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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I've also found that a similar situation occurs when using the later versions of Universal Skeleton Nif (and any skeleton.nif that is derived from it such as killermonkey99's BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics skeleton). The other hallmark is the floating weapon after death/while paralyzed situation. I use Elz - No Floating Weapon for the later issue (and it works with only a few exceptions when an NPC is knocked down) and have found that by using a tweaked INI version of Realistic Fatigue plus Basic Physical Activities the flying through the air on death is avoided (the key is before they die the NPC's fatigue reaches the threshold I've set in the INIs and they collapse ... very satisfying to watch).
  2. Yes you can install the unofficial patches manually. The only downside is if/when you ever want to uninstall/update to a newer version ... there are a lot of files and folders to check to make sure you are only uninstalling the stuff added by the unofficial patches (the folder structure of the unofficial patches mirrors the folder structure the game uses inside it's compressed archives, those BSA files you see in the vanilla game Data folder). There is only one mod manager for Oblivion that can properly handle the situation of uninstalling/updating mods that include files and folders that are intended to be overwritten by other mods (read the documentation that comes with the unofficial patches and you'll see they are meant to be overwritten by other mods, if that's what the other mod needs to do). That mod manager is Wrye Bash. A distant second choice for Oblivion is Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). The only two main things that it lacks as opposed to Wrye Bash is properly restoring overwritten files when uninstalling/updating (Wrye Bash's anneal feature) and the bashed patch ... a Wrye Bash exclusive (only required once you get into more advanced mod installations). Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) is not recommended for Oblivion. True there are many mods that will work when installed using NMM, but there are far more that won't. Interface mods are one of the more difficult mods to install manually. They take careful study of the install instructions, and unfortunately often one slip and the game won't start. I don't personally use anything like DarNified or the like, but judging by the download's name you will be wanting OBMM to use for it. My guess is when you extract the download to a folder it will extract to a file named DarNied UI 132.omod (OMODs are exclusive to OBMM, and will often include a script to guide you through the installation, allowing you to pick which optional parts of a mod you wish to install). The number one rule when installing mods is to do one thing at a time ... i.e. install one mod and then test thoroughly. Troubleshooting a problem is trivial if you've only installed a single mod to a working game and now it's broken. To manually install the unofficial patches simply download them to their own individual folders (i.e. one folder for the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, another for the Unofficial Official Mods Patch etc) and then extract the download to that same folder (7-Zip is the preferred tool). Using the UOP as an example you will find a folder named Unofficial Oblivion Patch with seven subfolders and three files. The three files are the ESPs needed by the game to use some of the changes made by the UOP (a lot of the changes made by the UOP are simple "replacer" type changes that don't use an ESP to effect the change but DO need some help to work ... that "archive invalidation" you read about in the UOP readme, more on that later). The only one of those three ESP files that must be used is Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp ... it will be copied to your game's Oblivion\Data folder (so the complete path will be Oblivion\Data\Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp). All seven folders will be copied to the Oblivion\Data folder as well (so then Oblivion\Data\DistantLOD, Oblivion\Data\Meshes, etc). The Docs folder is the only one that is optional (i.e not required for the UOP to work correctly). I use a simple trick to install mods manually, that gives me a chance to look over my work and check for problems/mistakes before any files/folders ever make it into my game install. After you've extracted the UOP download create a new subfolder named "Installed" inside your folder you downloaded to (so if you download to a folder named Unofficial_Oblivion_Patch_Download you will create a folder Unofficial_Oblivion_Patch_Download\Installed). Next right mouse click on the extracted download's Unofficial Oblivion Patch folder and select Copy from the right click menu. Now right click on the Installed folder you created and select Paste (so the full path will now be Unofficial_Oblivion_Patch_Download\Installed\Unofficial Oblivion Patch and all of the seven folders and three files inside that). Right click of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch folder inside your Installed folder and select Rename from the right click menu and change the folder's name to Data (so now the complete path will be Unofficial_Oblivion_Patch_Download\Installed\Data with the seven folders and three files inside the Data folder). If you want to install the Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp and UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp then leave them inside the Installed\Data folder, otherwise delete whichever one(s) you don't want to install. Now to install the Unofficial Oblivion Patch simply right click on the Data folder inside your Installed folder and select Copy, navigate to your game's Oblivion folder (i.e. Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion) and select Paste. You will get a Windows prompt about there is already a folder named Data ... click Yes To All (and if you don't get that prompt you are pasting into the wrong folder). Go into the vanilla game launcher and activate the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp and any of the other two you installed. Now that last detail regarding archive invalidation. When the game was first released there was no way to get the game to use simple replacements for vanilla game assets without using an ESP file. So if you wanted to turn the vanilla game green Glass armor to red you couldn't simply recolour the vanilla texture red and put it into Data\Textures\Armor\Glass\M and expect the game to use the replacement (inside the vanilla game BSA file Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa the path to the Glass armor texture is Textures\Armor\Glass\M for male Glass armor). The game would always use the assets found in the BSA files and ignore replacements. Archive Invalidation is the method devised to overcome that limitation. The original methods used for archive invalidation had problems that required careful upkeep to maintain effectiveness. Then along came BSA Redirection and archive invalidation became a "do it once and forget about it" situation. The only fly in the ointment came along after Steam got their hands on the game. They decided to change the dates on all of the vanilla game BSA files, which broke BSA Redirection for Steam users. The solution is simple ... change the dates back to 2006. The easiest way to do that is using Oblivion Mod Manager (which also offers a simple way to activate BSA Redirection while you're at it). In OBMM it's click on the Utilities button, select Archive Invalidation from the Utilities menu, select BSA Redirection, click on Update BSA Timestamps and then click on Update Now ... done. If you want to use OBMM to install DarNified you will only need to double left click on the extracted OMOD file and OBMM will start and walk you through it. Took about twenty times longer to describe all this than it will take to actually do it.
  3. Ah ... so no "ring you never want to put on".
  4. But then you'll miss out on his talents as a painter.
  5. Are you sure those Legionnaires aren't only for the game's E3 release demo (i.e. scripted Kvatch combat demo)? - Edit - I see that the MarauderMissile class is also used for the Legion soldiers at Fort Sutch ... maybe just a carryover from the E3 demo days (I've heard that the entire village of Sutch was planned and then dropped except the Oblivion Gate ... could be another of those little "details" that Bethesda never got around to doing anything about before release).
  6. Changing an NPC's eyes is a much larger change that changing an inventory item. You can't touch anything affecting race records without a lot of other records for that NPC also being reverted to whatever status is contained in the masters you have loaded (and if you are using the vanilla Construction Set and aren't using any of the tricks to make ESPs masters then that means when you edit eyes you'll revert most of that NPC back to vanilla as Oblivion.esm will be the only master). One solution is to use Construction Set Extender and set the UOP to a master while making the eye change. You could also research "mod deisolation" and learn how to use the vanilla CS to do the same thing. As far as inventory is concerned, I've never run into a case of changing an NPC's inventory reverted any of that NPC's UOP changes, but I must admit I've not ever changed a trainer's inventory before. If you do a test using a separate test ESP it will be easy to test to find out (if you are like me and have an ongoing "MyTweaks.esp" ... do the test separately before committing to your ongoing project). If you make any saves during testing consider those as disposables (i.e. don't do anything while testing that you won't want to lose).
  7. From the UESP Wiki page for the Anzani Blackheart quest (emphasis added): "Modryn believes that Azani moved his base of operations to Atatar - a nearby Ayleid ruin. He suggests to search there and will lead the way himself. You can continue to explore Arpenia if you like, as Modryn will wait patiently for you, but apart from a few rats and Ayleid chests the place is empty. Follow Modryn to Atatar but do not fast travel or go ahead of him, because this may cause a bug. The location won't be marked on your map until you arrive and Modryn refuses to move unless you are close to him. Therefore, you must follow him." Look at the Bugs section on that page for possible solutions.
  8. User Account Control (UAC) ... Microsoft's way of protecting you from yourself (well at least in reference to how it treats you and your games ... it does have benefits). What to do about it ... Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location. And then there's Bben's more recent Bbens Complete Uninstall/Reinstall for Oblivion. Yes I have less than zero interest in all things vampire (I believe I may have watched 2 or 3 minutes of Buffy once at my younger daughter's insistence, "Oh Dad, you'll love it" ... soap opera). But vampires needn't feel left out. Zombies et al get an equal amount of loving from me.
