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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. That last picture on Lush and Gaudy (C Paradise) looks exactly like your tree Dahveed (look at the tree/shrub right in the middle of that picture ... same little heart shaped flowers). Philippe has nailed it, not I.
  2. Looking at what the CS Wiki says about fMaxArmorRating makes me think you'd be wanting to set it to zero to remove the cap completely. I ran into a similar situation when I wanted to change the cell respawn time to more than 3 days. From the console the change wouldn't "stick" between game sessions. By using a simple quest script I now have the cell reset at 15 days. The script itself is a Quest script: ScriptName MyRespawnScript BEGIN GAMEMODE SetNumericGameSetting ihourstorespawncell 360 END and on the Quest tab the following settings: Quest Name - My Respawn Quest Priority - 60 Script - MyRespawnScript Ticked - Start Game Enabled You would want to change the "ihourstorespawncell 360" part to "fmaxarmorrating 0" (no quote marks) and change the script name to something more appropriate. I run this quest as part of my own MyTweaks.esp but you could add the quest and script to any mod that you will always be running if you don't want to create your own mod. One thing to note when creating the script in the Construction Set ... don't Recompile All. Have a look at the CS Wiki My First Script mini-tutorial to get started.
  3. What do you have your texture size set to in the video options menu?
  4. No my Oblivion.ini is still one big long string of settings (i.e. it has lost all of it's newlines so it's just one long line). I generally use Notepad's Edit menu Find to navigate to anything I want to check anyway, so it's not that big a deal for me (the INI still works OK, just looks a mess).
  5. I use the WB Save Profiles in place of MOM's profiles, though it doesn't seem to handle the activating/deactivating each profile's load list like it should (if I understood the description on the Advanced Readme correctly). Haven't used it extensively enough to bother digging into it in detail as at present I only have one main character on the go. Back when I used MOM I had two characters I'd switch between fairly frequently, plus some MOM profiles I'd use for mod testing. I currently have a WB Saves profile for mod testing but any mods I've tested of late have been ones I wanted for my main character, so it's made more sense to test using his load list rather than the testing profile's stripped down load list.
  6. I never had any luck getting WB and MOM to work together myself (the profiles didn't work) but I must admit it was when I first started using Wrye so I was mostly fumbling around in the dark. As far as I know the "BAIN" folder you're looking for is the "Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers" folder.
  7. Try this ... always open another program and then close it before opening MOM if you use either WB or OBMM beforehand.
  8. In almost every case installing one mod at a time and testing thoroughly in between is the fastest way to install mods. Even expert modders use this method (for the most part). Use Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure as a guide, and don't skip the registry cleaning step. Once you have the vanilla game re-installed run through the tutorial dungeon. Make a save using a new slot just before you exit the sewers. Exit the sewers and make another save in a new slot. Run around a little and get a feel for how well your computer runs just the vanilla unmodded game, including a trip to the Imperial City Market District (lots of NPCs running AI packages around there). Make adjustments to your settings until you get acceptable performance. Once you have a good baseline of how well your machine handles vanilla Oblivion add one mod and test (you could start with Better Cities as it will have a fairly significant impact on performance). You can use OBMM to install and activate ... just remember, one at a time and test in between. If you add one mod and then the game stops working or becomes unplayable it's a pretty trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting.
  9. The Kvatch Rebuilt mod comments will be you best spot to get answers.
  10. Use Stolen Item Ownership. If unseen you can pick up items and they aren't flagged as stolen. If the item was in a container you simply drop it out of your inventory and then pick it back up unseen to clear the stolen flag.
  11. At the main menu screen what version number is reported in the lower left corner? If it isn't reporting version 1.2.0416 the game will silently ignore any mods you install. - Edit - Lup, does Ike know you're using his :ninja: ? - Edit 2 - Well I know it couldn't be mine because I don't have one!! I have been wrongly accused on many occasions though.
  12. Something that may or may not come in handy is PyFFI.
  13. So sounds to me that reducing vertices on a mesh that has too many is easier than adding more to a mesh that doesn't have enough (not taking into account how much work putting more in initially may be).
  14. Yes I like it Ike ... was she trying to make snowcones? When I go to the Oblivion Nexus page to see the other shots there's something that just shows a "missing" placeholder between the words "And she really enjoys it" and the last picture. I'm not sure if it's some Google Chrome "update" problem or something on this end but I get a lot of that with pictures on the Oblivion Nexus pages (need to click them a couple of times before they'll display and stuff like that). The vertices question is out of my league Lup, but what is easier to do ... add more vertices to a mesh or remove extra vertices?
