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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Yup ... I'd put the skeleton.nif and NoMaaM at the start of the list just so when you're testing you don't see boobs to infinity and do see BBB once BBBed is installed. Like I said, I'm Mr One-Thing-At-A-Time-And-Test-In-Between when it comes to installing mods. OBSE plugins meant Blockhead, right? - Edit - And MOO and MOO Seamless is right where I'd put them in your install order.
  2. The wise way to install mods is to install one and then test (or in the case of mods that require other mods the group and then test). That way when something goes amiss you have an easy time figuring out where to start troubleshooting. There are plenty of examples on here of "install a whole bunch of mods" and then cry "Help" ... it's like looking for the end of one particular strand of noodle in a vast pot of boiling chicken noodle soup when trying to help sort through that mess.
  3. When a mod is merged and deactivated all of it's contents are in the bashed patch. To uninstall it you have no option except rebuild your bashed patch without deactivating the mod (so now it is again just a normal mod). Seems counterintuitive until you think about what has happened to it when it was merged and deactivated. And yes, those are the steps ... rebuild and don't deactivate, uninstall, BOSS/rebuild.
  4. Best to do it the right way. You'd need to manually rip it out of your Data folder and I don't know for sure ... maybe delete your bashed patch and start with a new blank one from the Template folder, renamed appropriately. Some roads I don't even try walking down ... just looks like too much work when the right way is right there in front of me. Get into the habit of activating and deactivating mods from within the Wrye Mods tab ... it won't let you shoot off your entire foot. - Edit - Was getting worried Ike ... thought maybe that Internet problem had succeeded in cramming you down it's throat (must have no taste buds or something if it could do that).
  5. Ya I forgot to answer that MOO/bashed patch question ... when WB rebuilds the bashed patch it looks for empty leveled lists and deletes them. MOO requires it's lists to be empty until the mod is loaded by the game (uses scripts to populate the lists for compatibility reasons ... MOO will work alongside almost any mod). Wrye ignores anything in your load order that's below the bashed patch (which is why you always BOSS then bash). Putting MOO below the bashed patch is normal and required for MOO to work along with the BP. Yes, install those Khajiit patches after you've installed EVE/Roberts Male and OCO v2. The Seamless can be installed after the Khajiit patches ... the visible skin portions of it's meshes will pick up whichever Khajiit skin texture you installed last (in the land of Replacers, install order is King). - Edit - On the subject of building/rebuilding your bashed patch ... I just leave the selections as is recommended by Wrye Bash for merging and merging and deactivating (didn't have one of those yet, did you). The only thing I changed once was to turn off the deactivate portion for one mod I was testing to see if it made a difference (it didn't ... the mod was working fine all along, it was just the Detect Life shader replacement was very subtle and easy to not notice). One caveat ... if you ever need to uninstall a mod that is merged and deactivated you need to rebuild your bashed patch and turn off the deactivation before you can uninstall the mod (which makes sense when you think of it ... the entire mod is merged into the bashed patch, not just some of it). - Edit 2 - Did I get that right Maskar (saw you lurking).
  6. Khajiit Male Body for Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 (you have OCO v2 installed ... right??). Thought I saw something recently for OCO v2 and female Khajiits but I'm having one of my "senior moments" and can't put my hand on it. Yup ... EVE, Seamless, Seamless BBB and then NoMaaM (actually NoMaaM could be installed first, last or anywhere in the middle ... it's just animation KF files and the others don't have a single one of those at all). - Edit - Bingo ... Lunas OCO Khajiit Female Fix
  7. You can give him some food and drink, either using his CM menu or the console ("additem 3365d 1" will give him an apple, "additem b1202 1" will give him a brewski).
  8. For testing I'd use a simple NPC I created and dropped into one of the cells. Only give them a single wander current location package and just use the console command "addscriptpackage 9828a" to have them follow you to another cell (followed by "removescriptpackage 9828a" once you are at the new cell). If a cell doesn't have a load door yet then "moveto player". I like to know and limit the variables that may affect testing.
  9. Can't say for sure ... I know that his packages ... shall we say "stray" from the normal. Also could be just as simple as he has an eat or drink package and nothing to eat/drink or nowhere to sit. I stopped using CMs ages ago.
