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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. In OBMM (the left hand panel showing a list of all your mods if I recall correctly) you can click/hold and drag to move mods (or maybe you click to highlight and then click Move Up or Move Down buttons ... been a long time since I've used OBMM for anything like load order). If you're looking for an automatic way to get the correct load order for all but the most obscure mods I suggest BOSS (a utility that sorts your load order). All the game uses for load order is file date and timestamps (so the only change BOSS makes to your ESPs is change their dates and times so that the game loads them in the correct order). If you do run into a mod that isn't recognized by BOSS you can use User Rules to set where BOSS will sort that mod when it runs (and if you report that mod here it can be added to the master list ... include the ESP file name and a link to the mod if possible). Wrye Bash definitely has the most robust installer utility you will find for Oblivion. If you use the manual method of installing it's up to you to figure out how to roll back overwrites if you decide to uninstall a replacer (with the exception of the case where the "overwrite" was only replacing files found in the vanilla game's BSA files ... e.g Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa ... those don't actually get overwritten just replaced in-game by using BSA Redirection, which is a method of archive invalidation used to get the game to use replacement textures instead of those found in the BSA files). If you use OBMM to overwrite (as Jasmer mentions in point #2) it won't be able to bring back the overwritten files if you uninstall later (except of course in the replacing BSA files case as above). With Wrye Bash's installer (called BAIN) the precedence of overwrites is controlled by the order that is found in the Installers tab list, and WB keeps track of which mod has overwritten which file so when you uninstall it can restore files that were overwritten (a process it calls "anneal"). Yes WB takes more effort to learn than OBMM but it is worth it in the long run. Chances are eventually to get around conflicts between mods you will need a bashed patch. That is a Wrye Bash exclusive feature that resolves conflicts and puts all the resolved conflicts into a single ESP named Bashed Patch, 0.esp that is placed at the end of your load order (so that all of those resolved conflicts get loaded by the game and not overridden by any other ESPs). Most everything you need to know about using Wrye Bash is found in the two readme files, Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (both found in the Mopy\Docs folder).
  2. The UOP is designed and intended to "lose" in case of mod conflicts. The tools used to achieve this are install order and load order. In cases where a mod will overwrite files that the UOP has also altered then install order is used. In cases where a mod's changes via ESP will change the same thing as the UOP (let's say for example a particular vanilla NPC's AI package schedule) then load order is used (the game loads ESP files from the top of the load order to the bottom, so the last mod ESP in your load order "wins" any conflicts with ESPs above it). Bottom line ... install the UOP and then install your other mods. If a conflict is reported, as in this case, you want the mod changes to "win" over the UOP so install them after installing the UOP and then make sure any ESP files that came with the mod are lower in your load order than the UOP ESPs (note RTNM likely doesn't come with an ESP, as it's a replacer ... install order is the key).
  3. If you run into a mod that isn't already recognized by BOSS report it here (include the exact ESP file name and also a link if possible) and mhahn123 will add it to the list. You can create a User Rule in the BOSS interface (not the command line interface that Wrye Bash opens when you run BOSS from there). Once the mod has been added to the master list your User Rule will be deactivated, and if you find all is good with the BOSS load order for it you can delete your User Rule.
  4. If your black eyes still show the light reflection highlights your are seeing them as intended by the mod author. The latest version of OCO v2 didn't include one of the Bosmer eye textures though ... download version 2.01 (bottom download link) and extract it to a folder (not into your game's folders). Find the file Data\Textures\characters\eyes\eyebosmer_violet.dds and copy it to that same folder structure in your game's folders. - Edit - After a quick look in the CS it appears that Hundolin is supposed to have the violet eye colour, which is why you are seeing what you are seeing.
  5. The Download With Manager button is exclusive to Nexus Mod Manager (NMM). The top listed download link on the RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52 page extracts in a format that can be either manually installed or installed using mod managers that understand the standard game folder format (it extracts to folders starting at Data). That download installs as muscular body with the default game style underwear. Instructions on how to change from that default body are included in the file Readme V.52.txt that is included in the extracted download. The download that is third down from the top is designed for BAIN installation (Wrye Bash's exclusive installer). The download that is fourth down from the top is designed to be installed using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). Either of these options will walk you through the various optional bodies if you use the correct installer. Both the BAIN and OMOD (OBMM) versions include the outfit replacer (required to replace the vanilla clothing and armor with compatible versions). The manual install version (that top download link) doesn't ... you must download and install the outfit replacer separately using the second down from the top link. For both of the top download links and the OMOD download link ignore the Download With Manager button unless you are using NMM as your mod manager. Use the Download Manually link.
  6. Isn't Open Cities Reborn Arthmoor's work? Have you tried looking through those mod comments to see if similar has been reported in the past?
  7. Are you sure you have Open Cities Reborn installed completely/correctly ... I see a missing master notice for Open Cities Reborn.esp (just after 49 in your load order).
  8. Depending on whether I'm familiar with whatever is causing the bugs I may or may not be of much help. By starting a new thread we may also get the attention of others who might have an answer. When I had to reinstall the game following a hard drive failure it took me literally weeks to get my base mods install to my liking (now mind you many of my testing sessions would look like extended playing session to many folks).