  15. That would make a tough bony meal. You know Ike already tried dying on us but they sent him back (funny, the note pinned to his jacket never did say why ... ).
  16. I've not heard of any mods replacing the vanilla BSAs. In any case BSA Redirection works a treat, as long as Steam doesn't get in the way.
  17. Some think my eyebrows are big grey fuzzy caterpillars ... and I try to keep them somewhat trimmed (must avoid the uni-brow).
  18. Plenty of mods also use BSAs instead of loose files and folders. All that is required is the BSA file name needs to match the ESP file name. What you are suggesting would work if BSAs were exclusive to the vanilla game. In older methods of archive invalidation you had to edit files each time etc ... BSA Redirection is the way to go after you un-Steam your game.
  19. Steam believes they own the entire planet and can do whatever they like with it. The most reliable way to identify a new replacement file is by file date ... that's why it was chosen as the method for BSA Redirection. When was the last time you arbitrarily changed a file date? The only ways I know are to edit a file (in which case it would be newer and maybe that's the one you'd want to use) or use a file date changing utility. You may get the impression I'm not a big Steam supporter ... could be you're not far off the mark.
  20. That's not normal vanilla 1st person ... so yes we will need your mod list to troubleshoot the problem.
  21. I use Improved No Crosshair. It removes the crosshair in both 1st person and 3rd person until you get close enough to activate the object. When you go into sneak mode it displays the sneak crosshair/eye ... that's how you judge your archery/spell aim for longer shots. I play in 1st person almost exclusively (switch to third person before going to bed to avoid the 1st to 3rd switch as you enter the bed courtesy of See You Sleep DLL). Can't say if it would help you or not. Ike ... it's not nice to grab someone's nose hairs. I'm attached to them you know. Maybe I could braid them some day. - Edit - About what ESP/ESMs do vs a simple replacer ... using a replacer there can only be one of any asset in the game as you are simply replacing the item found in Oblivion.esm (which points the game engine to load meshes/textures/icons etc from Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa etc). Archive invalidation allows us to put a file in the correct folder path and the game will load that file instead of the one in the vanilla game BSA if the replacement is newer than the original (which is why Steam users need to reset their BSA file dates). Using a simple replacer and archive invalidation you could have every fur cuirass in the game AA-cup or H-cup, but you can't have both at the same time (you could have fur cuirass H-cup and chainmail cuirass AA-cup though ... they use different meshes). The game engine loads assets from an ESM file before it looks to see if there are any ESP files. ESMs are the masters ... ESPs can modify a master or can add a new asset to the game. Using an ESP you could add a DMRA fur cuirass to the game for your character while every other fur cuirass in the game is AA-cup via a replacer + archive invalidation.
  22. The dinosaur and the protoplasm ... what a pair. You know Ike, you can pick your friends or you can pick your nose ... but you can't pick your friends nose. Mentioned that just in case you weren't too sure. LOL Night Mary Ellen ... Night Johnboy.
  23. EVE has a footfemale.dds and handfemale.dds ... that's what the EVE Khajiit fix ESP is all about (look in Textures\character\khajiit\female). We're working on computers ... they aren't smart, they just work fast. They know one and zero, that's it. Since back at the very beginning of computers, when you punched cards to run your program, GIGO has always been the rule.
  24. There is a footmale.dds in the HGEC because Bethesda went el cheapo deluxe and used male textures for both male and female Khajiit. As I said previously, we will be stuck with the "Khajiit problem" for all time as it's permanently embedded in the game. Think you have a documentation problem ... ha! Ike and I have replaced individual NPCs bodies and textures with a wide variety (even wider since SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition came out). Before it was released I'd use different body meshes I've accumulated over the years. None of those were seamless (hadn't been invented yet). I never documented which body I applied to which NPC, it never even occurred to me to do so as I wasn't going to change them back. Now I want to use seamless versions. Needless to say as I find out which body I used and then apply the seamless version I'm keeping a list.
  25. If Valen Dreth says the guards are coming I think the UOP custom race fix is working. Does the Emperor show up and the main quest start? - Edit - Make sure the game version number is 1.2.0416 (as seen in the main menu screen at the lower left corner).
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