  10. I recommend the use OBMM for OMODs method and Wrye Bash for BAINs. You won't need to install anything else before installing the Ragdoll skeleton.nif ... it includes everything required. Same goes for the BBB for EVE ... not required if you install Seamless Equipment - HGEC Edition. Install the normal version of EVE, then install the SE- HGEC CORE 24078 download using BAIN. After both those are installed then install the SE- HGEC BBB all-in-1 download using BAIN. Switch to OBMM and install NoMaaM using the OMOD script to guide you through the options. Make sure you have BSA Redirection enabled with either Wrye or OBMM and that's it ... BBBed skeleton.nif, BBB meshes and BBBed animations.
  11. :thumbsup: ... need I say, don't touch a thing.
  12. Open the console and click him to get his refID shown at the top of the screen and then go to the other cell. Open the console again and with his refID still shown up top "moveto player" (without the quote marks).
  13. My experience following NPCs I've created says you have a lot of connections that will never be used. Take for example that first branching when coming in from the bottom. NPCs will always go from the doorway to the first node straight ahead, and then will go to either the node straight ahead of that or one of the first two nodes to the right or left. Even if they eventually go to the nodes at the extreme left or right they will always go to the closest nod first, then the next node. Your connection from that second node up that goes diagonally all the way to the far left/right will never be used. To get them to use that diagonal you will need to place another node part way along the long diagonal, but if it's not closer to the center node than those two inner nodes you have there now they'll still use the one that's closer. Any connection to a node that is farther than the closest node will be ignored.
  14. I'm guessing you're using the Steam version of the game Rangaros. Steam changed the dates on all the vanilla game BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa etc) and thus broke BSA Redirection. If I'm right you can perform a little community service for me while we're fixing this. Usually I recommend OBMM and using it's utilities to correct the situation, but I noticed something in my own Wrye Bash installation that suggests a different route is available to Steam + WB users. Archive invalidation is a method of getting the game to use assets (textures, meshes etc) without using an ESP to direct the game to the replacements. It allows replacers to work by simply putting their assets in the same path as the vanilla game uses inside the compressed archives (the BSA files). The most recent and reliable method of archive invalidation is BSA Redirection. If you look on Wrye's Installer tab right click context menu you'll see it about 3/4 of the way down from the top. To get around the changed date problem my suggestion (and this is an experiment, but I'm confident in the outcome) is to use BOSS (a load order sorting utility) plus building your first bashed patch to fix the problem. First could you look at Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa using Windows Explorer and get the file date. Then install BOSS (eventually you will need it anyway to get the most out of using WB) ... I suggest the installer version, was painless for me to install. From the WB interface after you've installed BOSS click on the BOSS icon down on the lower task bar. It should run a small black COMMAND window and you'll see it report it's updating the masterlist. When it's done it should open a report in your browser. When you're done with the report switch back to WB and on the Mods tab right click your bashed patch (it should be down at the bottom of your load order after running BOSS). Select Rebuild Patch (I use the CBash method myself). When it's done it will display a report in a small window, which you can close when you're done. Now, to see if the BOSS + Bashed Patch idea of mine is correct check the date on Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa ... I believe you should find it's now been re-dated to 2006 and I'm pretty sure when you look, your skin textures will be just fine. If you want to read the full descriptions on the BOSS/Bashed Patch thing it's covered in detail in the Wrye Bash General Readme.html (sections Setting Up Load Order and Setting Up A Bashed Patch). The more advanced stuff on bashed patches is covered in Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (Advanced Bashed Patch section). There isn't much more info than you'll see in the context menu description for BSA Redirection (that menu is reproduced in the Installers Tab section of the advanced readme). Both readme.html files are found in your game's Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder. I believe the options shown for bodies in MOO is due to those are the only body sizes/types that have been converted and included with MOO. Maskar is currently working with a couple of mesh modellers to convert some other stuff for use in MOO (female only from what I've seen at this juncture ... guys never get much lovin'). Generally speaking, unless you wear what you loot the stuff in MOO is just for the NPCs added by MOO, but as clothes/armor "become" the body part they cover you will see changes to your character/NPCs wearing stuff sized differently than their naked body. You won't need the BBBed version of EVE clothing/armor if you install the Seamless Equipment HGEC Edition. If you don't want to see body size changes when you loot pick the same size as you picked for bodies when installing equipment. BBB is a system. To work you need three things ... a BBBed mesh (body mesh, clothing mesh or armor mesh), a BBBed skeleton.nif that the mesh is rigged to (the Ragdoll is my personal choice) and BBBed animations to move those new extra "breast bones". If you don't want to see the bouncing just install the skeleton.nif and not the animations (then if you install a BBBed version of something down the road you won't get the famous "Boobs to Infinity" problem, but at the same time nothing will bounce an inch). For the full meal deal I recommend NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer. Usually I recommend the OMOD install as it has a script to walk you through the options. I've no experience using WB to convert/install OMODs, but I'm intimately aware of all of NoMaaM's options ... I can walk you through a manual install (and as it's a "pure replacer" ... i.e. no ESP, Wrye really doesn't need to do anything for it to work ... all taken care of by BSA Redirection).
