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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. One of the features of Put it in its Place - Enhanced Grabbing is slapping NPCs (which can lead to them challenging you to a duel). If I recall correctly they sometimes fall down when you slap them, although that could also be a side effect from another mod ... I have quite a collection of animation replacers.
  2. For the Imperial City prison, the only two I know of are Claudius Arcadia and of course Valen Dreth. Valen presents an interesting case ... there are actually two of him in the game. The reason stems from the fact that the IC prison cells you are in when you start the game aren't the same cells you can visit later (or that you find Valen in later if you do the Dark Brotherhood quest involving him). You should be able to change the outfit for Valen's baseID (aka in the Construction Set formID) and both refIDs will get the outfit from their parent. In Bruma you'll run into Jorundr in the Bruma prison when you're doing that quest (don't believe he exists in the game until that quest is started). Other than those three I can't think of any others. - Edit - Just remembered one more ... Myvryna Arano, after you've completed that Thieves Guild quest.
  3. I've always said it takes a team. The only absolute I know is this ... I don't have all the answers. Hell, I'm still working on figuring out the important questions (and I'm an old guy, so I've had lots of time to ponder on that).
  4. BOSS is being maintained by mhahn123 (manual updates to the masterlist also available here). It is the superior tool for Oblivion load order in my opinion (sorry to disagree Contra). Other than that Contra has you well covered.
  5. I can't answer that as I only use disk versions of games ... don't even have a Steam account.
  6. Can't offer any advice re GotY or Deluxe, but something to keep in mind is the only versions of the game that are compatible with Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) are either the official disk versions of the game or the Steam version. OBSE is required for many mods, especially the more modern "must have" ones. If you want all of the DLCs you'll need to research what comes with each version (GotY and Deluxe).
  7. I'm unsure what to further suggest. I have downloaded and extracted a ton of mods from here and have yet to find an infected file (90% as part of troubleshooting somebody else's problem ... it's pretty rare I go beyond looking at the extracted files/folders during troubleshooting). Wrye Bash, the UOPs and the Construction Set are all part of my install (though the CS was downloaded long ago, WB and the UOPs are more recently downloaded and updated).
  8. Back in Nov 2015 a user reported a false positive from Windows Defender. The current version 10.3 download is still displaying the site's green check mark (click on that and you'll see the report). All of the version 10 series downloads have been using the 7z compression format. I suggest using 7 Zip for extracting ... the added bonus is it can also extract all of the older formats so it works as a complete replacement for WinRAR.
  9. Wrye Bash is the only way to get a bashed patch, which is a patch it creates to get conflicting mods working together. It works well alongside BOSS (BOSS includes BASH Tags to help WB where mod authors don't specify any themselves ... the tags are used to insure that the right part of conflicting mods wins a conflict).
  10. No problem ... note that I edited my first post.
  11. I don't know anything about Steam or Nehrim ... but load order is controlled simply through file date/timestamps. A utility such as File Date Changer can be used to change file dates. The game loads all ESM files first (by file date and time from oldest to newest) and then loads all ESP files (also by file date and time from oldest to newest). - Edit - A more Wrye Bash friendly method would be to use BOSS to sort your load order. Anything not recognized by BOSS can be sorted via User Lists (use the full BOSS interface to access that, not the Launch BOSS button in WB).
  12. What is his Responsibility set at? He'll need to be set low to accept stolen goods (for example Manheim Maulhand at the Inn of Ill Omen will ... his responsibility is 30, Shady Sam has 35 responsibility and I'm pretty sure he will also buy stolen goods if he has enough gold for the item)
  13. Have you looked at the options available with Map Marker Overhaul?
  14. No, as long as you set your SPAWN.ini like my example you only need to visit your house once a month. When you leave you will have another 30 days before it will reset (don't use the Min Max values of 480 and 720 ... set both Min and Max at 720 or larger, and don't forget to change PVIncrement from 1 to 0). Like I said, I don't know how large a value you can use for Min and Max but I know that 720 is accepted.
  15. Get into the habit of reading mod comments ... chances are you won't be the first one to run into a problem (unless of course it's a brand new mod). I look for what type of problems are reported and then judge the solutions offered by the mod author or other users. If I can't understand the problem even after reading about the solution chances are I won't be using the mod. You will also start to get an idea of who the different mod authors are ... shadeMe's contributions to the game are legend.
  16. If you have SPAWN left at it's default setting then yes, it is at the center of your missing stuff. I don't know why it changes the vanilla game behavior of stuff left in cells that should stay where they are disappearing (shadeMe has never responded to that post in the comments). I don't know how large you can set the min and max values ... here is how I have the Player owned cell section of SPAWN.ini set: Set zzSpawnVarsQ.sPlayerOwnedMin to 480 ; Player Owned cells. Overrides all of the aboveSet zzSpawnVarsQ.sPlayerOwnedMax to 720Set zzSpawnVarsQ.sPlayerOwnedPVIncrement to 0 The last line there (PVIncrement to 0) sets the cell reset behavior to vanilla (so whenever you leave the cell it starts the timer from zero again instead of the default SPAWN behavior of advancing the timer from where it was by the amount in PVIncrement ... by default 3). I suggest setting the Min and Max values to 720 (that's 30 days ... mine is set to min at 20 days and max at the 30 days). As long as you visit the cell before the 30 days is up it will restart at 30 days when you leave the cell. You could of course also set Min and Max to higher values (just convert the number of days you want to hours).
