to go with one of the mods mentioned as "Classic". - Edit - For those listed mods that have broken links you can just note the mod number (e.g. for KMFEv4rev it is 25996) and then change a working link from the New Today or New This Week page with the numbers for the broken link mod.
  3. Always gave me a chuckle to read though. - Edit - There does seem to be quite a resurgence of mods for Oblivion lately, so it may be some time before poor mhahn123 can sort through and get them all added to the masterlist, but by having them reported there the information is available when needed.
  4. Found the one ... a recent addition from ZuSkunk (which is why it won't yet be on the masterlist). I'm guessing the other may be fairly recent too, but it didn't show up in the last 30 days Most recent list. Mods that are unrecognised can be reported to mhahn123 for addition in the mod comments of BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion. The information that is required is the exact file name for the ESP and the link to the mod page. Optionally any info you can provide mhahn123 regarding load order or bash tags is also useful. May not rank right up there with fighting crime, saving the world or helping old ladies across the street, but it is one thing we can do to help out. - Edit - Yup found the other too ... one of ZuSkunk's additions, just not quite so recent. - Edit 2 - I wouldn't anticipate any issues from having those at the bottom of your load order ... and just as an FYI, the bottom of your load order is considered the "best spot". You'll see a lot of older mods telling you that's where they need to be loaded (though I always wondered at how each of the myriad of mods that said that could actually be at the bottom).
  5. OK from what I know about the GOG version it doesn't suffer from the problems that the Steam version has with breaking BSA Redirection. Do you have OBMM installed, or which method did you use for setting up archive invalidation?
  6. Those are ones that are not yet on the BOSS masterlist. That isn't really a problem ... BOSS will put those at the very bottom of your load order. If the game starts and everything looks OK you can safely ignore those for now. If there are any problems arising that weren't there before the sorting then we can set up a User Rule to sort those particular plugins (ESPs). The BOSS report that comes up next will show you which plugins weren't recognised.
  7. I haven't used it myself, but look at Beautiful Women Mod. Updated links for the requirements: NPC Face Color Unloacker IFT Improved Facial Textures Facial Textures by Enayla
  8. So I'm guessing you are using the Steam version of the game ... do you also use or have OBMM installed? - Edit - Something else that is important when using HGEC is that you have a clothing and armor replacer that is HGEC compatible. My recommendation for HGEC plus equipment replacer is EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion.
  9. Boss by itself will help. It's simple to install (installer runs from an EXE) and easy to use (I'll give you some tips on manually updating the masterlist if it chokes and doesn't do so automatically). Wrye bash can wait until you need it.
  10. LOOT is the latest tool for sorting mod load orders. The game loads mods one at a time, starting from the ESMs and then working down the list of mod ESPs in the Data folder. Load order sorting tools arrange the mods by changing the date of the ESP file (the game uses date and timestamps to determine order to load). My own personal preference for load order is BOSS. It is older but in my opinion is the best tool for sorting Oblivion load orders. It is still being updated as far as the mod masterlist is concerned, but hasn't been updated itself for some time, and has fallen out of favour with many (for instance the latest versions of Wrye Bash don't use BOSS). Both BOSS and LOOT make recommendation regarding how some mods are released with things like "dirty edits" (the ITM identical to master notations) and UDR (undelete and restore I think is what it stands for). TES4Edit is the tool used to clean mods of those. There, now we have you on the stairmaster with the speed tweaked up a bit. - Edit - Just as a frame of reference for you ... I didn't start proper load order sorting or using a bashed patch (or cleaning mods) until my latest (third) character. Yup, my games with those first two guys would have probably been more stable using the tools available, but I played each of those guys more than a year each (and still have the saves if I ever wanted to resurrect them). If you keep your mod list under control, and avoid mods that require a bashed patch you can move onto the stairmaster at your own pace.
  11. Ahh ... and the next bridge to cross appears. Thanks for the segue Leonardo :thumbsup: . - Edit - We have you standing next to the steeper part of the learning curve now Just!!
  12. LOL ... awesome!! Don't worry Simplicia is like all the other NPCs ... blissfully unaware. Good that you are off to the races ... wasn't the journey fun??
  13. OK ... next suggestion ... Lunas OCO Khajiit Female Fix. It's a simple texture replacer, so all your "Striker method" tools can be used. - Edit - Will probably require the deactivation of the EVE Khajiit fix ESP ... try it with and if weirdness ensues try it without. - Edit 2 - Poor Simplicia ... she seems to be misplacing her clothes a lot lately ... LOL!
  14. Not sure what else to suggest. Looks from the video that you are using the vanilla game heads, but I can tell you that even using Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 isn't a magic bullet. At times, under certain lighting conditions I still see washed out faces myself. What I use is something that many will not find very useful. I call it "Selective Vision" (joking refer to it as my "patented solution"). It works 100% of the time that I use it.
  15. Yes, at some point in time we all need to actually play the game. If they cause any grief the optional EVE ESPs can be deactivated. The Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles one will only be an issue if you don't have those DLCs active in your load order ... the Khajiit fix may or may not be an issue with OCOv2 (don't use it myself). The StockEquipment one just enables female versions of vanilla game male model only armor like the Steel armor.
  16. Is there a particular reason you are using Bloom instead of HDR, by the way.
  17. Is the game (and that also means Steam if you use the Steam version of the game) installed in Program Files or Program Files (x86)?
  18. I'd say no ... I think that will be asking if you want the Alt version of some clothing/armor, which has more skin exposed. It really isn't that difficult to swap things around to suit you afterwards from the BAIN download, so don't fret about "making a mistake" ... they are all just opportunities to learn stuff.
  19. Hmm ... the only tweak I had to offer is for HDR. - Edit - You could experiment with adjusting some variables in Oblivion.ini (NOT Oblivion_Default.ini). Look for the section shown below: [blurShader]fSunlightDimmer=1.0000fSIEmmisiveMult=1.0000fSISpecularMult=1.0000 I would only adjust one at a time so you know what effect each tweak has, and make your first value change large enough to make a noticeable difference then dial back the magnitude ... for example: [blurShader]fSunlightDimmer=0.7500fSIEmmisiveMult=1.0000fSISpecularMult=1.0000 ... and then see what effect this has in-game. Reset it back to 1.0000 and then do the same with each of the others in turn, one at a time. That will give you some baselines for what each parameter does. Then start to work more than one in smaller increments and testing in-game between tweaks. - Edit 2 - Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide page 10 may be of some help ... http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_10.html
  20. What I was getting at is ... does the game run OK with absolutely no mods or OBSE added?
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