  15. In the top picture it looks like you have a connection from one side to the other across the room and then you've also connected the edge nodes to the center node (see the double lines). I'm in a different school of thought than Ike on how interconnected pathgrids should be. The only other connection I would eliminate is the long diagonal ... the one from one side of the room to the other without any further connections. The path from one side to the center and then to the other side would suffice. What I look for is paths that will allow the NPCs to navigate in as natural manner as possible. If they go straight to the middle of the room and then walk straight along the length of the room I think their wander packages (or even traveling from one spot to another) looks more robotic than if they take the occasional detour (especially if your cluttering gives some points of interest along the way). A note about display cases ... NPCs will randomly open them for no reason (other than looking for a weapon during battle I've never seen one take anything out of a case). Key lock them and only give keys to those you'd want to open the display case.
  16. In general Nexus Mod Manager is a very poor choice for use with Oblivion mods, especially those older "must have" mods that were designed to be installed with the tools of the day ... Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM), Wrye Bash or manual install. My guess is you've tried to install mods that are either OMODs or OMOD Ready. The chances of NMM managing to install those without a lot of help from you is less than zero. Further support for installing NMM should be directed to the NMM support threads.
  17. The more interconnects you have between pathgrid nodes the more varied NPC's paths can be. That doesn't necessarily mean two NPCs will take different paths if one was following the other (I think the game engine tries to play efficient and only uses the same nodes for each NPC), but on two separate traverses of the same room there is a chance for the NPC to take a different route. More nodes aren't necessarily better than less though. The ideal is the fewest nodes and interconnects to give multiple routes to the doors and furniture, as well as some variety to wander packages. - Edit - There are times when it pays off to be a non-CSE dinosaur ... :laugh:
  18. You make sure your pathgrid has a connected node close to the light blue man figure that shows where the sitting/laying down animation begins., but not on the furniture itself.
  19. You can also install mods with Wrye Bash. Some mods are distributed in what is known as BAINs, some of which include wizards to guide you through complex installations (similar to some OMOD's install scripts if you went the OBMM route). Almost any other mod can be installed using WB by putting the downloaded 7z or ZIP into the proper folder (documented in those readme.html files). I got the impression from your original post that you were perhaps a bit above the beginner level, which is why I mentioned Wrye Bash. - Edit - WB is very good at taking care of overwrites from different mods (see the annealing feature in those readme.html files). OBMM has no such capability ... and Ike is completely correct, you can start off with OBMM and then learn WB. I myself didn't have much luck getting MOM and WB working together ... never tried mTES4. I used MOM before I started using WB.
  20. ROTFLMAO ... oh Ike, it catches my expression exactly.
  21. I'd wait until installing a mod that requires those. HUD Status Bars is popular, and requires MenuQue, but if you don't use one of the realism mods (e.g. Basic Primary Needs) you won't have much use for it (well beyond changing the look of your vanilla HUD if you are one of those "everything must look, taste and feel like Skyrim" types). OBSE -Elys- Universal Silent Voice is required by mods that don't include silent voice files so that their text dialogue doesn't disappear before you can read it, but until a mod that requires it is installed it's not required.
  22. LOL ... don't believe a word he PS's Rangeros. Hi Ike ... :tongue:
  23. Wrye Bash ... read the two readme.html files found in the Mopy\Docs folder after you've extracted it. OBSE version 0021 ... many mods will require it. Blockhead ... OBSE plugin, the next on the list requires it. Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 ... latest state of the art for faces. Seamless series of replacers ... see the links found on the Seamless Equipment page. Oblivion Reloaded ... if your hardware can handle it, this is the latest state of the art for graphics. Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul ... latest state of the art for overhauls.
  24. Don't know for certain if it will work or not but what about: player.setav speed XX (with XX being the speed you want) - Edit - Came from this UESP Wiki page
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