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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Normally I would say just go somewhere far away from Darkfathom for more than 72 hours to allow the cell to reset, but that may not be much fun with the scamps stuck to you like glue plus the speed slow down from the staff. The coc center trick is the most reliable method under normal circumstances as it takes you right outside of the game world to do your waiting. What I'm not sure about is how the scamps will take to you leaving that way ... all you can do is try and see what happens.
  2. Corrupted spawns has been a "feature" of the game for a long time. In my experience it is more likely to happen the more that is happening in your game. In my game I'll get a crash often when the game is loading cells in advance of me getting there, to a large part because of options I have chosen to enable in one mod I use (that are not recommended by the mod author I might add). In your case having the scamps as forced followers is adding extra processing load and that is increasing the likelyhood of a crash (providing my theory is correct).
  3. Possibly a problem with the Daedra spawns in Darkfathom (plus I assume you have the good old Everscamps trailing along). I'm not sure how this will work with the scamps stuck to you like glue, but normally one way to resolve spawning issues is to use the coc center and wait trick. Open the console and type coc center and then hit Enter. You will be transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance. Using the game Wait menu wait for 72 hours and then a bit for good measure (so that's three full days and then a bit). Open the console again and coc DarkfathomCaveExterior (which should bring you back to the Darkfathom Cave entrance).
  4. Don't know then ... The way I like to confirm that OBSE is working is by making a save and then checking to see if you see two saves each time you save (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you only see one save each time you save then OBSE isn't working.
  5. Quite often mods don't have (or require) an ESP to work (I call them pure replacer mods myself). What is the mod you're trying to install?
  6. I expect they would be in Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa but I haven't looked for them myself. The wiki article that Drake posted shows the folder path to search within the BSA. I've used Oblivion Mod Manager's utility to extract meshes from the vanilla BSAs before, though there are other utilities that are focused on just BSAs that would work too I'm sure. All I've ever used for the very simple texture work I've done in the past is PaintDotNET. If I'm wanting to see what the starting size of something is I just open the tool for resizing and see what it reports as the current starting size.
  7. Couldn't you extract the vanilla assets to a folder and figure out details like that from looking at them? Looks like the tutorial linked at the bottom of that page that Drake posted has some details as well (and some further links at the bottom of it).
  8. Let me preface this with the admission that I only have used Wrye Bash to install a handful of mods (what can I say, I'm a manual install dinosaur). Way back in the Bevilex mod comments there was some discussion regarding WB's behaviour while populating the Install tab, and how it was counterintuitive to what you would perhaps expect while adding mods to it. Most people start at the top of a mod list like Bevi's and work their way down (not an unreasonable method). What happens in WB's Installer tab is that each mod that is added is put at the top of the list of mods that are already on the Installer tab. The problem is that when you actually install from the now populated list is that WB starts at the top of the list and works it's way down (so the mods that are supposed to installed last are installed first). When I first read your OP I wondered where you were putting each of those mods ... first to install at the top of the list or the bottom?
  9. Yup ... just make sure any loose files you want to use as replacers are newer file date than the BSA that contains the vanilla asset.
  10. M.O.E. - Main Quest Delayer.esp is dependant in Kvatch Rebuilt.esm as a master, and I don't see Kvatch Rebuilt.esm in your load order so you are getting a "missing master" crash.
  11. Can't say for certain, but the dates that are important to the game is the date on the BSAs vs loose files. The game uses file date for load order too ... not relevant to the current discussion, but you could (notice I didn't say should) use File Date Changer to "load order sort" your ESPs.
  12. Drake where would we be without you!! Why didn't I think of that one ... guess I've been away from Steam troubleshooting for too long. - Edit - Here's the link I used to post all the time back in the day ... File Date Changer 1.61.
  13. Maybe DrakeTheDragon will pop in to lend a hand ... he's the expert on texture problems. I know that body textures are more complicated than normal mesh texturing, as there is keywords that come into play as well as the whole race records thing (so that one female body mesh can be used by every female NPC in the game, regardless of race, and still display the correct skin texture).
  14. I have zero experience with Steam, but the advice with all versions of the game is do not install it in Program Files in any Windows version after WinXP. I believe with Steam this means that Steam itself must be installed outside of Program Files (the recommended is something like C:\Games\...). Not sure exactly how, but I think there is a way of moving Steam's install location without needing to redownload all your games.
  15. Hmm ... list of possibles I know about is getting shorter and shorter. What version of the game (i.e. disk, Steam or GOG) and where is the game installed? Also what Windows version?
  16. I use Wrye Bash for archive invalidation myself, and the only way it differs from what I read in the ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated readme is where ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa get put in the SArchiveList line. ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated has it as: SArchiveList=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa whereas when WB does it: SArchiveList=ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa with the difference being in WB ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa comes immediately after the equal sign, but in ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated it is after Oblivion - Meshes.bsa. Might be worth giving that a try.
  17. When you installed ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated did you use the installer method or the Manual method?
  18. Travel to Cheydinhal ... go a short distance north east of the city (there is a road leads from the north gate). By the time you get to a path that leads off to your left the fort will be visible ahead of you. You don't get an quest update until you talk to Lachance after reading the letter.
  19. Next confirm that you have your body files in the correct place ... Meshes should be ... Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\*.nif (example Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\femaleupperbody.nif and femalelowerbody.nif) Textures should be ... Data\Textures\Characters\<racename>\female\*.dds (example for HGEC Imperial ... Data\Characters\Imperial\female\FootFemale.dds and FootFemale_n.dds). Archive Invalidation will only work when the files are in the correct spot.
  20. What form of archive invalidation are you using ... BSA Redirection is the recommended method.
  21. If your problem is just getting body replacers to work ... how are you trying to install them?
  22. The vanilla game allows body textures on a race level but not at an individual NPC level ... Blockhead does. I suggest you get a base install of male and female bodies installed that you are happy with on an overall basis (I use HGEC E from EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion and Average from RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52 myself) and then we'll work through using Blockhead to override on a PerRace and PerNPC basis.
  23. The vanilla game is really limited on what can be achieved as there is literally one male body and one female body for all NPCs. Sure Khajiits and Argonians get a tail tacked on but if your game used a particular male body (say Bodybuilder) then every male in the game will be Bodybuilder (and the same deal for HGEC or Roberts Female and female NPCs). The solution to this is Blockhead. Using Blockhead individual races can be given different body types (so Nord males could be Bodybuilder while Bretons are Average and Khajiit are Scrawny) and on top of that individual NPCs can be assigned other body types (so some Nords could be Muscular, others Average and even some Scrawny while the default Nord is still Bodybuilder). That only scratches the surface of what Blockhead can do ... read Blockhead_readme.rtf for the full story and feel free to ask if anything isn't clear.
  24. What is the specific character you are trying to replace ... NPC or creature?
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