  9. If you look at Wrye Bash General Readme.html in the Installing Mods section you'll see a picture right at the start of that section that actually uses UOP version 3.20 as it's example. In version 3.54b the only difference is that it also includes the Citadel Door Fix.esp, so for it you find it along with UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp in the Sub-Packages window in the lower right area of the Installers tab. I've never used WB's Installers tab for the UOP (it's a simple manual install for me) but I have used it for some of Arthmoor's mods. The only thing I know about WB's Installers tab that isn't covered in the two readme docs is that even though they say you can use drag n' drop into the WB Installers tab it doesn't work ... but copying the downloaded 7z to the Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folder works just fine. All the woes you've had lead me to believe you have installed the game in a UAC protected location like C:\Program Files (x86)\... (and that goes for where Steam is installed too). That's the last place on the planet you'd ever find me installing a game. - Edit - Regarding vampirism ... the only thing I know about it is as soon as you get infected drink a cure disease potion. If I don't have a cure disease potion get your butt to a wayshrine or chapel altar immediately. The one and only time I didn't do that and got the warning after I slept I exited and went back to an earlier save from before I got infected. That's how much I know about vampirism. And for the record ... those saves that lead up to the vampirism message now reside in Cyber Heaven.
  10. So you're not using any mod that affects maps (e.g. Map Marker Overhaul) ... I'm not one that uses any map enhancing/changing mods myself, and I can't recall ever reading about anything like what you're describing.
  11. Just a heads up ... concerning the payment offer.
  12. My advice doesn't involve what mods but how to install mods ... install one at a time (unless the mod you want has requirements, then install the group but that's all). Test thoroughly between installs. When you run into the inevitable problems it will be trivial to know where to start troubleshooting. Unless a mod explicitly says you must install with Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) it makes a poor choice for installing Oblivion mods. Many of the mods you'll find in those Top 100 lists were created and last updated years before NMM was even thought of. The premier tool for installing and managing Oblivion mods is Wrye Bash. Almost everything I know about using WB I learned from the two readmes ... Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html, both found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder either after you install it or after you extract the downloaded 7z file to a folder.
  13. First step is to confirm that OBSE is working. The easiest way to do that is to check if you have two saves with the same name but different file extensions after you have installed OBSE and made a save. If OBSE is not working you will only see a single save for each time you save (so with OBSE working you will have for example MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse ... but if it's not working all you will have is MySave09.ess).
  14. NEVER (as in never EVER) edit Oblivion_default.ini ... that is the file that the game uses as a base to build your Oblivion.ini on first start of the game. Oblivion.ini is located in your Users\[username]\ Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder for all versions of Window newer than WinXP. It is the ONLY Oblivion.ini you should ever edit (and is the only INI that will change how your game looks/works ... Oblivion_default.ini is only used by the game when it can't find Users\[username]\ Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini, as is the case when starting the game the first time after installing it, or as a troubleshooting step when trying to get a badly messed up Oblivion.ini back to working condition ... something that will be a bit more complicated for you now that you have made changes to the game's Oblivion_default.ini).
  15. Download UOP version 3.5.4b to a folder and extract to that same folder using 7-Zip. You will now see a new subfolder named Unofficial Oblivion Patch and inside that folder you will find seven folders and three files (Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp, Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp and UOP Vampire Face Aging & Face Fix.esp).
  16. When mods are merged into the bashed patch you need to rebuild the bashed patch with the merged mod you want to remove unticked in the panel on the lower right in Wrye Bash (the one that shows you all of the masters to the current bashed patch). After you have removed it from the bashed patch you can deactivate it. You may need to start a brand new bashed patch if you have deleted a mod that was merged into the bashed patch without removing it properly. Pretty well everything I know about Wrye Bash I've learned from the two readme files ... Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (both found in the Oblivion\Mopy folder).