  9. Isn't that an option in Oblivion Reloaded (read the manual that came with OR to find out how to turn it off).
  10. Yes, you see the problem is you can't use an ESP file as a master (ESM) using the vanilla Construction Set. Construction Set Extender is the modern way of getting around that problem, but you can also use Wrye Bash to work around the problem. The way that WB works around the problem is it includes a utility to "ESMify" your source mod's ESP (in your example the Midas ESP). You then make your mod with both Oblivion.esm and your ESMified Midas file active. After you are done creating your mod you "reESPify" the Midas file. An alternative way is to create new resources (formIDs) for all of the Midas assets you want to use in your mod. Should in theory work, but I have no experience with magic effects, shaders etc. Download Wrye Bash and extract the download to a folder. You'll see two readme files in the Mopy\Docs folder (Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html ... see the Esmify/Espify Self section of the Mods Tab section's Context Menus Commands table in the Advanced Readme).
  11. What form of mod deisolation did you use? The only two ways I know of to use an ESP as a master is Wrye Bash or Construction Set Extender.
  12. It was quite some time ago, so I could be recollecting wrong, but I seem to recall trouble when rebuilding a bashed patch (and my current base mods requires a bashed patch). I also seem to recall reading a comment somewhere from somebody (I know ... real helpful huh) that claimed they used MOM and WB without a problem. By that time I'd settled into using WB alone so I didn't try tracking down any info on how they managed it. I do know that when I tried working out how to get them to coexist I was stymied at every turn, but that was also back when I was pretty new with WB. Could have been some WB ineptitude on my part that was getting in the way (though using WB alone I haven't run into anything I couldn't work out through studying the WB readmes). If you do try MOM + WB and run into a problem start a thread and maybe it will help kickstart my old brain cells on what was the grief I'd run into, or perhaps that somebody whose comment I read will happen along.
  13. Yup. Back when I used it I had a number of different profiles for different characters and testing mods. Each profile had it's own load order, saves and in some cases INI settings. Only reason I stopped using it is I had no luck getting it to work alongside Wrye Bash. I hadn't used it much for more than keeping two characters separate for a while and decided I wanted to use WB more than I needed to continue using MOM. Wrye lets you have save profiles but they don't work as well as the profiles from MOM for having diverse settings and load orders. With MOM you literally fire up MOM, click the profile you want to switch to and click to swap ... the only caveat is don't have any Windows Explorer windows open at the time.
  14. Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM should be able to do that.
  15. Manual install (i.e. extract the download and then copy/paste the required files and folders) is the best way to install OBSE plugins.
  16. Save profiles only, so it doesn't do the same job as the others with keeping more than one mod list for different characters. Before I started using Wrye Bash I used MOM to keep multiple characters separate, each with different load orders, and it effortlessly allowed changing profiles/characters. After I started using WB I didn't have any luck getting it to work alongside Wrye.
  17. NPCs with a low responsibility don't report you pickpocketing if they catch you (e.g. Mazoga after you've completed her quests and you want to get some of her black bows). Not sure if that would cover stuff like assaults though.
  18. Just changing NPC face won't cause crashes but there are a couple of things to keep in mind. First, your changes will be load order dependent vs any other mod that also changes that same NPC. The lower a mod is in a load order the later the game loads it into memory. That's why almost every mod in the world wants to be last in your load order. Last time I looked there is only one "last" spot ... pretty hard for multiple mods to be last. That situation can be ameliorated somewhat through the use of bashed tags and a bashed patch (a feature exclusive to Wrye Bash). Depending on how experienced you are with Wrye that could be an option, but be aware that the load order situation still applies for two mods changing the same thing and using the same bashed tags (an example of that potential would be your mod plus Oblivion Character Overhaul v2). The other thing to keep in mind is how your mod will affect things like the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. The UOP makes many changes to correct problems with NPCs (primarily AI Package corrections, but not limited to just that). If you load the UOP and make it a master as well as Oblivion.esm you'll avoid the problem of your mod undoing all the UOP changes to NPCs, but your mod will now be dependent on the UOP (i.e. any of your users not using the UOP will get an instant missing master crash). Making your mod compatible with the UOP without having the UOP as a master can be done, but again by using bashed tags and a bashed patch. Note that you would need to either use Construction Set Extender or Wrye Bash to get around the mod deisolation problem (using an ESP as a master). As to why you have all the SI NPCs when you start the CS with only Oblivion.esm checked ... it's because when you install Shivering Isles it replaces the original non-SI Oblivion.esm with a new Oblivion.esm that includes all of the SI assets. - Edit - Plus one :ninja: for Drake ... :laugh:
  19. I've disabled (via the INI) the mod's cleanup of NPCs that yield and can attest that as long as the NPCs are in that cell they will run whenever my guy happens by. I have found on occasion though that they will return to hostile, but I think that is more a mod interaction thing as sometimes defeated NPCs will regain their health. Usually those healthy NPCs will continue with flee behavior and sometimes not. I don't mind as it adds some variety.
  20. I wasn't sure of the name either, but I knew that Vilverin was right across the water from the sewer exit so I just used search (top of the left margin on any UESP Wiki page) to get to Vilverin's page and the map from there.
  21. It is "ICPrisonSewerExit01" (no quote marks of course). A good starting point for finding location codes for Oblivion is Oblivion:Quests on the UESP Wiki. If you aren't certain of a place's name click on the nearest town/village and on that place's UESP Wiki page in the summary box in the top right corner of the page click on "view on map". From the map you can either click on the name of the place you were looking for on the map or click the down arrows on the top left of the map screen to open "Show Search Results" and click the link there. The location code will be found on the UESP Wiki page for any location on the summary box top right.
  22. Have a look at how this is handled by NPCs yield and/or NPCs yield - refined (not certain if Quabla made any changes to kuertee's code in that part of the mod for the refined version). That mod has an option to force the NPC to "get out of the area" after they yield.
  23. Not exactly what you are asking for, but they're what I use for a similar purpose ... Packdonkeys.
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