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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Some mods will require you to edit Oblivion.ini to work (some UI mods I think, and another example would be house/castle/quest mods that require the game borders turned off so you can go past the normal "invisible walls" into the areas of the game you normally wouldn't be able to reach). The most common reason people edit Oblivion.ini is for those ever elusive "performance" tweaks, some of which work and others don't. If your game is running acceptably well for you there is no need to edit Oblivion.ini for more "performance". For the bashed patch you just start Wrye Bash, and when it finishes loading go to the Mods tab. At the bottom of your load order (or it could be somewhere in the middle I guess if you haven't run BOSS) you will see a "mod" named Bashed Patch 0.esp ... just right mouse click on it and from the menu that opens select Rebuild bashed patch (there will be two ways to rebuild the bashed patch ... I use the CBash method myself). It will bring up another dialogue which you can just leave at it's default selections and then click on Build Patch (not at my gaming machine so I could be wrong about the exact wording used on the button to continue building the bashed patch ... it will be the default selection if you just hit Enter). Depending on how many mods you have it can take a while ... be patient. Once the bashed patch is rebuilt it will display a report which you can read or not read. Again after you close the report it will take some time before you can close Wrye Bash. I wait until the tool tips that are displayed as I move my mouse over the different mods in the list change as I fiddle around with the mouse as I wait (some mods will show just just active, some merged into the bashed patch). - Edit - If you aren't using BOSS you should be ... it's the best tool for sorting your Oblivion load order. Once you have it installed you'll mostly run it from the Run BOSS button in the lower left of the Wrye Bash window. If you have a mod that isn't recognised by BOSS you can run BOSS from the desktop or Start menu and set up a User Rule for that mod (and report it here and mhahn123 will get it added to the list).
  2. I use the disk version myself and Wrye Bash. I start the game using my desktop shortcut. When I have edited an ESP using the Construction Set or have installed a mod (I'm an old manual install dinosaur, though I have used Wrye Bash to install a few mods) I fire up Wrye Bash and run BOSS from the button in the lower left of the WB window. Once BOSS is done I rebuild my bashed patch, and when that is finished I close Wrye Bash and then start the game using my desktop shortcut. BOSS takes care of sorting my load order and WB takes care of the bashed patch (and installing any mods I have decided to use it to install ... once installed it becomes the routine BOSS, bashed patch and play from the desktop). - Edit - Personally I have never tried using Wrye Bash to edit Oblivion.ini ... all my edits were done using Windows Notepad.
  3. You don't need to launch the game thru any mod manager such as Wrye Bash or OBMM. How you launch the game will depend on whether you use the disk version or Steam version, and on whether or not you use OBSE. For Steam I believe you still launch the game the same way whether you use OBSE or not (I'm a non-Steamer, so I could be wrong there). For the disk version of the game you must change to use the OBSE launcher obse_loader.exe (I simply edited my desktop shortcut, as outlined in obse_readme.txt). If you use the disk version and don't use OBSE then simply use the desktop shortcut that gets created when yoou install the game.
  4. The key is in the first BPN bar you specify the X and Y position and then all others are relative to that first bar. You'll need to experiment with X and Y values to get them to the left in a position that doesn't interfere with bars that are already to the left.
  5. Here's my HUD Status Bars.ini (I have the BPN bars to the right of the screen ... there may be some other parts you don't want so pick and choose what you want from it):
  6. The vanilla game assets like meshes, textures etc. are all in the vanilla game BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa etc). For those assets to be now missing from the vanilla game BSA files you would have had to alter those BSAs ... you didn't follow some outmoded advice and do BSA Alteration for archive invalidation, did you? When you say "uninstalled" are you talking about simply deactivating the mod in some mod manager or physically removing all of the files that it installed?
  7. First, install the game (and if you use the Steam version of the game that means Steam and the game) outside of all protected folders such as C:\Program Files (x86) ... the recommended location is C:\Games\... unless you have more than one physical hard drive in which case I'd suggest you use the non-OS drive (on my own machine it's G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion for the disk version of the game). I don't know an awful lot about Win 10 (beyond the fact that I'll never ever use it ... I'll be a Linux guy as soon as the only option is Win 10 and it's derivatives ... long live Win 7). I do know that it takes obtrusive "protections" to a much higher level. Could be that even in C:\Games you'll need to finagle some higher permissions.
  8. The Documents folder is just as protected if I'm not mistaken. The recommended location for games (and Steam if you use it) is C:\Games\... (or X:\Games if you have other drives and want to keep C drive for Windows ... my own is G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion).
  9. I believe the OP got much of what he wanted with Maskar's help in the MOO mod comments.
  10. The readme says the source code is incomplete due to the nature of what parts of the plugin do, but it still may serve as a source of direction.
  11. The unequip armor flag is not very reliable. If an NPC has so much as a pair of gauntlets they will be equipped at bedtime (and boots ... I call it the "oven mitts and steel slippers" syndrome). If the player is not in the cell and enough time has passed since their sleep package start an NPC will wear what they are supposed to to bed when you check in on them, but get there just a few seconds too soon (where they don't trigger the sleep package until the player enters the cell) and it's mitts and slippers. David Brasher went to great links with Olga Companion Mod to get her to wear what he wanted her to wear to bed (if memory serves to the point of removing ten of certain items from her inventory even though she should only have a single of that item). An old mod without OBSE dependencies that is well worth the chance for a few game sessions ... she is a hoot (for a while at least). - Edit - Funny how things seem to work ... I get done posting here and then check out the Oblivion New Mods page. Have a look at the last item in the Patches section of the mod description here.
