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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Use RefScope to ID the mod that's causing the problem (and if in fact it is the UOP then you haven't installed it correctly).
  2. Hmm ... generally I've found anything that has been in the player's inventory and then dropped/put in a weapon rack stays through cell resets except if you use SPAWN. Since I started using that my decorating days are over ... unless you use the CS to place things of course. You would know far more about the Battlehorn situation Contra. I tend to not use it for much of anything as it's not located somewhere I find useful or on my way to anything. And never worry about chiming in on any issues I've posted on ... I've always maintained that it takes a team to troubleshoot.
  3. The interior is replaced when you buy upgrades. Do not put anything in any vanilla houses (and Battlehorn is just a big house) until after you have purchased all of the upgrades you will ever decide you want.
  4. Mod conflicts can be load order based or mod install order based. I like to use two Windows Explorer windows open at the same time, each showing one of the two possible mods that I'm checking out. Makes jumping from one to the other quick and easy. I would think that mods from either of those authors wouldn't have a problem with textures in the wrong path etc.
  5. Have a look in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder ... the two readme files (Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash advanced Readme.html) are where I've learned almost everything that I know about Wrye Bash. The readme for BOSS is in the BOSS\Docs folder.
  6. Guinefort1's mod is now released (in case you didn't notice) ... Expanded Weaponry.
  7. If you run BOSS from it's GUI (i.e. it's desktop shortcut) it will give a report detailing which mods it doesn't recognize. Unrecognized mods will always be sorted below the bashed patch until you either manually sort them using something like OBMM or Wrye Bash or set them up in Userlists. If you use OBMM to manually sort the next time you run BOSS it will always resort the unrecognized mods to the bottom of your load order. If you use WB to manually sort your load order it has options to lock the load order. In that case WB will reset your load order every time you run it back to the load order you locked in. WB can also be set so that when you run BOSS from the WB GUI changes to load order that BOSS makes are then what WB will use as the new "locked in" load order (there's a button down in the lower left of the WB window for starting BOSS from within WB). The best way to use BOSS and WB is by setting up your unrecognized mods from the BOSS desktop GUI in Userlists (perhaps after doing some testing using WB to manually sort or by just trying different spots in your load order using the Userlist dialogue). What happens then is even when run from the Wrye Bash GUI BOSS will use the Userlist to sort your unrecognized mods. That is how they were designed to work together.
  8. I'm certain that Drake has it nailed, especially around the resetting the BSA timestamps. You can use the Userlist function included with BOSS to sort those unrecognized mods to places that work for them in your load order (some experimentation by you will be required to figure out the best spot in your load order). You can also report those mods (include as much detail regarding the mod as possible in regards to name and especially the exact name of the ESP files) ... mhahn123 is maintaining the masterlist. Just post your report in the comments at BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion.
  9. All I can suggest is use NifSkope to see what texture paths are defined for the meshes and confirm that the required files are in the correct file paths. I'm not a hair guy and the vanilla horses look great to me, so beyond that I'm not much help. What version of BOSS are you using and you can use the masterlists from here to manually get and use the most recent list if BOSS isn't automatically updating. - Edit - Invariably it seems my method for installing mods proves the quickest. Install one mod and then test thoroughly. If all is OK move onto the next mod ... rinse and repeat until your load order is complete. When you install one mod to a load order that is working flawlessly and then you start having problems it's a pretty trivial matter to figure out where to start your troubleshooting.
  10. Well according to my Drakes_Tips text file (a compilation of questions that Drake the Dragon has answered over the years I've been here) black or invisible is the game telling you that it's missing normal maps that have been assigned to the NIF. My guess would be you've improperly installed the Slof and/or Zira horse stuff (but it's just that ... a guess).
  11. LOL ... jargon, don't get me started on that!! It was one of those hurtles that needed to be jumped when learning all this. And soon you will hardly remember having trouble with that, and it will be some other more advanced thing that will have you scratching your head and looking for answers. Best part is, it doesn't really stop (unless you want it to of course). Seems there is always something new to learn.
  12. No problem tang ... you've made a good start. Nobody understands all this stuff right away. It will gradually get easier the more you try to do (and for me at least after making some mistakes). If I may hijack a bit ... Contra, my trip got moved ahead a little, so don't expect the next Umbra report until Sunday at the earliest.
