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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. No ... Pale Pass not started. I don't generally join the Mages Guild, so Frostcrag is my enchanting/spell making spot (but it takes a while before my character "qualifies" due to SM Plugin Refurbish, which put requirements before the DLCs start ... for Frostcrag it's your magic skills total and my guy was level 12 or so before he could get the key). I go past the Pale Pass entrance area on my way to Frostcrag to do some enchanting/spell making and those monsters make good "testing dummies" (as well as the bears at the bridge towards Cheydinhall from Frostcrag, which will be possible ogres soon). - Edit - You see now why my modding is mostly putting fluff in some houses ... no devious diabolical quests rattlin' around in the Striker noggin.
  2. The monsters guarding outside Pale Pass entrance respawn (I'm getting wisps, spriggans and trolls right now with my level 15 guy ... orgres are on the horizon). Maybe "borrow" the hollow rock from Bogwater and have it somewhere close to Pale Pass entrance. Recall you are the one who brought up a certain CM who shall now remain nameless ... cough, cough ... Ryan ... cough. - Edit - ooh, now I see it was Ike that injected a certain redhead into the mix ... where is he anyway, I need to keep him up past his bedtime.
  3. Refresh Data is on the Installers tab right click Column Header context menu ... at least according to Wrye Bash General Readme.html (Useful Context Menu Commands section). The reason I have you installing the OCO v2 compatibility patches (and why they are where they are on my suggested package order) is so that any files that are needed are installed, and any files that are overwritten are overwritten by packages lower in the list. Note that the Seamless HGEC I have listed is only for E-cup (armor and clothes) or C-cup (clothes only). If you didn't install EVE you don't have a complete armor/clothing replacer ... you need to tell me exactly which body you installed (preferably with a link, in case I don't already have it to refer to).
  4. Ike, you're not going to want to read this ... did you notice in the whole trip to Bruma I made with Ryan he didn't act up once, killed every bad guy we ran across without my lifting a finger (even when he had no weapon because I thought it would be fairer for him to take on an Ogre bare knuckles), never even bugged me for an apple to snack on all the way there and was as penniless when we got there as when we started out (throughout the whole trip he picked up one measly Goblin sword, and was as pleased as punch). I never subjected him to any TARDIS stuff ... do you think he holds grudges maybe?
  5. Sorry ... family emergency (nothing too dramatic ... somebody plowed into my daughter's parked van, which my granddaughter was using to get to and from work ... I am now a shuttle pilot). EVE is just one of the many "flavours" of HGEC. It's pretty well the only one that comes with a mostly complete clothing/armor replacer, which is why Ike and I push it rather than one of the other flavours. Lick 'em and they all taste like HGEC. The reason the Khajiit male has those extra files with _m appended to the regular file names is because it uses Blockhead to work it's magic. That's how it works for male but doesn't touch the female Khajiits (the vanilla game uses male textures for both male and female Khajiit, which is why they are such a problem race). Those file names and folder locations need to be exactly as they are in the Khajiit for OCO v2 males or they won't work. I think you are suffering a BAIN induced mess, in part due to the subtleties of BAIN's package order deciding what overrides what, and the complexities of the Khajiit race in general. Because I manually install almost everything (and certainly everything body/head mesh/textures related) I'm going to need to really think through this BAIN package order. I'd suggest from top to bottom ... EVE base including armor/clothing subpackages Roberts male including armor/clothing packages OCO v2 base OCO v2 HGEC compatibility patch OCO v2 Roberts male compatibility patch Luna's Khajiit female fix Khajiit male body for OCO v2 Seamless Heads Nuska OCO v2 Seamless Equipment HGEC (make sure the packages for BBB are lower in the subpackage list than the base packages, and note than only E cup includes both armor and clothes ... so it's base body which is default already BBBed, equipment and then BBBed equipment in that order top to bottom in the subpackage window) Seamless equipment Robert male (the Robert male Khajiit tail is overridden by Blockhead plus the Khajiit male body for OCO v2). I believe you can just reorder the packages and subpackages and then use Refresh Data and then Anneal from the right click Installers tab menu to fix things.
  6. Honest ... only Rangaros and Striker were listed down at the bottom ... you've gotten some stealth technology during my brief absence.
  7. The folder path is Data\meshes\characters\RT\bodytypes\... and in each bodytype folder there is a Cloth and Nude folder. Without help from Blockhead there can only be one body mesh for all males in the game, so it's just a matter of moving and renaming files (in the case of trimmed tackle).
