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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Report unrecognized mods at BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion. Include the ESP name and a link to the mod if possible. If you have any recommendations concerning load order include them (perhaps through your own tests at manually placing the mod in your load order).
  2. My understanding is that the LOOT team isn't supporting Oblivion, whereas BOSS has mhahn123 updating the masterlist (and I think someone else is looking at updating BOSS itself, but I could be mistaken there).
  3. Mirrors are usually on the Mirrors tab (next to last in the row of tabs ... e.g. Desc, Files, Images etc). If what you say is true I do hope that you have reported this to the site moderators (on the mod page click on the Report button in the row marked Actions).
  4. Only possibilities that come to mind are either UAC messing with you (assuming you are using a Windows version later than Windows XP) or your archive invalidation isn't working. I use the archive invalidation from Wrye Bash myself, but I believe it just uses the same dummy BSA as ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated! ... do you have a file named ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa in your game's Data folder? If so then confirm that your Oblivion.ini file (NOT Oblivion_Default.ini found in the game's Oblivion folder) has the following entry: sArchiveList=ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa The UAC issue will be if you installed the game (or Steam if you use the Steam version of the game) in C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) and are running Windows Vista, 7, 8.0/8.1 or 10. Something that occurs to me that may work is delete the files hand.nif, foot.nif, upperbody.nif and lowerbody.nif from your game's Data\meshes\characters\_male folder. This will put you back to using vanilla meshes from Oblivion - Meshes.bsa. Start the game and confirm you are now seeing the game default diaper and not Roberts loincloth. If so then copy the four files from your extracted download RT\bodytypes\Scrawny folder and see what happens.
  5. So have you copied the files foot.nif, hand.nif and upperbody.nif from the extracted download's Data\meshes\characters\RT\bodytypes\Scrawney\Nude folder to your game's Data\meshes\characters\_male folder, overwriting the files that are there already? To get your tackle you first need to decide whether you want trimmed tackle or untrimmed. Untrimmed is simple ... just copy the lowerbody.nif from the same folder in the extracted download to your Data\meshes\characters\_male folder (again overwriting what is already there). For trimmed tackle you will need to copy the lowerbodyCircumcised.nif file to the game's Data\meshes\characters\_male folder and then rename it to lowerbody.nif. - Edit - You could also use Blockhead to change just the player character's body if you wish (if you wanted to role play the only 90 lb weakling in Cyrodiil for instance). You could even change that body to more muscular one as your character developed in strength if you wanted. The downside is the availability of resized clothing/armor ... see the Outfit Replacers Data\meshes\RT\Pants-Greaves-Sets folder to see what's available (plus you would need to create an ESP to get the resized stuff into the game without it replacing all other male outfits).
  6. I didn't read the linked guide, but did do a quick scan through it. Something I didn't see mentioned (though it's quite possible I just missed seeing it) is regarding installing as few mods as possible at a time and thoroughly testing in between. The reason I say as few as possible at a time is because some on your list need to be installed in groups as mod A depends on mod B (and possibly even mod C) to work, so all those would need to be installed and then you can test. The biggest advantage offered by this approach is ease of troubleshooting. If your game is working properly and then after you add mod F to that working load order it stops working it's a pretty trivial task to figure out where to start troubleshooting (i.e. are all the prerequisites met, are the mod's files and folders in the correct path etc). The downside is that it takes longer to finish installing mods. When I had to re-install the game after a hard drive failure and I decided to revamp my mod list, it took me weeks to finish installing and testing my base setup. Granted, some test sessions looked more like play sessions lasting hours instead of minutes. Some of that was needed to determine how stable the game was after adding a mod I wasn't familiar with. Some of it was so I could come to grips with what INI tweaks I wanted in mods that allow customization. In the end I have a stable game in which I understand each mod's affect on stability and gameplay. I use some mods that overlap in ways that need to be managed (e.g. Basic Primary Needs, Basic Physical Activities and Realistic Fatigue). Because I took the time to test and tweak back when I was setting things up I haven't needed to change much in their basic setup as I've leveled my character. Where I have made small adjustments I knew exactly what each would achieve by playing with things initially and learning how they interacted. Ya, I'm definitely in the Turtle camp.