  17. Best way to use BOSS and Wrye Bash is to run BOSS from Wrye Bash before rebuilding your bashed patch (look in the lower left corner of WB for the icon to start BOSS). If you have "lock load order" set in WB and then run BOSS from outside of WB (e.g. from your desktop icon) then Wrye will reset the load order to the locked in order it has saved. If you run BOSS from within WB then it will use the new BOSS load order as it's locked in load order.
  18. If the companion has an eat AI package and there is food around that is not owned (and if it is in a container the container needs to be unowned) then they will go and get food and sit down to eat (providing the chair/bench is unowned). Companions who have very low responsibility will go after owned food/containers (but you won't find many of those, because you'd be fighting guards a lot in cities trying to defend them). COBL adds a lot of food items to the world. It also adds the "dinner plate" to inns but I'd think that the companion would need to have sufficient gold to use that (can't say for certain if they would even then ... never thought to test that). If a companion isn't in follow mode they will stay in whatever interior cell you leave them in. They won't go to another cell to find food or a bed even if they have a package for eating/sleeping unless that eat/sleep package specified that other cell that had a bed/food (and then they would only do that when they were "home" ... but if they are in another place they'd walk home to eat and sleep unless you used conditions that they are in a specific cell before the eat/sleep package executes ... obviously not something an out-of-of-the-box companion has). Statics are just that, a static mesh that can't be interacted with beyond functions that are added to it (like beds and chairs for example). You can use a static of a plate filled with food as a container though. A good place to study companions is Emma's Companion Vilja and the add-ons for some of Emma's house mods (e.g. Aleswell Cottage ver 4_1).
  19. Years ago I was an AVG customer (used the full meal deal $70 package). I finally got tired of all it's interference and switched to Kaspersky. It hasn't been 100% letter perfect to get along with but has been light years ahead of my AVG experience. Didn't want to point fingers before, but you've come to the same conclusion my prejudice against AVG had me jumping to in your OP.
  20. Do you see where it says Delinquent Master ... that is because the order of your mods is wrong. Example 0C Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp requires the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp to work but you have Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp loading below the Citadel fix ESP. Missing masters = crash. Use BOSS to sort your load order.
  21. The file extension being changed started around the time that Win 8.1 was released but seemed to affect Win 7 users as well, so my theory was that it was something Microsoft delivered via Windows Update to Win 7 and up users (and not many have automatic updates turned off, so MS can push whatever they want onto you machine). It was most often seen affecting OMODs (turning the file extension to ZIP).
  22. Rule number 1 when modding ... do one thing and then test thoroughly. If your one change messes things up it's a trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting.
  23. As far as my understanding of Win 10 goes that should be sufficient to get the game out from under UAC's (and it's Win 10 derivatives) grasp. Don't know what else to suggest. - Edit - Like I said earlier, I'm no hair guy, but aren't some hairs designed just for specific heads (for that matter could be the case for horses too ... trying to use textures designed for horse "X" on vanilla or vice versa).
  24. Long ago (well before I started using SPAWN and still had the decorating bug) I tried Balakirev's skin-toned version of the Reznod's mannequins. I eventually gave up on it due to the documented bugs. I'll go with number three (though number four is very tempting).
  25. I'm not much of an expert on Win 10 (nor is there any chance of me becoming one ... I consider all Microsoft operating systems from Win 8.0 onwards to be "phone/tablet" OSes and there is zero chance I'll ever use one). What little I do know about Win 10 is that it has taken UAC to new levels of interfering with you using the computer you paid for. If you have Oblivion installed in the default location of C:\Program Files (x86) the first thing I would do is to install it outside of UAC's influence (C:\Games is the usual suggested location). If you use the Steam version of the game that will mean you first need to get Steam installed outside of C:\Program Files (x86). Bben46 has complete instructions on this at Bbens Complete Uninstall/Reinstall for Oblivion. - Edit - Hmm, just had a quick read through the posts in this thread and I see Drake already posted about install location and you indicated that the game is installed away from C drive. Is the folder path on your install drive still Program Files (x86) (e.g. D:\Program Files (x86)\...) or something more like D:\Games\... ? I know that I've have read something about Win 10 UAC having a longer reach that it did in Win 7/8 ... not certain if that included any drive's Program Files folder or not.
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