  8. OCO v2 is head meshes and textures ... that's it. The OCO v2 HGEC compatiblity (or Roberts male/female etc) are replacement body textures to match the OCO v2 head textures. The reason you still see neckseams even if you use OCO v2 and the OCO v2 body texture compatibility patches is because the vertices on the head mesh at the neck don't align with the vertices on the body mesh at the neck. Because the vertices don't align none of the textures can properly align. The Seamless series aligns the vertices of the neck, wrist, waist and ankles on all of the meshes it covers. When you install the Seamless Heads Nuska OCOv2 Edition it changes the head meshes that were originally installed with OCO v2 to replacements that have the neck vertices in the position that exactly matches the position of the neck vertices in the Seamless body series (HGEC, Robert male/female TGND2 etc). For some (e.g OCO v2) it also includes replacement textures (body and head) that work to minimize the seam as much as is possible within the constraints of the system Bethesda gave us (as extended by HGEC, Roberts etc). For others (e.g. TGND2) only replacement meshes are included (not necessarily because replacement textures wouldn't help, but you need to draw the line somewhere, else you will need to spend the rest of your life converting stuff for each individual on the planet ... ain't getting me to hold my hand up for that one!!). It's just like at McDonalds ... would you like the full meal deal ... in this case there's no super size option. - Edit - ... +1 :ninja: for Striker!! Hi Ike, didn't see you lurking.
  9. Think of the Wrye Installers tab this way ... if you had ten mods already installed using the Installers tab (BAIN wizard or no) and then added an eleventh mod that would overwrite the female fur mesh of mod number 7 on the already installed list, it would overwrite the female fur mesh if it was anywhere from eighth to eleventh on the list, but mod 7's fur would win if the eleventh mod was listed in positions one through six. It works like this. When you install a mod using BAIN it looks at what position the new package is relative to the already installed packages and then assigns a priority to any assets in the new mod vs the installed mods based on it's position relative to each and every installed mod. If the new mod is at the bottom of the list all of it's assets would overwrite any conflicting ones from any mod higher up the list. If it's at the top of the list the only assets that would get installed are those that exist only in the new mod and not in any of the others currently installed. Look at the section BAIN Package Order in the Wrye Bash General Readme.html document for more info. I download every mod I install to a folder, extract to that same folder, examine what it will install and compare to my currently installed mods before I either manually install or BAIN install any mod ... no exceptions. Yes, my micromanaging in the game is merely a reflection of the real me.
  10. You could use an alternate start mod and then create a custom Class during character creation that has skills you won't be using regularly as primary skills. If you want some skill boost in skills even though they're not primary you can use the specialization to get around it somewhat. I won't be at my gaming computer until later today ... I'll post some links to help explain all this in an edit later.
  11. What could be happening is the order you have their respective packages (the 7z downloaded archives) listed in your Installers tab. The order in the Installers tab works the very same as load order ... lower on the list is what "wins" any overwrite conflicts. So if non-BBBed EVE was lower than BBBed EVE the non-BBBed would "win". Then when you added the Seamless BBBed it was lower than either and it "won". I'll take a closer look at exactly what each package contains when I get home later today. I do recall that some meshes in Seamless BBBed were actually non-BBBed ... I think there was folders with all the meshes in non-BBBed and then a folder with some of the meshes BBBed, but I could be accessing that faulty memory chip too (GIGO).
  12. Sorry ... been on the road today and I'm not at my gaming machine so I'm not able to check exactly what the Seamless BBB includes vs the EVE BBB. It seems to me when I checked not long after Seamless came out that it rendered the EVE BBB redundant. With the EVE BBB you were either stuck with one bust size or there was an alternative that didn't cover all of the armor and clothing (again working from that old memory chip that could have a few bits flipped). It's not that hard to figure out. Just download to a folder, extract and compare what each contains. Both EVE and Seamless are stock replacers so neither will look substantially different from the other. If you do find something in the EVE package that isn't included in the Seamless you can just add it. They are both pure replacers, and as such they are only replacement meshes put into the correct folder path (e.g. the female fur cuirass must go in Meshes\Armor\Fur\F or else the game will require an ESP to tell it where to find it). I'll be back home later tomorrow if you haven't sorted it out by then.
  13. LOL ... welcome to the Wonderful World of Modding. When I saw you mention DR last night I sort of cringed. There's reasons you don't see me posting in those mod comments .. good luck.
  14. And when MOO is starting to get familiar and not so edge of your seat Maskar can up the ante ... Basic Primary Needs and Basic Physical Activities. If you throw Realistic Fatigue and Enhanced Economy into the mix it becomes almost a strategy game.