  7. I'm afraid I can't help you with much more than this (I'm a non-Better Cities/UL/FCOM type myself). - Edit - Oops, looks like I'm of no use at all ... seems Elze has hidden the file for some reason ... works a treat for me so I'm not sure why.
  8. You have a choice ... either use Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) to install all mods that come as an OMOD download or use OBMM to extract the downloaded OMOD back into it's files and folder and then manually install. Notice that in the case of OMOD distributed mods all your options start with OBMM.
  9. There is one example in Khettienna's Mini-Mods (it's called Untempered Glass Gear). If you use the search function at the top of that page and put in red glass in the File Name field you will get a page of various red glass armor links. That you are wanting red is a bit fortunate ... there is a tutorial that many have used that retextures the glass armor to red.
  10. In Skyrim they renamed the Construction Set (CS) to the Creation Kit (CK). You can see that we have lost Lisnpuppy to the wastelands of Skyrim for too long.
  11. Your Windows Explorer screenshot shows the Oblivion folder contents but you also need the obse.ini file to be in Oblivion\Data\OBSE (so full path is Oblivion\Data\OBSE\obse.ini). - Edit - Looks to me going by file size you have obse.ini in your Oblivion folder (see that file named obse that's labeled as a 1 KB text document). The is no file named just obse in the download that is supposed to go there. To fix things simply right mouse click on the Data folder from the extracted download and select Copy from the right click menu. In Windows Explorer navigate to your game's Oblivion folder and right click Oblivion and select Paste. If you do not get a Windows warning about there is already a folder named Data you are pasting in the wrong folder. To confirm that OBSE is working start the game and make a save. If OBSE is working you will see two saves named the same ... e.g MySave07.ess plus MySave07.obse in your Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder.
  12. Well for starters according to the Oct 02 2015 masterlist your All Naturals are in the wrong order, should be All Natural.esp then All Natural - SI.esp and then All Natural - Real Lights.esp (though I didn't search to see if any of your other mods should come in between any of those). The masterlist is just a text file. You can use Find off the Edit menu in Notepad to search for anything. Did you check to make sure BOSS is set to use the masterlist (make sure the Sort Plugins radio button is selected in the BOSS GUI ... if Update Masterlist is ticked below that it should check for an updated masterlist before it runs as well). - Edit - Load order in the game is achieved by file dates and times. You can manually change load order simply by changing the dates and times on ESP files using something like File Date Changer 1.61 (though to do so for your entire load order it would be a bit tedious). In OBMM you can use the buttons to move ESPs up or down in your load order and it just changes the dates and times as required to reset your load order.
  13. Have a look through fore's wiki article Avoiding Blender animation pitfalls. I don't much of anything about Blender but you may get some pointers on do's and don'ts.
  14. BOSS can automatically update it's masterlist when you run it, though for some (and I'm one of those some) the masterlist update doesn't work. I just download the masterlist from BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion. It is exactly the same one that BOSS would use automatically. You just download to a folder and exact it, then copy the file masterlist.txt to your BOSS\Oblivion folder (so the full path is BOSS\Oblivion\masterlist.txt). The masterlist really only needs to be updated on your machine after you install a newer mod that is then added to the masterlist by mhahn123 (or perhaps an older mod that never made the list). If you have an unrecognized mod in the report you can use the userlist to arrange it in your load order (I generally use trial and error to find the best spot, using other mods of the same type as a guide). You can then post a comment for mhahn123 and it will get added to the next version of the masterlist.
  15. BOSS uses your browser to display it's report. The actual sorting is done using the masterlist and any userlists you create (for unrecognized mods for example).
  16. Closest that comes to mind is the Daedric Blood Potion bottle found in Oblivion Random World 6 (base ID 1192ae).
  17. Only problem with me doing that Bben is mostly concerning the day I have picked to do it ... someday never seems to appear on any calander I've checked. Perhaps I should resolve to do it tomorrow, as that's another day that never arrives.