  17. Yes the game cells all reset, by default every 72 hours. Stuff that you drop shouldn't disappear though. I use a mod named SPAWN that allows you to change the cell reset time for different types of cells. For example I have player owned cells set to reset after between 480 and 720 hours (you can set min and max times so that things can be a bit random if you want ... or you could set both min and max to the same if that's what you prefer). Now I can tell you that when those cells do reset the stuff you have laying around does disappear (as documented in the SPAWN mod comments). If you visit the cells before the timer reset you could avoid that (as long as you set the timer to a long enough time and set the option for that cell type to retain the vanilla cell reset behavior of restarting the timer when you leave the cell). SPAWN requires Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) and will take some study for you to get an understanding of how it works. Not sure what else to offer as help ... as I've said with the vanilla game cell reset behavior you shouldn't be losing your stuff (only other thing I can think of is possibly another mod that affects the cell reset in your load order).
  18. If you dropped the stuff before you'd bought the upgrades and then went out and bought the upgrades, the house interior you came back to isn't the same one that you dropped your stuff in (it's a completely different interor).
  19. Sounds like you have an extended troubleshooting session ahead of you.
  20. Is it the same if you start a new character (for testing)? I'm thinking maybe something to do with the save you're using to test. You could also try an older save (to find out if the "save cleaning" is at fault).
  21. So are the ** mods deactivated or mods that you have manually merged?
  22. What is up with the mods I see in your list with ** beside them (not the ++ mods, they are merged into the bashed patch and deactivated) ... ones like **Better Cities Full.esp [Version 6.0.6]? If that one isn't activated you're going to get a missing master type crash I would think (don't use BC myself, but I do know there are a bunch of patches that would rely on that ESP as master).
  23. 1. Somebody else will need to help you there ... I'm stuck on an old computer so I don't venture there. - Edit - Current state of the art for graphics (and more) is Oblivion Reloaded - OBGE v4. Be prepared for some study ... read the mod description, the manual and the mod comments. I don't run it yet as my machine lacks the video card power I'd want for it (768 MB VRAM is all I have). 2. Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 ... current state of the art for heads. If you want add in Seamless - OCOv2 Edition ... current state of the art for neckseams (note, to gain the full benefit you need to use the rest of the seamless series to match your choices in #3). 3. Most widely supported for females is HGEC ... I recommend EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion as it comes with a complete clothing/armor replacer (required because the textures for HGEC are different than vanilla). There are other options for the HGEC body. For males the only choice is RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52 (also has a complete texture compatible clothing/armor replacer that is required). 4. Install order is important in replacers such as those I've linked. First install the body replacers, then install OCO v2 (after installing it's requirements ... OBSE and Blockhead). Then install the Seamless series after you've installed any of the body replacer's clothing/armor replacers ... the seamless series will overwrite what they installed where it has a seamless replacement and you will have the HGEC/Roberts replacer for anything not covered by the Seamless series. If you want any of the legion of HGEC armors/clothing that is available (the non-replacers) be aware you will see neckseams. If you want any of the skimpy replacers install them after the Seamless series (and again be prepared for neckseams where they are used). Bite the bullet and learn how to use Wrye Bash. Read the two readmes found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder ... Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (both will display in your browser). If you decide to use the Unofficial Oblivion Patch alongside OCO v2 you will lose many of the UOP fixes to NPCs unless you use a bashed patch (a Wrye Bash exclusive ... it's a merged patch of all the conflicts between your installed mods). If you have any of the DLCs use those unofficial patches as well (links found on the UOP mod description). Install one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between. You will know how each mod impacts your gameplay and stability and when you run into the inevitable installation woes everyone runs into it will be a trivial matter to know where to start troubleshooting (as opposed to the usual we see around here ... "I just installed about 50 mods and now my game won't work, help" ... try and figure that one out).
  24. After re-enabling all your mods you did rebuild your bashed patch ... right?
  25. Looks like one of my "step by step as I click through actually doing it" guides (must be an oldie as I talk about having Python installed ... all taken care of when you install the latest versions of WB). Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. The more you learn about modding the game the more you can learn. My first weeks here I was in past my eyebrows, catching a breath when a wave passed. For a while it wasn't clear if I was winning or losing the battle. I stuck to it and eventually things started making sense. Get your base install working acceptably and as you need to/feel like start exploring some of the options in OR and OSR. I'm hobbling along on my old WinXP/Core2 Duo box with 2GB RAM and a 768MB video card so all I've done is read about OR and OSR. From what gather about OSR is some of the heap algorithms work better on certain hardware than others, so it's a matter of testing to find out which works best for you. I recall some lengthy discussions regarding it in the OR mod comments, but it was quite a while back. My understanding of heap is that it's an area of your computer's memory used by programs to do stuff. I think OSR's different "heaps" are just different ways of getting from point A to point B (some like walking on the sidewalk, some prefer the grass, while others still will walk along the road, but we all leave A and arrive at B). Don't be too fast at selling yourself short. It's outdated now, but back in the day Noob up and running was what I linked to for all things graphical (and Nitefox98 started out just the same as the rest of us ... first learn to crawl, then stand ... ).
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