  15. Nah Maskar's just checking that I'm not spreading lies. Probably uses the forums search for terms like MOO, Maskars etc to see if help is needed. MOO is a very large mod, so I wouldn't be too concerned if OBMM seems to be taking a while to create the OMOD. In the few tests I ever did with it doing that on regular sized mods had me wondering if it was OK. Having the script help with the INI work will be good though ... MOO has lots of INIs and just about everything can be turned on/off to suit your taste. If it's been a while since your last foray into Oblivion you may want to stay away from the more hardcore options, at least until you survive the first mudcrabs. - Edit - ... +1 :ninja: for Ike ... he's even reading my thoughts!! Where's my tinfoil hat. - Edit 2 - hey Ike ... you gonna get Ergaon? You have way more "showracemenu"-foo than I do.
  16. Your bashed patch is the "merged stuff". No real need to back it up though, as it's kind of like a running backup every time you rebuild, with the pertinent stuff included and the unneeded stuff set aside.
  17. Yes, you rebuild your bashed patch after you install or uninstall any mods. The routine is always the same ... install/uninstall, BOSS and then bash. Some mods will come with bashed tags (actually BOSS has something to do with that) which instruct Wrye what to merge into the bashed patch and what not to in some cases (the {NoMerge} tag is an example). Without tags Wrye will look at the things the mod is doing and may merge some things for compatibility with the rest of your load order (it merges some records in my own homegrown mods for example ... no ill effects seen so far). The tags and the load order are it's key parameters (so I keep my stuff near the bottom, so when there's a conflict my stuff wins). The more you use it the more you'll trust it. I've looked at that Script Optimizer myself ... I'm with Ike on this, let us know. It's not like we're using you as a sacrificial lamb or anything ... someone has to be the leader. Actually a few things I saw in the comments turned me off it. Whether they are true or not has nothing to do with it ... this is all just an illusion, and we're simply reflections of smoke in the mirror (or was that Smoke on the Water ... Fire in the Sky ... I get so confused while waiting for the meds to kick in).
  18. A lot can happen on the way to Bruma, especially if you have Ryan along for the ride.
  19. All that Spicy Fox et al stuff is for if you have those mods installed ... not needed at this point. The trouble with the anatomically correct Khajiit is compatible armor/clothes ... you're limited to what's available. If you're just looking for a bit of better, without too much of a performance hit, have a look at Weather All Natural or it's predecessor Enhanced Weather (which is the one I use because it had a patch to fix a weather problem with the old version of Kvatch Rebuilt I use with my alt start mod).
  20. Ike plays with Cethlenn, Alroy and Ryan in a different time zone ... probably messes with them big time ... sorry, couldn't resist Ike. I must confess I didn't spend an awful lot of time with them beyond testing. Before I started fuffing up my houses with my own NPCs I used to use the vanilla CMs for the job ... never had a one go walkabout on me. Don't feel bad Ike. Good thing the things I say here in the privacy of the Striker Manor don't broadcast (gosh never thought about that ... hope that mic wasn't plugged in). And you're right ... Alroy was trying to woo Narina and Ryan was more interested in a certain Goblin's toys ... it's all coming back.
  21. The UL series will make at least some changes to all but a handful of cells outside of the cities. Quarls has more Reduced, Redimized, ReWhatevered versions than you could shake a stick at (obviously I'm not in the oh, oh got to make it look better camp). Ike will be able to direct you more on what works and what just works your hardware to it's knees. If you want to see some of the "possibilities" check out SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition ... more flavours than Baskin Robins and no lineup (well no lineup once the weather finally gets nice). So you think Ike brings out the best in me ... or is it the best of the worst, or maybe worst of the best ... hope not the worst of the worst. I try to do my best besting him in the :ninja: category ... :laugh: - Edit - ... only 1/2 of one :ninja: ... I didn't really have much to add value beyond my usual old stick in the mud.
  22. I think Imperial is Imperial, whether it's the player or an NPC. If you want to nerf your character without affecting all of the other NPCs of that race you'll need to make a copy of the race and edit that one for your character.
  23. Unless you specifically make some CMs for the place, any CMs that a player brings in with them will stay in whatever cell they are left in with the Stay or Breakup command. NPCs will only traverse cell boundaries that require a load door if they have a package that directs them to (like Ike's example directing them to a specific chair or specific cell to eat, sleep etc) or a script doing the same. They won't starve to death without food or die from lack of sleep, even if they have packages that want them to eat or sleep.
  24. Sorry, grocery store run and then some play time ... you know that all work no play thing ... I'm dull enough right out of the box, don't need any help.
  25. You'll install (put a tick beside in the Wrye window that shows all the subpackages) 00 Core, 01 Body Textures, one of the 10 level packages, one of the 15 level packages, the 20 level package that matches you 10 level package, the 25 level package that matches your 15 level package (the 21 level package just has some alternate meshes for C-cup ... you could install that if you wanted and you picked C-cup in your 10 level selection, it's not required though). Most non-wizard BAINs come arranged this way, where you only pick one of each level package. - Edit - ... +1 :ninja: for Ike ... storm must have abated.
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