  18. No problem ... gives me something to keep that big gray lump on top of my shoulders from turning to mush. If your son has any questions I'll do my best to answer. When I had to do a re-install due to a hard drive failure I was surprised at how many little details I missed and had to go back and correct. Maybe someday I'll do a wiki article ... Striker's Extremely Detailed and Complicated Re-Install Procedure, or something to that effect.
  19. From what I can see looking at the vanilla wrist irons in NifSkope they are rigged to the hand bone, which is why you see that clipping when the hands are flexed for fisticuffs. If they were switched to the arm bone the clipping would be through the hand when flexed. Not sure how to fix that. One suggestion is to use the leather bracers, only switch them to clothing instead of armor (I take it you're using the wrist irons to keep 100% spell effectiveness). That will require some work extracting the leather bracer NIF from the vanilla game Oblivion - Meshes.bsa file and then using the Construction Set to add a new clothing item to the game using that mesh. If you're not concerned about maintaining 100% spell effectiveness then you could use the leather bracers in place of the wrist irons. They can be bought at The Archer's Paradox in Bravil or can sometimes be found in random loot (rare) or on Jalbert in the lowest level of Vilverin. A set enchanted with fortify hand to hand can be stolen from Branwen's chest near her bedroll in the Arena District.
  20. The best place is a folder that you have created that is not inside Program Files or Program Files(x86). The most common choice of naming is C:\Games. For Steam users though that means moving your Steam installation location as it's commonly installed in C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam and so all Steam games wind up in Program Files(x86). Here's a link to Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location. It's also important to follow the registry cleaning steps. After you get everything re-installed make sure to test the game before adding anything, even OBSE. Run through the tutorial and exit the sewers and make sure all is running properly. Then add OBSE using the Steam version instructions. You will know that OBSE is working after you've installed it by checking your Saves folder (found in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion). If OBSE is working you will now see two saves each time you save after installing OBSE, one with the .ess file extension and one with .obse (for example MySave07.ess and MySave07.obse). If you have Windows Explorer set to hide file extensions no problem ... if you see two files with the same name you're good. You could right click and select Properties to easily see the full file name if you wish.
  21. Most mod managers offer a way to start the game from within the mod manager but that doesn't mean you need to start the game that way. Same as I'm pretty sure you could start the Steam version of the game from a desktop shortcut providing you set up that shortcut correctly. I prefer to not start the game from within a manager simply because I want one less thing to troubleshoot if I run into problems. The second Oblivion folder could possibly just be an empty one that got created by mistake some time. If you look in the first Oblivion folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Oblivion) and you see files named OblivionLauncher.exe and Oblivion.exe and then look in the second Oblivion folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Oblivion\Oblivion) and see that it is empty then the second Oblivion folder can safely be deleted. If the second Oblivion folder has any files or folders in it don't delete, just report what you find there (the contents of that second Oblivion folder may give clues to how it got there). Uninstalling the game and starting over will depend on how comfortable you are at re-installing games from Steam. I can't be of any help there as I'm a non-Steam type myself. Also you didn't answer ... are you running on Windows XP or one of the more recent versions of Windows (the reason I ask is that you say Program Files and not Program Files(x86), and if you are in fact running XP then we don't have any worries about UAC and where the game is installed).
  22. The recommended location for Steam and Oblivion is a folder that is outside of User Account Control (UAC) interference but plenty of people manage to get things working without moving their Steam and Oblivion install locations to something like C:\Games. Having your game installed where UAC could cause problems makes troubleshooting a bit more difficult for someone who can't look over your shoulder and see exactly what you are doing when trying to fix things (i.e did that troubleshooting step not work because of how it was done or because of UAC interference or because it wasn't the right troubleshooting step). I suggest we work around any possible UAC issues until it become apparent no progress is being made. Since you are on Steam you should have C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Oblivion\obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll and obse_steam_loader.dll along with C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\obse.ini. A couple more points to confirm. You say I have an Oblivion folder in program files>steam>steamapps>common>Oblivion ... do you mean you have two Oblivion folders (i.e. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Oblivion\Oblivion)? Also what operating system are you running ... Windows XP?
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