  13. Your English is perfectly fine. Yes normally mods will unpack and you'll be able to see the folder structure and see where the files and folders should go in your game folders. Unfortunately not all mod authors are as good at getting their mod packed that way so sometimes you need to do a little detective work. One helpful tool is NifSkope. With it you can open a mesh NIF file and examine where it expects to find the textures. In this case, to find where the game expects to find the mesh I think you'll need to use the Construction Set v1.2. Both aren't perhaps the easiest to understand when you are first starting out, but as you understand more about mods and how they work they are handy things to use. That Medieval weapons mod is about the only one that comes to mind for me. Those same weapons are used in other mods, such as Local Guards Features, which is probably where I learned about the modder's resource that I linked before. It's not exactly the style of mod I look for, but perhaps you may find something in a mod by jojjo?
  14. The images are archived at Official CS Wiki Backup. Be warned it's a huge download ... a lot of other stuff seemed to be included.
  15. Meshes will always be found in some subfolder of the Oblivion\Data\Meshes folder (e.g. Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Weapons\SomeWeaponMod\MyCoolSword.nif). It won't necessarily need to be in the Weapons folder (so it could be Oblivion\Data\Meshes\SomeWeaponMod\MyCoolSword.nif ... or even Oblivion\Data\Meshes\MyCoolSword.nif) but the path to the NIF file must match exactly to what has been set in the Construction Set for that item (i.e. what is set in the included ESP). None of this made any sense to me when I first started either. I'm fortunate that I brought a very strong background in how file systems work and how to use Windows Explorer, so I didn't need to get my head around any of those issues before tackling how this modding the game stuff works. A very common problem is copying the files to the wrong folder (often a sign is you see a Data folder inside your game's Data folder ... e.g. Oblivion\Data\Data\Meshes\... or Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Data\... or possibly the same only with Meshes like Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Meshes\... etc).
  16. Must have changed it since version 305 then (I'm still using 305).
  17. I believe what is meant by "standalone" is that you just don't need to install Python for it to work. I use the standalone version and those folder paths were taken directly from my install. The file Wrye Bash General Readme.html has complete uninstall instructions in the section titled Uninstallation.
  18. The exclamation mark is the game telling you it can't find the mesh. If you don't see a bunch of posts reporting that in the mod comments that means you haven't installed it correctly.
  19. I use disk versions of the game myself, but I think the Steam install location is something like SteamApps\Common\Oblivion or similar. Contrathetix uses the Steam version and perhaps will notice this thread and chime in. - Edit - Leaving Wrye Bash installed won't hurt anything ... it does absolutely nothing until you run it other than take up a modest amount of hard drive space.
  20. Sorry, but I'm the wrong guy for that. As I said I have done the reload from desktop thing for a long time now. I believe that Oblivion Reloaded plus Oblivion Stutter Remover have memory management options, but I have no experience with either. I save fairly frequently, don't overwrite saves, NEVER use quicksave (a known corrupter of save files) and have turned off all autosaves in Oblivion.ini (though that has more to do with crash prevention than save health). Gaming sessions between loads usually last from 1.5 to 3 hours (more frequently closer to 1.5 and sometimes less than the hour and a half) with a 150-ish size mod load list and a couple of mod INI tweaks that are documented by their authors as "not recommended" (they do increase the likelyhood of a crash). If you have a stable game (i.e. able to run 2 or 3 hours without crashing) then reloading from the desktop shouldn't be that great of a hardship ... just my opinion.
  21. From the desktop is what I meant. I got into the habit after some stuff I read way back on Wrye Musings. I run on an old machine with only 2 GB RAM, so everything I can do to help helps.
  22. There will be a Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion Mods folder (with subfolders below that) as well as Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy (again with subs below that).
  23. Do the saves load fine when you restart the game (that's a habit I have gotten into, as then the game loads the save on a fresh memory).
  24. Does anything in Undead knight and medieval weapons look like it would fit the bill?
  25. Unfortunately when trying to use the sliders to recreate a face you are faced with the problem that when you move one slider others also get moved (even when using the Construction Set to get the exact numbers). You could try unticking the Link Sliders I guess, but the way that Glitchpedia and Contrathetix have outlined really is the best way. Once you have it backup the New Mod that Wrye Bash creates with the face in it and your character will become immortal.
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