  12. As far as I know Wrye Bash should detect BOSS after you have it installed. The BOSS icon should appear in the lower left of the WB window. Look in your Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder for the two WB readmes ... Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html. Most everything I know about WB I've learned from those two files. I don't see anything obvious concerning your Battlehorn patch ... perhaps you got a corrupt download. Try downloading it again and relacing it with the fresh download. Many of the DLCs don't like being cleaned (even those the BOSS report recommends it). I peronally only clean what is absolutely necessary (but there are also those who recommend cleaning eveything and anything). If Operation Optimization is what I think it is it could be at fault too ... some stuff works better without any "help". - Edit - Operation Optimization isn't what I thought it might be, but I'd still leave it off your list until you get more of your "base install" completed and have a better idea of how your machine handles the modded game.
  13. Easiest way to troubleshoot is do one thing at a time and test thoroughly in between. Sounds like to the most part you did that, except perhaps after you got the game plus DLCs working. If you look through the Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) mod comments you'll see I've outlined troubleshooting steps there quite a few times in the past. Same goes for Blockhead (and for OCO v2). Get the base game + DLCs working again, then install OBSE and confirm it's working. Next install Blockhead and confirm it's working and finally get OCO v2 installed and working. Note the install instructions in OCO v2 regarding if you are going to use any of the supported body replacers. Once you have the base game + DLCs + OCO v2 working install one of your other mods (Immersive Weapons, Better Dungeons or Oblivion XP). When you do one thing to a working game and then it stops working it's a trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting. When using BOSS and Wrye Bash the order is always the same ... install a mod, run BOSS from the Wrye Bash interface and then rebuild your bashed patch. Then test thoroughly.
  14. But I truly hope not "abused" (my intention was to get a chuckle). If you add too much I may forget what few CS skills I still have (I'm forever making shirts and pants into armor as a way to get it unequipped at night ... admittedly with mixed results).
  15. I think you're overthinking this. No ... I believe I was channeling my "inner Contra".
  16. Nice ... so now the vanilla fur armor can be "covers a lot but protects a little" and JoeCoolsReallyReallySkimpyFurArmor can be "covers next to nothing and turns you into a tank" ... all at the same time.
  17. Vanilla armor rating values are assigned in the Construction Set and yes they vary from lowest level armors with the lowest AR to daedric/glass having the highest AR. Mod added armors follow absolutely no rules for assigned AR ... you are totally at the mercy of the mod author of that particular piece for what AR it has. You method woud require something like Maskars Oblivion Overhaul to make all levels available at game start (though with MOO defaults they wouldn't be playable to the player) otherwise you wouldn't see the skimpiest armor until level 20.
  18. My Valkyries (defeated marauders who now are followers) would be the ultimate then ... and amulet and a ring is all they wear to battle. Guess that would make them the equivalent to 100% reflect damage 100% resist normal weapons. While I totally agree with Cdr I think that it would take individually assessing all those varying degrees of skimpy armor so that you could come up with some "factor" to alter that particular piece's armor rating by, so that vanilla coverage got lets say a 0.25 factor and the ultimate nipple/pubic patch type got a 1.0 factor. Ideally you'd aviod the whole permissions can of worms (how many skimpy armor authors do you think you'd have luck contacting for permission to change their ESP) by making a patch that recognizes the original's ESP filename and then applys your "factor" ... but what do you do with mix and match type situations (or even how do you determine which installed mod is being worn at the time). Sounds like a personal use only project to me.
  19. You probably have automatic updates turned on in Windows and something it updated broke things for you. You wouldn't notice until after you rebooted your machine (when you shutdown last night did you get a Windows warning it was updating files). First step is to rename your Oblivion.ini file (found in the Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder ... NOT Oblivion_default.ini found in the game's Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder ... I generally recommend changing Oblivion.ini to OblivionOld.ini). Restart the game and it will generate a new Oblivion.ini based on default values and what it finds for hardware (and just like when you first set up the game it generally doesn't do a good job of recognizing modern hardware, so you'll need to use the menus to get things set up again). Once you get the game starting properly then reapply any Oblivion.ini tweaks you previously had using your backed up OblivionOld.ini as a guide.
  20. Hmm, my idea won't help that closed in feeling. I was picturing huge cushions to recline on (a sort of Arabian Nights thing). Maybe a central courtyard/garden ... don't know how big a structure could still be somewhat believable. I don't tend to spend more time than needed in any of my homes, just enough to store stuff, eat, sleep, maybe chase some of "my girls" around for a bit (even after spending all that time and energy into creating varied AI "lives" for my house girls they quickly revert to "background eyecandy").
  21. The face will probably be even simpler than that to transfer. I used Wrye Bash and a save after I was done tweaking and adjusting my own character's face in the CS. I'd just do the same for the genie. I have a number of mods and a save that IkeCoast gave me that can serve as starting points and emailed screenshots will work for the initial stages of selecting the candidate. Just a matter of waiting until I get back home.
  22. A word of advice ... don't install a bunch of mods before testing. The more mods you've added since you last gave the game a thorough test the greater the complexity of the troubeshooting session when the inevitable happens. One mod, one testing session is the Striker way.
  23. Read the Oblivion Reloaded manual carefully and completely. OR is both modular and complex.
  24. I only use BAIN for a select few mods, but I think Wrye will automatically put the readmes into a folder of their own. I'm far too old school to give up my dinosaur ways.
  25. The folder structure must remain exactly as it is in the extracted download or the mod simply won't work. I agree with zdswulyx, Wrye will have no trouble installing it, either from your unextracted original download (in which case your game folders will get the readme) or from a 7-Zip repackaged archive (if you wanted it without the readme ... but all other files and folders must be the same as in the original).
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